Lovejuice Minnow Promotion // MAKE THAT CHANGE, LEAD YOUR PACK LIKE A WOLF by @drayhazz

in #life6 years ago


Making the change from being an occasional leaner to becoming someone dedicated to personal growth goes against the grain of the way most people live. If you asked one hundred people how many books they have read on their own since leaving school (college or high school), I bet only a handful would say they have read more than one or two books. If you asked how many listen to tapes and voluntarily attend conference and seminars to grow personally, there would be even fewer. Most people celebrate when they receive their diploma or degree and say to themselves, "Thanks goodness that's over. Just let me have a good job. I'm finished with studying." But such thinking doesn't take you any higher than average. If you want to take success journey, you have to keep growing.

As someone who has dedicated his life to personal growth and development, I'd like to help you make the leap to becoming a dedicated self developer. it's the way you need to go if you want to reach your potential. Besides that, it also another benefit: It brings contentment. The happiest people I know are growing every day.

Take a look at the following principles. They'll help you develop into a person dedicated to personal growth:


The people who reach their potential, no matter what their profession or background, think in terms of improvement. If you think you can "hold your ground" and still make the success journey, you are mistaken. You need to have an attitude. "Always take the offensive. Never dig in."

The only way to improve the quality of your life is to improve yourself. If you want to grow your organization, you must grow as leader. If you want to have a better children, you must become a better person. If you want others to treat you more kindly, you must develop better people skills. There is no sire way to make other people or your environment improve. The only thing you truly have the ability to improve is yourself. And the amazing thing is that you when you do, everything else around you suddenly gets better. So the bottom line is that if you want to take the success journey, you must live a life of growth. And the only way you will grow is if you choose to grow.


it's not what you are going to do, but it's what you are doing now that counts. Many unsuccessful people have what I call "someday sickness" because they could do some things to bring value to their lives right now. But they put them off and say they'll do them someday. Their motto is "one of these days." But as the old english proverb says, "One of these days means none of these days." The best way to ensure success is to start growing today. No matter you may be starting from, don't be discouraged, everyone who got where he is started where he was.

Why do you need to determine to start growing? There are several reasons:

Growth is not automatic. You can be young only once, but you can be immature indefinitely. That's because growth is not automatic. Just because you grow old doesn't mean you keep growing. That's how it is with some creatures, such as crustaceans. As a crab or a lobster ages. it grow and has to shed its shell. But that's not the trend for people. The road to next level is uphill, and it takes effort to keep growing. The sooner you start, the closer to reaching your potential you'll be.

Growth today will provide a better tomorrow. Everything you do today builds on what you did yesterday. And altogether, those things determine what will happen tomorrow. That's especially true in regard to growth.

Growth is your responsibility. When you were a small child, your parent were responsible for you even for your growth and education. But as an adult, you bear that responsibility entirely. If you don't make growth your responsibility, it will never happen.

There is no time like right now get started. Recognize the importance that personal growth plays in success, and commit yourself to developing your potential today.


There has been a change in focus over the previous years in the area of personal growth. Beginning in the late sixties and early seventies, people began talking about "finding themselves," meaning that they were searching for a way to become self fulfilled. It's like making happiness a goal because self fulfilment is about feeling good.

But self development is different. Sure, much of the time it will make you feel good, but that's a by product, not the goal. Self development is higher calling it is the development of your potential so that you can attain the purpose for which you were created. There are times when that's fulfilling, but other times it's not. But no matter how it makes you feelz self development always has one effect: it draws you toward your destiny.


"The greatest enemy of tomorrow's success is today's success."---(Rick Warren) And he is right. Thinking that you have "arrived" when you accomplish a goal has the same as believing you know it all. It takes away your desire to learn. It's another characteristics of destination disease. But successful people don't sit back and rest on their laurels. They know that wins like losses are temporary, and they have to keep growing if they want to continue being successful.

No matter how successful you are today, don't get complacent. Stay hungry. Don't settle into a comfort zone, and don't let success go to your head. Enjoy your success briefly, and then move on to greater growth.


The best way to keep from becoming satisfied with your current achievement is to make yourself a continual learner. That kind of commitment may be rarer than you realize. For example, a study performed by the university of michigan several years ago found that one third of all physicians in the United states are so busy working that they're two years behind breakthroughs in their own fields.

If you want to be a continual learner and keep growing throughout your life, you'll have to carve out the time to do it. you'll have to do what you can wherever you are.


Every person is composed of a few themes. As you develop yourself, you should identify and concentrate on the few themes at the heart of who you are. That's what i have been doing in past years, and it has yielded a high return in my development. My life is people focused. My purpose is to teach leadership and help people grow to reach their potential, so I have narrowed my personal development to these areas:

Relationships, which determines how well I know people.

Attitude, which determines how well I relate with people.

Communication, which determines how well I motivate people

Leadership, which determines how well I influence people.

Personal growth, which determines how long I develop the other areas.

Where you focus your attention will depend on your purpose, how you wish to help others, and what it means for you to reach your potential. At first you may be tempted to give your attention to too many things. But keep your focus narrow. Give your time and energy only to the themes at the heart of your life.


I mentioned before that self fulfilment focuses on making a person happy, whereas self development proposes to help a person reach potential. A trade off of growth is that it is sometimes uncomfortable. it requires discipline. It takes time that you could spend on leisure activities. It cost money to buy material. You have to face constant change and take risks. And sometimes it's just plain lonely. That's why many people stop growing when the price get higher.

But growth is always worth the price you pay because the alternative is a limited life with unfulfilled potential. Success takes effort, and you can't make the journey if you're sitting back waiting for life to come along and improve you.


Don't let your learning lead to knowledge. Let your learning lead to action. The bottom line when it comes to personal development is action. If your life doesn't begin to change as the result of what you're learning, you're experiencing one of these problems: You're not giving your growth plan enough time and attention; you're focusing too much time on the wrong areas; or you're not applying that you learn.

Successful people develop positive daily habit that help them to grow and learn. One of the things I do to make I don't lose what I learn is to file it. At home I have more than ten dairy, while at office I have close to four dairy full of articles and information, and I read thousands upon thousands quotes. But I also make an effort to apply information as soon as I learn it. I do that by asking myself these questions anytime I learn something new:

Where can I use it?
When can I use it?
Who else need to know it?

These questions take my focus off simply acquiring knowledge and put it onto applying what I learn to my life. Try using them. I think they'll do the same for you.

Whatever you do, don't allow yourself to stay on a plateau. Commit yourself to climbing the mountain of personal potential, a little at a time, throughout your life. It's one journey you'll never regret having made.

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Thanks in advance.

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