
Too tired got a long reply. Upvoted at 100% instead. Now use that penis to mansplain to Sean that women are humans, just like men.

Okay, you don't actually have to use your penis, but apparently it helps to have one so men listen to your opinion.

Thanks. :)

I have the luxury of being somewhat emotionally disconnected from this discussion because I'm already in a place of security, and I know Sean in real life to be a good person, so I can give him the benefit of the doubt. Not only that, I see the actual results of his worldview in his family's life and I see how much good is there. I'm willing to suspend some judgement in hopes of learning something I don't currently understand.

That said, I recognize how often someone's solution makes a problem worse. In this case, I think both sides of the discussion could get frustrated thinking the other side's "solution" is making things worse when in reality aspects of both solutions can be helpful.

You're being a sheep @lukestokes, seriously, I don't mean it as an insult, for goodness sakes look at what you're going/giving into here by excusing the post that @seanking wrote. It is in itself just excusing and normalising, and not just accepting, but promoting the macho bullshit that's been a long hard fought battle for by many people, and one that still needs pushing a good bit further to be anywhere near to being tamed, never mind overturned.

I feel this is this very fear of being being pegged back down to our real value in a fair and equally balanced workplace/society/family life, whether he realises it or not, Seanmore or less says it's wrong of us, and that it's losing the battle if we ackowledge that there's a raw nerve there to be touched. That if we see ourselves as a victim, we become one. Really?? Fair?? No FFS, but very convenient! This viewpoint can only come from the viewpoint of a mysogynistic mind, not the scientific/biological arguement that he suggests.

The whole jist of the post won't hold an ounce of water for any fair-minded reasoning man, even if he occaissionally displays some of that behaviour, sometimes seen when people get drunk. It's behaviour they'd be normally ashamed of which means we do have the ability not to act like competitive cavemen in suits. Not that I wear a suit.

It sounds to me that this post is about desperately needing power or fearing the loss of it, and then being barefaced greedy enough to excuse bad masculine behaviour, that is institutionally entrenched in many of the older ruling elite, in order to keep it.

Seriously, this is not intelligent debate by a long shot, it's more like a minor politicians, who haven't been totally corrupted yet, having to go out giving uncomfortable statements in arguements/debates for their masters, as they slowly get ground into being a part of the sorry system. I've seen tamer 'mgtow'posts on youtube than this. please at least hit

I can't believe you're conscienciously only giving yourself a 100% upvote, seeing as you're being good enough not to make your own seperatepostabout this sad 'discussion' you're having.

There is some serious sickness at steemit, but you have to remember, all you say here is always here for people to delve into, and steemit isn't always going to be the same.

I wonder what the 'anonymous. think to all this this wanton greed that abounds. :)

Ps how on earth can you afford to be emotionally detatched from the world and the plights of others. It's a bit like saying I'm emotionally detatched from the homeless, because I'm secure in my nice house, no?

I also recommend you both listen and watch the video of Sublime performing the song Daterape.

If you're attempting to have a rational discourse with me, starting with name-calling is not a good approach.

This viewpoint can only come from the viewpoint of a mysogynistic mind, not the scientific/biological arguement that he suggests.

You're making a moralized judgement about Sean's motivations and intentions. Do you know him personally? Have you met his wife? Do you know what good he's brought to the world? It's possible you're labeling him based on generalizations you've seen in the past without knowing him personally. That's a composition/divison fallacy.

You misunderstood my statement about emotion. I'm a deeply passionate person (ask anyone who knows me). My comment was about being less attached to this specific discussion because I'm not in the category of the oppressed as a privileged, white male. I am deeply engaged emotionally or I wouldn't bother responding at all, but I am less triggered by this discussion because I don't have the negative personal experiences we're discussing as part of my history.

I'm sorry you think I should "hit" more. I prefer logical discussions. Though you may not see it, some of Sean's ideas are actually empowering for women and his own wife is an example. She has overcome quite a bit by embracing her own sexuality and getting rid of so much shame and judgement.

A wise person listens to others and learns from them, especially people they don't agree with.

Did you really just say that he was "name-calling?" What in the world? I agree with some of what you are saying , Luke, but he has a point. Because you and others are treating sean-king with kid gloves when his entire post is taking them off. I was supposed to refrain from posting here. In fact i was all but begged. Its getting more and more difficult.

Yes. I was called a sheep. How is that in any way unclear?

Who said you were supposed to refrain? I'm confused by that. If you have opinions, please share them. Take the gloves off if you think that's the appropriate way to have a civil discourse. Personally, I prefer discussions with reason, logic, and evidence.

When you call me for name calling, and answer to little of what I've said, it was a little out of context, no? It was followed by my, what I feel is, very sound and very obvious reasoning, as follows..........."seriously, I don't mean it as an insult, for goodness sakes look at what you're going/giving into here by excusing the post that @seanking wrote. It is in itself just excusing and normalising, and not just accepting, but promoting the macho bullshit that's been a long hard fought battle for by many people, and one that still needs pushing a good bit further to be anywhere near to being tamed, never mind overturned."

I called you a sheep simply because you were not going on your own thoughts, but trying to appease Sean's. Why would you do that? You won't be able to answer that truthfully here I feel. You don't seem the type to do well and thrive in the arena Sean would prescribe and clearly subscribes to, in order to wave his massive dick (otherwise read as power) at us all. Did you not get a strong hint of projection on Sean's behalf their? No, really. Again why? ..... again I don't think you can answer that truthfully here.

You say that, but the discussion above shows the viewers nothing of this. Excusing a misogynystic rant such as this is not what I would call close to civil discourse. There is nothing wrong with emotions, though I think Sean would refute that, despite the fact that he's led like a bull with a ring in it's nose, by, what I can only imagine to be, some pretty messed up and misplaced emotions'

There is nothing wrong with anger, it's a very much needed card in the cards of emotions, there is only a problem with how we act and deal with our anger. If we, the minions, had never got angry about the status quo, please tell me, where do you think we'd be now @lukestokes?

Your reasoning above is pathetic, I don't mean to say you're pathetic I don't know you or sean apart from what I've read in this post in a community that I belong to, and one that despite only being a part of it for a little over 4 weeks I seem to feel I actually care for it a lot more than some of the long established, who clearly use it as a milking machine, as you demonstrated perfectly with paying yourself a what was it $55-60 just for coming here and putting a comment down that 'you'd already both discussed I imagine with the same text. It's within the rules of course, but by coming and creaming money off this sorry excuse for a debate is, I think dispicable. In fact if I were you I'd seriously suggest donating it to a group that does good honest work across the board and particularly in this field..

I notice you changing your tune down the page at least, there is hope for you, I hope, now you've actually realised that the problem he and others are discussing, is indeed him and his misogynystic views.

To claim "I'm not going on my own thoughts" is to pretend to know me better than I know myself. To claim my intentions ("trying to appease Sean") is equally presumptuous. To further go on to say you know what I can and can not answer truthfully is quite absurd, in my opinion.

You don't know me at all. We've never met.

By what justifications do you make such claims about me?

You then go on to claim Sean's perspective on emotions and that he's led like a bull with a ring in its nose? You don't know Sean either.

I've been here a year and a half with over 10k posts and comments, a highly respected member of the community, and ranked as witness number 10. You show up less than a month ago and presume to understand my intentions to use it as a "milking machine"? Do 5 minutes of research, and you'll know I've been strongly advocating against self-voting, and for quite some time I haven't even upvoted my own root posts, though most others do. I voted up my comment because it took a ton of effort and if I had done it as a root post it would have earned much more of the rewards pool than my single vote (but I didn't think it was a discussion my 6k+ followers would be interested in). Since others voted for my comment also (not just Sean, but people who disagree with him), it clearly has value and is worthy of reward here.

I imagine with the same text.

Maybe your imagination is where you went wrong? I linked to the actual conversation on Facebook. It's all right there, a click away for you to read yourself. My comment was a continuation of our discussion there, not a copy of it. Please, do some research before you make false claims. As for Sean voting up his own content, he's already posted at length about his reasonings for that before. Use Google, and you can find it. Here, I'll make it easer for you: Life Ain't "Fair" and Neither Is Steem. Deal with It and Self-Vote Away. and My Self-Voting Policy. His opinions are his own.

The level to which you've mischaracterized me and judged my intentions is sad. I see you've modified this post multiple times. This is the blockchain. Everything on here is forever, even your edits. Please, try to be a little more respectful with people you don't even know and don't make so many assumptions about them. Avoid the name calling. Have an open mind.

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