There are so many fake things on Earth, and the education system is one of them

in #life6 years ago (edited)


First I wanted to thank all the 3000 followers (a bit more) now that I have reached this point in this wonderful community that is Steemit, I had the intention to do it for quite a while, I can't do it one by one, but trust me I fucking love you all. I will do all I can to check your pages as soon as possible. I won't make a post dedicated to this, I prefer to regroup everything I have on mind right now in that post.


I don't care about the state of the crypto assets right now. Some things are more important than that, far more. And this is all about trusting it as a whole. Don't be fooled by these fluctuations. Hold and stop panicking. You know you can't make decent money with all the taxes anyway, better look for interesting jobs in the crypto world if you're really a cypherpunk person.


Trust me I will keep on posting about that kind of topic because I am myself an engineer in physics who ended up getting so passionate about informatics and programming languages in general that I learnt a lot of hacking tricks and I'm still learning a lot. You never stop learning in that kind of area. Speaking of learning, that brings us directly to the main topic.

So now I ask you to take a look at this controversial pic I posted at the beginning. You know I post controversial posts a lot anyway. I like that. Every single heated debate, the adrenaline linked with those issues, this is how I feel alive. And I never do things to get more popularity or fake stuff like that. When I talk or post something, it is always based on my own experience and to speak the fucking truth. Now that this is said, let's discuss this pic I chose for today. I took a little break from Steemit because I had to think about how to adapt my Steemit posts to my own attitude in real life (IRL or AFK as we say in this world).

And my own attitude in life has been more and more linked with the fact you have to stop doing too many things at the same time, or having too many passions; focus on one main thing that represents you the most. Then people will trust you more. They will know you are your true self. And I found my true self. You just need to ask yourself one simple question to find it: if I had 5 "free" minutes left before going to bed, what is the main thing I would do, even if I didn't manage to finish it today ? It could be anything, but if you have the answer, this defines your true self. As for me, it is creating; managing to create things by myself, either with programming languages or software (to create music for example), or even science fiction books if I can.


So now to the main topic of education: I always hated the education system. And when I say always it is : ALWAYS. I went to school from 4 years old to about 24. 20 years in prison I guess. Had I not met some funny friends. If I had to put it in a nutshell, I would say I learned things I could have learned by myself. I can even say without a doubt that I learned a lot more by myself than at school. Even if I managed to graduate at a physics engineering school. I'm talking about the knowledge linked with how to learn by yourself, to build things by yourself and to be critical of your own work. Everyone can adapt to a "norm" that is useless.

But it takes more guts and brains to imagine and conceive something new. At school, people always push you into finding a solution in a ridiculous amount of time, so you never have enough time to think by yourself, to use your own discipline, to build your own discipline (that is the best way to learn how to be efficient in your own way, because that's how you are the most efficient), and most of the time this solution is something linked with one single method everyone has to learn by heart without knowing how it works most of the time. Your mind has to be programmed only by yourself, so you're totally independent. See how the media and TV try to influence it ? The ads everywhere in the streets now ?


This is mind-harassment, mind-inception, call it like you want, that you only have to avoid. And the education system is no different. Trying to condition you into a person that will only look for a decent job, a decent wife and to settle in a decent home and build a decent family by mating like animals to add more humans to the fucking planet ! How boring is that ! Well that is clearly not for me. The second I was born I knew I was here because I only wanted to act differently.


There are multiple solutions to one single problem. But school doesn't bother about that; school only wants robots deprived of self-discipline, self-intelligence and self-creativity. It even tries to impose a norm of creativity ! How fucking ridiculous ! Needless to say most successful people in the history of every single discipline were not fit for the school system. They hated school, and school hated them. Albert Einstein is the best example. Decades after his death, people were still discovering interesting confirmations of his theories and terrific ways to use them (GPS, lasers, as for examples).

The main point of this educational system is to perpetrate the system. So it's "building" people that will only be enslaved to it. It's its purpose. As Pablo Escobar said:


I know I'm not quoting one of the best examples linked with self-made people, but still, he had found a very interesting point. Society conditions you to be in that "peasant" mentality where you're just happy with what you have. Think about it. I've made my own reflection about it. And I perfectly know what I want; as I highlighted it in the first picture, the easiest choice I had to make in my life was between teaching the system to people (I considered this opportunity as a pure way to perpetrate the system, what I don't want at all, I don't want to contribute to the development of some big, fake, shallow entity I hate) or keeping on developing my own skills to be the best version of myself. That's what I chose. I fairly don't know how we can change the education system, but what I know is lobbies are controlling it. And we must stop that. Every single day, I'm doing what I have to do to end up (as soon as possible) getting powerful enough in order to change that, because only power manages to change things. So I'm keeping on learning and learning any type of knowledge, really ANY type that will get me to eradicate those old pedophile idiots out there who think they are gonna keep on dominating the world with their lobbies, drug cartels and banks (which are anyway the same kind of "institution", I will make a post about that soon), because KNOWLEDGE IS POWER. Never forget it.


That's it, needless to say more ! Keep being efficient ! Life is only about efficiency, time is energy, energy is time, time is money, money is time, energy is money, money is energy ! All interconnected !



RULE NUMBER 1 Always expect the best, but be prepared for the worst !
RULE NUMBER 2 Never regret anything you made (or didn't make), always look forward to the new opportunities !
RULE NUMBER 3 Knowledge is power !
RULE NUMBER 4 Trust no one !
RULE NUMBER 5 The safer the better !
RULE NUMBER 6 Don't do anything that would contradict one of the aforementioned rules !


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@echowhale team swimming by with your upvotes, another team member will upvote shortly


Ok thanks !

school only wants robots deprived of self-discipline, self-intelligence and self-creativity. It even tries to impose a norm of creativity ! How fucking ridiculous !

Totally agree. I'm in the education system and I'm a plankton there, too, powerless to change it. But what I can do is try my best to challenge kids thinking. Try to say 'hey, this is the system, but if you want to do well in life, challenge every damn thing you hear'. Forget about 'not bringing politics into the classroom' - my ass. I'm constantly pushing for 'self discipline, self intelligence, and self creativity' and to be honest, good schools and good classrooms are trying their best to do that. But it' snot just the education system, it's the parents and kids who want 'results' to get to uni - so they literally WANT spoon feeding - i.e tell me the answer as I dont want to think for myself, i want you to give me what I need to know to get the 'right' answer to get the score. So it's not just the education system. Everyone's responsible for changing it.

Thanks a lot for your contribution to my post ! I'm glad someone inside the system adds a view. This is true, we need a real change. But from top to bottom. And we're all responsible for it. I'm glad you're courageous enough to be a teacher; I just can't do it. I prefer trying to find a direct way to change this system once and for all. But the main thing is only powerful people can do it. My actions have to have a direct, important impact on this system. Technology is one of the most powerful ways. We can all learn many things by ourselves on youtube and free pdf courses now. In any field. It should inspire us all to get more and more powerful because knowledge is power really. And once we have enough power we can change it. But the sheep will stay sheep. Some parents will keep on acting like that.

No worries. I often shut up because it's hard being the brunt of 'i hated school' conversations. I'm a bloody nice person who loves working with teenagers and I do my best to lead by example and be kind and compassionate and help them out as much as I can, and most of my colleagues are the same. I was a teacher because I had a good experience at school and I loved teaching, I think I was born to teach in some capacity (just became a yoga teacher, which I'm now teaching at the school). Are you in circles that have the POWER to change education? We can say we hate it all we like but fuck if you can do something to change it then that would be amazing. Tech is powerful I agree. Problem is most people are only reading the first 2 searches on Google. I try to teach kids how to find information that's not fed to them by corporations, politics, total bias. It amazes them. They want to know this stuff. So I'm still doing my bit. A lot of universities are looking at open learning and recognising that an entry SCORE to uni isn't everything. I think they are slightly more ahead than schools. A lot of kids do need some direction - let's be honest, if I was told to watch some you tube videos to learn stuff at 14 I would have ended up watching surfing videos. You need a degree of self motivation. Thanks for engaging xx

It depends, I don't need any type of degree linked with motivation, maybe some lazyass types need it, but one of my biggest strengths is the fact I never needed to be motivated, I just did what I had to do to become an engineer, and I guess I might end up getting more and more powerful until the day, very soon, when I manage changing it all. My purpose has always been strong, so when you have a strong purpose, you don't need motivation. You just do things. And you keep doing them. My purpose right now is very strong. It is fucking up the system in any way I can. Because it has to be like that. I just try to learn any kind of knowledge I can to gather more and more money to be powerful, because money is power, we can only say that. Be the most productive I can be. Too much hypocrisy. Too much self-destruction.

I just don't want to pretend I'm happy with that kind of shit happening around me. It's my attitude. No one will change it. Sometimes you have to become worse than the people you hated to get over them. Generally speaking, we live in a very naive world too, a naive world dominated by hate and self-destruction where people try to have the "peace and love" naive talks even when everything's falling apart around them. Bullshit mentality. You have to be badass to succeed in this world; or you're gonna be disappointed forever. It's the dictatorship of fake happiness and people generating new people to create families and have an ounce of fake happiness to have less fears because of the things they can't change; I've summed it all up; but I don't wanna flee what I hate with that fake "peace and love" attitude. I just wanna confront the things I hate in this world, I'm like that :D

Hey the world needs people like you for sure!!! GO forth and conquer!!! We need allsorts. Me, I am a peace and love kinda girl (though believe me I can get bolshy and resist with a good force when i do!) .. but the world needs that too.. the real stuff, not the fake stuff for sure...

Thanks, it's all in the mind, when you have so much hate towards a system, you can't know how motivated it gets you to learn new hacking tips, new knowledge, anything you can take to manage getting to what you want, any day that passes I'm just sick of expecting things instead of just doing them the right way. I'd follow my motivation to hell.

I'm taking you as my inspiration... sometimes I just throw my hands in the air tbh

that's great, we all need inspirations, my inspirations are Ayn Rand and Friedrich Nietzsche.

Thanks. Expect me to keep on writing more of the same type.

Well you are indeed loony. Not sure what point you wanted to make here I did read through it all intently.

teslalifestyle, you're an insult to people like Tesla. That's all I can say. I bet I know his work better than you do. I'm a REAL physician. That type of free insulting will have a consequence, don't expect me to sit back and let you shit on my page like that, so as an answer, work out your brain and understand me next time ! Because only the blind don't. Stop blaming me for being blind you fucking idiot. If I put a funny screen name on purpose, it doesn't mean you can use it this way, because you don't know me in real life, I'm far more intelligent than what you think, far far more, but the thing is, you will never know that. Because you judge people by their screen names and by how retarded you are to manage understanding their posts. "Oh not sure what point you wanted to make", then get the fuck out of here, you're not meant to sit and talk at my table you kid !

I know I'm loony for conventionalism and its sheep. But the best scientists were crazy too. The best writers too. Maybe I'm not one of them, but I'm closer to becoming someone like that than most "normal" people out there, fools like you, you are the one who is a fool indeed, it's only a screen name for me :D

Strongly said...

A lot of changes here, gosh, you have more than 3K followers, huge congrats!! I am back (well, kind of, I will share with you my plan some other time), and it is so good to find you still active on Steemit, still posting even if not that often :-) Many of my closest friends here are all gone (@grateful-charts and few more...

Glad to see you're still there, I'm seeing this post 3 months later, but you know, to cut a long story short, I've been busier than ever as usual in what we call "AFK" life (away from keyboard) ; at the beginning, I tried to post just to post, but now I'm focusing on posting quality content. I'm working on my real passion which is music and I really hope I can make a successful career out of it ! Especially trying to combine it with my scientific, computer-programming profile ; so I hope I can be as successful as someone like Avicii (RIP by the way, already 3 months he's gone) ; I'm a real seeker like him and inspirational people like him: seeking the real meaning of life, happiness, things like that. Free-spirited mind. And I think you're the same kind. I want to build a solid fanbase linked with my mentality, and my life story which is quite original and will stay like that.

Many people inspired me, I want to be some kind of inspiration too; even if the crypto market didn't look so good as we expected it to be at the beginning of the year, maybe it has made me understand fully what life is all about, really clearly: not thinking too much, only to plan, but whatever you're gonna do, it's all about either staying in the same fake, "comfortable" routine and be self-satisfied, or follow your dreams to the very end of it, without giving up. And those who manage to do that are the happiest; whatever you do, it's how you do it that counts, because the quality of your task in itself can get you wherever you want in that domain, so having a strong purpose is the best way to achieve your dreams, it's only about how much you want it, not how long you talk about it or think about it :D

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