Being Grateful for the Smallest Things

in #life6 years ago

When I saw this picture the other day there were two reactions I had. One, I laughed hysterically. Two, I knew my dad would love it.

The concept of an allowance is not something I knew about until I was probably 11 or 12 and even then I thought it was odd. You see, being paid for doing chores around the homestead was not something I or my siblings have ever received. In my dad’s words, “you have a roof over your head and food on the table.”

That may sound harsh to some folks nowadays and I don’t share that perspective to demean you if you do believe in giving an allowance.

There is value in teaching our young ones to work and an allowance can be a great way to reward them for that.

I share my dad’s thoughts and my experience simply to point out something that I think we can all agree on - there are some things we take for granted.

One habit I cultivate here on Steemit is interacting with folks from other countries. Be it Canadians, Australians, Africans, or Venezuelans, there are a multitude of views and lifestyles that can open ones eyes to what is “normal life.”

We do ourselves a disservice if we keep our world small and don’t get out on the internet and see the world as one of my professors liked to jest.

I say that with a chuckle of course as the internet can be a small world of its own depending on the channels you choose to listen to.

What I do hope you see in your travels, whether those be online or offline, is that there is opportunity out there and anything we receive from it is a gift.

Being able to bless people with our gifts and talents is a privilege that some people do not have. And whether we have a multimillion dollar home that we enjoy from that service, or a dirt floor below our thatched roof, you can put a bow on those blessings knowing it is all grace.

Image Source: 1-2


Triplets, I say! @molometer and I had the same dad as you. I was one of nine kids and if we learned anything, we learned that every person participates. This way, we had time to do the fun things in life when all the tasks were complete.

We we overworked? No!! But, we learned all learned to not take things for granted. Appreciation for the little things. Apples growing on our trees. Berries in the patch. Water in the well.

We thought we were rich growing up. I wasn't even disappointed to find out later that we actually were pretty poor homesteaders before their time. My mom made everything stretch and we never heard the words "can't afford" We were rich in love, the comfort of my mother's arms- oh so much.

Well, enough about me....

I'm calling trumps Denise, I was one of twelve kids lol. We all had to work but didn't know any difference. It was our way to be? It was our normal! :)

Oh, you win! LOL

and we never heard the words "can't afford"

I love that. It is a mindset and how we value what we have. Nine kids, now that sounds like fun!

Absolutely! Wouldn't take back one minute...

Oh, wait. Maybe one where one of my brothers gave me a haircut.

Haha! I’m sure there are pictures of that for family gatherings. My sister gave herself a haircut once. My mom was “thrilled.”

Haha! YOU bet! :)

My other sister cut her bangs off because she was sweating. And by off, I mean totally. No comment. LOL

Looks like you and I had the same dad lol. Didn't hurt me none to lend a hand in bringing in the money.
I've been working since I was big enough to push a broom and empty a bin. :)
Allowance?...I heard tell of that :)

Allowance?...I heard tell of that :)

Lol, and you turned out just fine. :)

I guess you'd have to ask my analyst about that ha ha.

Really beautiful this post with a great composition. If the simple things that we often do not give importance can represent something very important in our lives. Receive my affections @lydon.sipe


Great article, great Chesterton quote that I had not seen before... Thanks!



Great post! My kids never received an allowance, but I guess my attitude was more 'this is OUR house and we will all work to keep it clean and comfortable. My job is to go to work and earn money. Your job is to go to school and learn as much as you can' They seemed to catch on early that if there was something they wanted to spend a portion of our households money on, they would probably get it easier if they were doing a larger portion of the work. Oh, and they all were great in school and have done well in life. Love the bows, though!😃

this is OUR house and we will all work to keep it clean and comfortable.

Amazing what happens when it is a team effort. Sounds like your kids are successful from your example!

I love watching what they are doing with their lives and how they are raising their own children! I couldn't be more proud!

That is such a joy to hear. Few things make me happier than families that are growing in all aspects of life.

I love the Chesterton quote - I also love the fact that when Jews pray they bless God, not the food "Blessed are you, Lord of the universe, you give us good things from the earth to eat and drink." Gratitude.

I also love the fact that when Jews pray they bless God, not the food "Blessed are you, Lord of the universe, you give us good things from the earth to eat and drink." Gratitude.

That is good. Perspective is key.

a thing that my parents did when i was a kid, about high school age, was to give me pocket money for all the week.

It was about 10 euros for a week and i could spent it as i could see fit. For that period 10 euros wasn't a lot of money, imagine that most kids had double or triple the pocket money i had but there was a catch.

I could take food from home (for free :P ) like toasts or in general healthier food than the one provided by school. If my choice was to eat croissants and chocolate milk from school then i wouldn't have much money to go out during the weekend while if i choose to eat from home i would have enough.

As a kid i thought that was so unfair compared to what the other children had but as i grew up i learnt that not only that way i ate healthier but i could control my money better, prioritize and not waste them for meaningless things.

(Also note that schools in my country aren't like in USA, UK with big cafeterias that serve food, we just had something like a ''canteen'' inside)

that way i ate healthier but i could control my money better, prioritize and not waste them for meaningless things.

And those habits become invaluable to us. Thank you for sharing your story! I love hearing how different families and cultures operate.

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