"The Age of Heroes and Harlots" - Part II : Feminism and Sex Trafficking

in #life5 years ago

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Click here if you missed the previous part of "The Age of Heroes and Harlots.

The observations within this post do not amount to a prediction. Sooner, they are a question, one that asks if this could be where we are heading, and if so - what must we do to ensure that we do not arrive there.

I want to explore a potential connection between feminism, as well as much of modern media as a whole, and human trafficking. Very little effort is made by me to keep up with current events in recent years, and yet whenever I do find myself being informed of what is going on, I am able to notice recurring topics of discussion. One of such topics is human trafficking and sexual slavery, which according to the sources I have been consuming, are the fastest growing crimes in the world.

For obvious reasons, it is difficult to discern the amount of profit that is made by human and sex traffickers per year. I have seen estimates as low as $38 billion a year, up to $150 billion a year. To put that into perspective, the US energy industry makes $12.4 billion in profit per year. Given the amount of money spent by energy companies in the US on lobbying, advertising and propaganda, money spent towards growing that annual profit margin - is it not a reasonable question to ask whether key-profiteers of the larger, sex-trafficking industry are also spending money in order to influence the world in such a way that it would increase profits? And if this is the case, in what ways could a multi billion dollar sex-trafficking industry influence the world in order to maximise profitability?

Certainly one avenue to assist in that insidious agenda, would be to aid in the destabilising of countries, and to incite war, which creates a landscape where women and children become extremely vulnerable. But my observation of this world has shown me that the acquisition of great wealth and power begets, far too often, an even stronger desire to accumulate further wealth and power. Let's not think in the short term. How does a multi-billion dollar, fast growing industry, plan ahead? What does a ten, or twenty year plan look like to the largest profit-makers in the human trafficking industry?

With those questions asked, I would now like to discuss modern feminism, and modern media, and analyse the effects that it has had upon the people of this planet in the past decade. From there, we can potentially extrapolate a decade forward and theorise what the public mindset may look like.

In recent decades, largely due to all types of media, from music to movies, even computer games to the news, we have seen the slow death of the family unit, of the desire to marry or find a lasting love with a partner, and furthermore, we have seen a meteoric rise in misogyny and misandry. We have seen movements such as MGTOW(men go their own way) and the explosion of new phrases such as "toxic masculinity." In short, men and women, which were considered for the longest time to be a complimentary package, have begun to hate one another.

Furthermore, for quite some time now, women have been sold the fantasy of the independent woman who needs no man in her life. Hollywood has had a tremendous impact on pushing this into the minds of our women, but so too have pop idols such as Beyonce and the likes played a role, wittingly or not, in planting such seeds into the consciousnesses of women and young girls all around the world.

This seems to me to have resulted in a viscous cycle of women leading more promiscuous lives, and men increasingly looking upon women as sex objects. The glorification of sexual bondage in pornography, hit songs and blockbuster movies such as 50 Shades of Grey, and even in subliminal messages contained on billboards and advertisements, has only served to solidify this mindset that women are objects, meant for sexual pleasure. And in turn, many men have begun to behave as if that solely is what they are, further prompting women to use phrases like "toxic masculinity" and to push them out of their lives.

Now clearly, it is not everyone, probably not nearly half of people who have adopted these perspectives. But, one need only observe the world, the people in it, or even the comment section of posts on practically any website to see that it is a growing sentiment, and that men and women are most certainly being divided from one another.

Given the fact that this all seems to have taken place in a relatively short period of time, I ask you now to look to the future. If we persist along this same path, and men and women continue to grow further away from the understanding that we are complimentary beings, not adversarial ones; where do you think we will be in a decade or two? When modern feminism and the media has convinced women to chase independence, and to push all the men out of their lives, what will that independence equate to?

I fear, that this form of independence, coupled with the hatred for the opposing sex that we are being transparently conditioned with, will lead women into a climate where they are at their most vulnerable. If the sex trafficking industry continues to grow exponentially, how much easier will it be to, frankly, capture women and coerce them into sexual slavery? And taking the male perspective into account, with so many men by this point hating women, thinking them whores or sex objects, and likely having been pushed out of the lives of the women they may have attempted to get close to; how willing would they now be to pay to have sex with human trafficking victims?

I do not doubt that for many, it is hard to imagine a world where women could be so easily captured by sex traffickers - at least, not in the first world countries where we have governments and police forces that are allegedly working to fight against such occurrences. But another question one must consider is whether government and policing will look as it does now, in another ten years. I have had the suspicion that many governments in this world will fall in the coming decade or decades. It's a suspicion that is too often given credence to, most recently by the symbolic burning of the throne in the Game of Thrones finale. Centralised governance seems to be making an exit, and we appear to have been getting programmed towards the desire for this, for quite some time.

In a later part of this series, I intend to go into far more detail about why I question whether governance as we know it is about to undergo a dramatic upheaval in the near future, but for the time being, I ask only that you conceptualise a future where such an occurrence has taken place. Imagine, that criminals in society no longer answer to a centralised police force or government, and then reconsider the vulnerability of women who have pushed every man of out of their life in the quest to be independent.

So if you haven't caught on yet, though I do not believe it to be the case, I am certainly asking the question; could modern feminism, and much of today's media, be getting influenced by dark individuals who seek to grow a multi-billion dollar industry into a multi-trillion dollar one over the coming decades? If there is even a small chance of this, should we not evaluate our current perspectives, and ensure that we are not aiding in this hypothetical agenda?

If you are a man, I want you to ask yourself what your opinion about the modern woman is? Then ask your father what his was? Then guess what your son's will be.

If you're a woman, I want you to ask yourself what your opinion of the average man in modern society is? Then ask your mother, or your grandmother, what did she think about men when she was your age? Then consider what your daughter's would be in the future.

While I may be wrong about this observation (and very much hope to be), and perhaps movements such as feminism and the likes are not being influenced by evil bastards intent on leading women into vulnerability, and men into the perfect mindset to be "johns," one thing I do not believe I am wrong about, is that men and women are not enemies. They are necessary counterparts.

It is our job as men to protect our women, and we are increasingly falling short of that responsibility. It's not entirely the fault of men, because women too, are making it difficult for men to play the role of protector in their lives, because the media is convincing them that they don't need us to. Perhaps, for the most part, they don't need us to - at the moment. But we know not how this world will change over the course of the future. We should all fear a world where women have rid themselves of the men in their lives to the extent that they are without protection from the dangerous men who will have emerged as a result of being pushed away by every woman in theirs.

In closing, I humbly request that you challenge openly any misogynists or misandrists that you encounter in your day to day lives. I ask that you make a concerted effort to remind them, that their hatred is aimed at the yin to their yang, and that nature is smarter than we'll ever be, so perhaps we should trust that it didn't make us as counterparts so that we could "go our own ways." If there is even a chance that we are being led towards a future such as I have hypothesised here, then it is imperative that we find the strength within ourselves to overcome the ideas that modern media and movements are implanting within our minds. If there's even a one in a thousand chance that we're being manipulated down a path towards such darkness, then nothing is more important than us finding the will to overcome that manipulation, and forge a better path of our own - together.

In the next instalment of the Age of Heroes and Harlots, I will speculate upon the potential fall of centralised governance, and what the world of decentralised self-policing might look like for us.

Bran, the three eyed raven who is the world's memory, who knows everything that has happened and is happening...to me, that sounds like AI. AI becoming king instead of humans...Just a thought :)

An interesting idea. I had initially questioned whether Bran was a metaphor for the unthinking "reptilian brain." The part of us that operates autonomously based upon our subconscious fears/desires and the totality of our life experience. But I much prefer your proposal. Perhaps he does represent some sort of AI, or, a blockchain/immutable ledger, governing through protocols - with the weirwood trees then representing nodes on that blockchain. Whatever the case, I am quite sure there is a metaphor in there somewhere. Perhaps my open-mindedness was limited due to my expectation that it would be gnostic/alchemical/luciferian metaphor, like most other Hollywood stories.

You've given me much to think about, for sure.

Well he can't walk but he can 'fly', which to me could suggest moving through air waves, and all of the knowledge he now possesses makes me think of a database gathering and storing information, his personality is neutral, no passion, no anger- no emotion. If they were intending to present him as AI it wasn't in the negative way most people seem to perceive it- more pushing the idea that it's logical and looking out for the greater good- i.e. his interaction with Jamie. Certainly they seemed to be highlighting the faultiness in human governance with Dani going 'mad' like her father and Jon not taking action sooner based on his feelings.

Everyone hated the last season, and it wasn't great for sure, but I will say that the small council that was developing at the end with Bran at the head and Brianne as protector was a much more positive outlook for the future than they'd had up to that point.

Another great observation, about Dany's anger and John's love for her preventing him from stopping the massacre. If Bran is a metaphor for AI/Blockchain/Autonomous Governance, then that definitely becomes entirely significant.

I too was thoroughly disappointed with the last season. The only good thing to come from it was this masterpiece.

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I recall receiving 1041 upvotes on a post prior to this, so this bot seems to be faulty.

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I see. I was thinking to call myself dumb, but I think if you changed the word to "distributed" rather than "made" there would be less confusion.

Thanks for clarifying, person behind the bot.

I was thinking to call myself dumb

Please, don't!

if you changed the word to "distributed" rather than "made" there would be less confusion.

No sooner said than done, implemented!
Thank you for the suggestion @lordless.exile

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