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RE: No FOOD, NO More!

in #life5 years ago

...are you on twitter/telegram?

I won't go into details on here, and I'm not interested in employing you, but I've trained 2 or 300 people over this last 2 decades in web camming.

It's not for everyone, but you can nearly guarantee yourself 30 or 40 dollars a day income, minimum - up to 150 or $200, depending (on various factors).

I don't want paying to set you up/help you out, if you do want to try, I'm offering for free.
Only trying to help.
(to be honest - Most people give me a commission or one off payment once the money has started rolling in, as a 'thank you'.)

I'll leave this here and wait for the people who don't know what hunger is, to moralize on my offer to help!

Good luck anyway, in whatever you decide to do!


I am not a Twitter gal but I'm on discord under the same name i use here on Steemit. I have considered similar options but never seemed to be able to get them "off the ground" so to speak. Also on fb but would prefer discord PM if you have it.

I have considered similar options but never seemed to be able to get them "off the ground" so to speak.

I'll presume by that, that you mean you've never actually tried then? lol.
(it's very simple).
That parts the easy part - maximizing the profits is the learned skill, bit.
(among many other things)

I have a twitter accnt - never use it much, but you could DM me there.
If you DM me there, tell me your username on here, so as to avoid childish idiots playing games.
(I only set it up to send a meme in the steemit twitter feed) only takes 5 mins to do.


....the ball is in your court.

I truly haven't tried to neglect talking with you. I had two medical emergencies this week and feel lucky to be alive. So i wasn't playing games. :)
I just get really concerned regarding scams, etc. But if i had someone like yourself guiding me i would do better. And wouldn't take advantage either. About Twitter, i don't have a Twitter account, I'm on discord servers @chelsea88 nnot the same, but I'll check your Twitter out later.
Yes I know im old skool about Twitter, I'll reconsider joining . Thanks @lucylin

Shit, I hope your'e ok now?
( I have my girlfriends family coming down with flu - and we are in a ' high corona country'....not to worry).

As I said before, it's totally up to you, I'm not trying to 'sell' you anything, just trying to help someone out in a shit situation.

You can give me some dosh from your earnings - you will be self employed in charge of your own business.
I want you to take advantage of my 20 years experience, and if you wish to give me a 'thanks for helping out', that's cool to.

DM me on twitter once you've set it up. Twitter can be a good tool for you anyway, in this business. (depending on strategy).

You are based in the US?
If we go forwards, I'll have to do some research for your part of the world - but I wont bother until you get in touch via twatter.

Get healthy first!

edit - just did a NPC meme on twitter - so not sure i i'll get banned from that account! lolol.
No worries, I can set up another. DM me, and let me know.

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