How We Can Clear Our Mind to Increase Intelligence

in #life6 years ago

Hello Friends,

Here I am Lucia again trying to find a good and virtuous topic to inscribe and share on my blog.

So the topic for today is "Increase Intelligence".

Again and again people report that they can not sleep. By turning around and spinning in bed all night, the brain runs with thoughts that charge like fast cars through the tracks while the brain desperately tries to make sense of them. It happens to all of us and only some can master the way to stop it. This is an exercise that I went through when my thoughts took the force of reality and the races ceased.


My birth followed my reincarnation and the memory of passing from one life to another through the Spirit of the Universe, to which I maintained a bond. From the first day of this life, everything is remembered, including the floor in which we lived until I was three weeks old.

Then there was the other language that maintained the bond with the Spirit and prevented others from interfering with it. When I turned 8, my father thought I should learn to play the violin and that's when my life changed. Attending a Catholic school added to the confusion as each day brought more brainwashing and the need to accept the system.

It did not go well, since my mind constantly needed to focus on what the Spirit was telling me, but lessons and friends got in my way. That's when my mind started to run and it made contact difficult.

At the age that was shown to me between lives, the 45-year-old, the Spirit came upon me and gave me the task of eliminating the wall of blindness. The next two decades, at least, were resumed with a learning curve that provided answers about the origin of religious food. The lessons involved the role of fantasy and fiction in blocking the Spirit.

As I purified my thoughts, the small speed cars stopped running and the dream became the peaceful place of renewal and renewal that should be. The year was 1984 when this period of my life began and since then it has been my place to teach how those with a spiritual bond can cleanse their brains from the garbage that pumps them into a dishonest world.

The dream is important because it brings peace and healing to the body. When it comes to a chaotic mess of confused thoughts, the dirt of the day seeps into the cells and creates disease and a place where bacteria can grow. This stress garden is full of pollution rocks and a soil of toxic substances that work to cut the links with reality.

Those who trust this message may have felt dirty when they saw a movie, read a fiction book and even look at celebrities. This feeling has alerted them to get away from danger and to purify their minds.

It can also cause a bad taste in the mouth as a suggestion that what we eat affects our physical body mentally. To achieve perfect peace and harmony between the Spirit of the Universe and our minds, we must learn how to free them from brainwashing and, in doing so, increase intelligence and the ability to see that reality is the reward.

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So friends, upvote & follow me if you like my post and share your thoughts in comments.

Bye for now, Take care...

Read my other posts...



Regards from: @luciamuresan


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