My two cents on Perspective

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Image source: Pixabay

Perspective is nothing but our personalized lens that allows us to see the world around us. We can look at the same thing or at the same angle but will never have the same image or feeling as the other person next to us. Nothing wrong with that! As a matter of fact, that's one of the things that makes us different one to another. Our uniqueness makes us special.

According to the lens we use, the perspective can vary. It could be accurate or distorted from what the rest of the world would call reality.

Every single human being has his unique core self. When we stop comparing ourselves with others, we start embracing our uniqueness and see things through a different perspective. That's the moment when our lens changes focus and we become aware of the uniqueness of others.

If you do not dare to raise your eyes, step out of your bubble and look high above you, you might think that you have achieve your full potential. You'd be living under the impression you gave your best and that was it.

When you think that everything is finished, keep in mind that was only the beginning! Each new peak you climbed offers a wider perspective. It enables you to get more knowledgeable and humble.

A Philippines proverb says:

There's no burnt rice to a hungry person.

It all depends on the perspective you chose to have. You can look at the world through pink glasses, or close one eye if you'd like. The choice is yours to make. A wise thing would be to always see the bright side of things and be grateful for the things you have, instead of focusing on the negative points.

If you'd prefer a different analogy, imagine that the moment you are born you are facing a wall. Your eyes can only see the bricks. More steps you make, more you distance yourself from that wall, your view expands. Further you go, your eyes can see the wall shrinking and can enjoy the beautiful landscape going beyond it.

The only thing we have control over is the perspective. We can't control what is going to happen to us, but we can decide the outcome of our situation as we do have a choice on how we view things.

Unless stated otherwise, all photos used in this posts are taken and owned by myself. If you wish to use any of my images, please contact me!

Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed it! Please leave your feedback in the comments, I would love to hear your thoughts!

@2018 LaviPicu aka The Lyme Poet. All rights reserved.


Yeah. I'm into changing my perspective. I have found more peace through changing my perspective than asking other people to change.

I agree, it is a lot more easier to change yourself than others!

I have heard my dad say the following many times, "Perception is reality." I don't believe that perception equals absolute truth, but I definitely see how it shapes how we interact with the world we live in.

Change one's perception and they will have a totally new experience in the world!

totally agree - its what we were saying in the show today too! it doesn't matter if its true or not (sometimes) -its so REAL to the person that is viewing it.... it shapes everything.

I try very hard to speak truth to myself in those moments when my perception is being tweaked by insecurities and... well... lies. LOL but its tricky sometimes, isn't it?

Many times perception is seen as being the absolute truth. Not everyone is willing to cover all angles and look for more facts before putting a label on something or someone.

Perspective and context are crucial things! Too often people jump to a judgement or a conclusion without stopping to think about these. In the reverse situation, they would plead all manner of context to justify actions....

yes.... a friend and i started using a "code phrase" to let us know when we're going to be speaking truth in love.... aka. maybe harder to hear ;)

but... we're trying it - so far its working great!

and its been about 18 hours so---- LOLOLOL

Maybe you need to choose a different trigger key? The key phrase "code phrase" is a touch on the easy to guess side of things? And you've broadcast it on a blockchain!

Like using 'password' for your password!

Well, at the time of writing this comment, I guess your system has worked out for a while day... Now to go through all your comments and work out what the secret phrase is... Truth in love, cryptic, and definitely intriguing!

LOLOLOLOLOL it's not on blockchain... It's in real life ...😂😂😂😂😂
You can stop looking hehe

It actually has worked... All kidding aside. It stops us from IMMEDIATELY becoming defensive and assumes a more passive attitude... So we both breathe first.

It has been employed several times now... And it really does work!!!! Lololol

I'll tell you if it stops working lol

If only half of the people on this world would take both perspective and context in consideration we would be already living in a better world!

When we stop comparing ourselves with others, we start embracing our uniqueness and see things through a different perspective. That's the moment when our lens changes focus and we become aware of the uniqueness of others.

You're always such an inspiration to me!


Aww, thank you! That is what every blogger would love to hear! I am humbled!

we missed you today in dito - but then i saw that you came in right at the tail end! hehehehe

i really enjoyed your post today :) so many truths just resonated!

see you next time i hope! :)

Thank you! I hope to get there on time ;0)

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Thank you for the inspirational words. Yes, we can't control things, but we can decide how we handle our emotions. Its always wise to choose the positive side.

It's not always easy to do so, but it certainly pays off.

Agreed 100%. Always think positive and see the glass half full :)

Indeed! Being positive always help.

So true, it's not what happens to you, but how you handle it that determines how you are gonna feel about it.

It took me a while to understand this!

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