in #life6 years ago (edited)

Image source:Pixabay

Words are the daily tools that we use in order to communicate with others. In order to convey a message and make ourselves understood, we try to chose the words that would describe more accurately what we feel or what we want others to get from us.

Some of us put an effort and actually think of what we are saying because we are aware that words sometimes can hurt someone worse than a knife. Isn’t ironic that they have such amazing powers? They hold the key to both hurting or healing.

What happens when our words are taken out of the context and the message you intended to convey gets altered? Context is important as it fleshes out the idea. Without it, our message can sounds cold or it can easily be misinterpreted. When the a sentence is taken out of context, its initial meaning changes. It no longer serves the purpose you assigned to it.

Thus it can lead to misunderstanding or even conflictual situations. Generally a third person is involved and thanks to him you end up explaining what you actually meant by that sentence.

I am sure it had happen to you more than once to have someone quoting you and by that finding yourself at odds with others.

Image source:Pixabay

This type of incidents take place anywhere. At home, at work or among friends. Wherever that is, you still need to go back to reassure the “victim” that your truth got distorted and apologize although you were not responsible for creating this in the first place.

Anyway, question is how do you protect yourself from future incidents? Cover your bases by using a written form of communication. Send an email or a text message that could serve you as proof in case of similar outcomes.

Remember the latin proverb/ saying : verba volant, scripta manent? It means spoken words fly away, written words remain.

Unless stated otherwise, all photos used in this posts are taken and owned by myself. If you wish to use any of my images, please contact me!

Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed it! Please leave your feedback in the comments, I would love to hear your thoughts!

@2018 LaviPicu aka The Lyme Poet. All rights reserved.


Always in writing... always in writing. Drummed into my head. I do have the "problem" of believing in people and thinking they will do the right thing. And then..... not so much.

You're right in that we always need it in writing to be safe. But sometimes the feeling of the sentiment gets lost in the written word. Like watching a play being performed is so different from reading the same play.

Or watching the movie of a book - completely different from reading the book. Guess that's why we have both.

Great post! XXXOOO ~T

True. Reading a book and seeing the movie based on the book are two difference experiences.

Sometimes, the best way is to ignore, it's their problem, not mine :D.
People who knows me and still need an explanation, don't deserve one.
If they don't know me, but ask for an explanation. Well, who give them the right to ask for one?

See, easy ;) !

Some can be ignored, others can't. Especially if it is a client or someone that you need to work with, or someone you care about. Thanks for stopping by!

Yes, I do think it is more applicable to business since in real life we kind of just either correct them or tell them to hit the road. You do have times with agreements between friends which were verbal and what they do not realize is that it should be written down since from that point forward it is strictly business. Great post on pointing out that our words can be hijacked, this applies to our phrasing and choice, if then written down they are above reproach.

Right, so business always needs to be written down. I've learned that the hard way. But, at the same time, have you ever found that an email was misinterpreted BECAUSE it was in writing?

The inflection, tone of voice or meaning you gave to the words in your head didn't quite make it onto the page? Maybe you said something in jest but written out it was interpreted as downright rude?

Communication is a tricky thing.

I agree that sometimes even emails can be misinterpreted just because they were in writing. Tricky thing, indeed!

Good writing

hehehehe excellent!!!

I used to keep track of all my letters and emails and texts with people who used to CONSTANTLY twist what I said in verbal communication.

I've just had the best release of all by deleting them! I no longer care to defend myself. If they want to lie... I let them lie, but without my involvement anymore.

It has been SO freeing!!!! I never knew what I was missing out on!!! All that peace because I worried about how my words would be twisted.

Now.... I spend my time on people who care more about a conversation than a debate. hehehe

This was a great one @lymepoet!!!! :) Can't wait to hear from you in less than an hour! :)

Sorry I missed you guys on the show. I bet it was fun. Thanks for presenting for me.

happy to help!
yeah it was fun hehehehe but we missed you :)

Well said... Sometimes messaging may not be the best way to deliver a crucial conversation.

I agree with that. Though a written proof always help.

email is my favorite medium of making sure it is documented and that there will be nothing left out.

After a meeting or a discussion with a work colleague, I would send an email and check if everything is in order. This helps create a digital trail of our conversation unless of course if it is recorded.

There is a problem with misunderstanding in some emails though that even if your tone is neutral someone could read it differently due to word choices so proper care must be used as well in what to use.

I always prefer using the email when it something related to work. Thanks for stopping by!

When it is work related, I ALWAYS use emails, even when something is spoken I have a habit of sending an email later that cover everything that we talked about with a request for a person to respond to it if he or she agrees with everything in the e-mail. Better safe than sorry lol. Thank you for another amazing post. 💚

I totally agree, better to be safe than sorry. Spending two extra minutes to write it down in a message/email is worth.

I've noticed that writing down everything has become a standard procedure for everything business-related. I guess people are just afraid of what you have pointed out. But in private life, I suspect it would backfire. Have you watched the series Black mirror. One of the episodes is just about this, and in the end it didn't end well.

Sometimes even in private life it might be helpful to have a proof of what was said or agreed on. I did not watch Black mirror. Thank you for stopping by and leaving your thoughts.

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