How to become a whale thanks to #Steemit [we don't accept dolphins or cat shit/take your time to read it]

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Warning: this is not a fucking post that supports laziness as a way to get rich

whale meme.jpg

I have read countless articles professing methods, statistics, prayers and prayers to become a giant mammal and be part of #Steemit elites. But today I will show you an effective way to do it in just 1 month (if you read this line imagining the voice of the infomercials will be more convincing).

It's simple:

Very early, around 7 or 8 in the morning turn on your computer. Look for a Coke, some pizza in the fridge and sit in a comfortable chair, preferably one in which you can recline your body every so often.

Start eating while you press Resteem to a couple of publications, that even if it is a shit, they will give you many curation's #SBD. The morning passes like this. Every so often, go to the bathroom, urinate, and come back with another soda or some fried chicken and sit down in front of the computer again.

Around noon, you have already done enough ResteemSpam in your account, so try writing something. If you have followed my indications so far, it means that you're possibly doing some terrible post about cats, sneezing or metaphysical reflections about why your underwear usually dawns (stop porn, find a friend). But don't worry, in our program of Compulsive Whales we don't discriminate against anyone.

How to get out on the street is overrated, grab your phone and call Domino's or better, dial the phone number of Mr. Tai Ni Bei Bi (hahaha I love chinese names), the Chinese 33rd street and ask for something very greasy with a couple of beers. While the delivery arrives you will have already finished your first article of the day, a mediocre text about how to get rich overnight doing Vote x Vote in #Steemit.

You ate, you drank and you still have a few hours in front of the computer. It's time to do something else. Drag the chair a little and turn on the TV. Tune into Discovery Home and Health or some of those channels of plastic people who cook delicious but nothing seems real. Now feel a bit of guilt for not eating as healthy as the presenter tells you. Ready? Observe your SteemWallet, you already received a pair of #SBD from last week's curation. Forget the guilt and go for more pizza and Coca-Cola (you do not need to get up, roll the chair to the fridge).

Keep checking some post, give the latest Upvotes of the day and if the cravings and poor digestion allow you, sleep a little.

With this routine for 30 days in a row I assure you that you will weigh around 300lb and you will have taken your first steps to be a great whale thanks to #Steemit ... and this post.

#Steemit is a great place to grow, make friends, have fun and even learn about great things. Those who have managed to make a big capital here, who have the coffers full of #PS and #SBD are people who have dedicated themselves to doing quality jobs, who don't beg for a penny in order to earn thousands with their own effort. That's why I refuse to call them Whales, I prefer "Greats".

For me they are great people through whom I have learned wonderful things; besides, with them I'm sure that better things will always come.

My advice: it is up to you to decide the food diet you want in your life, but please, we beg of you, stop doing crappy post that make us all waste our time. Worse still, don't use sensationalist titles that later bother us when we expect quality material and result talking about your morning flatulence. Thanks!

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And what do you think? Come on, here we don't judge, we only share ways of thinking...


Hahaha I really had to laugh a bit about this post. First in the beginning I was quite confused where this is going to lead to but while I kept on reading it become clearer. Really, really good written and with an important point in the end!

I'm very flattered by your words @kusatsuri, thank you!

And yes, that was my idea, try to raise awareness through satire. Many just join #Steemit looking for King Midas' bag and forget that kingdoms are not earned as prizes in cereal boxes.

If you liked it, you'll know more about me soon. Have a nice day!

You are totally right and I think to present everything in satire is the right way to make people notice that something is wrong!!! Well of course not everybody gets it but the most ;)
Will wait until that time :D Thank you wish you a great day too!

Smiles all round for this post. Started off questioning your life choices, ended saluting your style.

Hahaha that's great @calumam, I love it when I make people smile.

It's good that you enjoyed it!

Mr. Tai Ni Bei Bi, it took me 1 minute or 2 to realize :))

Hahahaha @ady-was-here you can't deny that it is very funny. Actually, once I met a Chinese man who answered that name (although I think the spelling changed a bit), I died laughing.

Have a nice day!

Writing style like a pro :) love it. Was going to rage quit but it was worth reading

Hahaha, thanx @zelenicic! Sometimes prejudice blinds us, fortunately you decided to approach and I thank you for that.

See you around! :D

Hahaha thanks @sirfreeman... Good thing you got a couple of smiles! :D


ProTip: First tag should have been "satire" ....not "life"

Steem on!!!

And if I promise to vote for your acceptance into Qurator....will you promise to upvote at least a couple of the better comments to your posts? It helps you and those taking the time to enjoy your Post. XD

You can be sure of that ... I'm still learning how to make my experience better, and of course that includes improving the interaction with my readers more and more.

I'll appreciate your help. Thanks (again).

That's true .. Thank you very much @em3! Is a very good advice.

Steem on!!!

Excellent! I didn't see that one coming!

Thanx @artzanolino! It's better to take a good surprise than reading "how to get rich in three steps" templates, don't you think?

Have a nice day and thanx for reading!

It was a pleasant surprise for sure, I wouldn't have minded tips on becoming an artwhale though, but a good laugh and maybe your follow & support are a big win! Flying blue whale small.jpg

Yo soy artista sobre tu isla visina de Curaçao. Me gustas tu cuenta Que pienses de sostener uno al otro?

Soon I will make a post with good tips to achieve that level, meanwhile I conceive that goal as a place that comes only by working hard.

You will read more about me. Don't miss it!

PS: I didn't understand the line below the image.

My bad, somehow I thought you were from Venezuela, it reads I'm an artist from your neighbour island of Curaçao, I like your account, how do you like the idea of mutually supporting one another... It was basically hoping we could help each other continue to grow!

Of course! I'll see your blog, I'm sure you have interesting things!

We all are here to grow and it's always good to make friends with the spirit that you radiate!

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