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in #life7 years ago

Know how you feel. Did a long reply just this morning to an article, and clicked the re-steem button INSTEAD of post FIRST. Reply window vanished. All my thoughts blown to smithereens...

But your post got me remembering how I first got started in programming. I was living in Santiago, Chile in the mid-'80s during the protests and demonstrations against their dictator at the time, General Agusto Pinochet. Anyway, I'd been laboriously typing out a program I wrote on a Timex Sinclair Basic. It was a spreadsheet program I recall, and I had to save all my work periodically on a tape recorder at 300 baud. So I'd been really into the code of this thing one night - spending hours & hours entering and testing it - and of course, in my enthusiasm, forgetting to SAVE the damn thing to tape. All of a sudden, at about 3:00am, a terrific blast goes off outside our house at the next corner. All the power goes out. My little computer crashes. All is lost in a heartbeat! Turns out, someone had planted a homemade bomb nearby and blew out the neighborhood bank. Lesson learned: ALWAYS BACKUP YER STUFF CAUSE YOU NEVER KNOW WHEN THE SHIT's GONNA HIT THE FAN! :-)

Advice: Do it over. You've mulled it over in your head so much by now it'll probably come out better anyway and you'll be THANKFUL you did!


Upvoting this one for that story alone. Damn, man! Make a post about that :D When you do make sure to let me know. I used to listen to a lot of existential indie short stories on my iPod, and for some reason Pinochet was mentioned a lot.

And I actually did re-write the post and will be posting it shortly.

Great :) Can't wait to see it!

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