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RE: Yesterday

in #life6 years ago

Wow, that dream!!! Man, I don’t know that I’ve ever had famous individuals show up in my dreams... especially famous individuals like Godzilla.. but I have had a couple very lucid and odd dreams that stick with me. I even remember one from when I was a child, dreams are fascinating. I’m glad the fuzzy thing was just your pup though, not some sort of weird creature that was going to eat you.. I was worried for a minute.

Also, of course you didn’t remember your wives dream.. stupid men 😛

As far as the rest.. parenting is a bitch sometimes.. just remember they are tiny humans who also have bad days and your opinion of them means the world to them, when they do wrong.. tell them.. and when they do right .. tell them. One thing I’ve adopted is when I’m talking about something that may be “sensitive” to them, I try to make it about “us” instead and why it is beneficial to make these changes. Now if it’s just something insane, shit is going down.. but I mean small things that they need to improve upon.. focus on why making these changes is positive. I have a sensitive one too and these has helped.

I think everyone has days like that.. when everything piles up and you just want to give the world the finger and tell everyone to fuck off (some of us have weeks like that 😬) It’s normal.. because you yourself are only human as well.

Find those things that ground you, like the walk with the pups (minus the fleas) and do them more often. In the moments when you feel like throwing a table.. take a breath and remember the good. Also, it’s ok to loose it sometimes.. to cry.. to cuss and to tell those who need it, to fuck the fuck off. Just don’t let those moments become who you are. Find a daily activity that is sort of like meditation to you, whatever it might be.. something that grounds you and helps you to just breath again, and then embrace that you are an inperfect, broken human being.. And that’s ok.

❤️ Sending love your way and attempting to take my own advice...🙄



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Lol. Godzilla was a first for me!!!!! I mean, I’m guessing it was Godzilla. Looked just like him but nobody said his name. Maybe it was a generic monster/dinosaur looking thing. I dunno. What I am sure of was Fishburne and Wade being there. Batshit insane nonsense.

Correct. Men are so stupid.

Not even going to attempt to argue that one. Lol

Parenting is definitely tough. Each and every time I think I’m getting the hang of it, they throw a wrench into the mix. My daughter has an extremely difficult time not only apologizing but just realizing or admitting any wrong doing. She loves to point out the things her mom, brother, friends, boyfriend, or myself so that sucks but she has trouble seeing that she’s human and makes errors as well. At soon to be 17, these are traits I’d like her to have. Kids can get away with being “shitty”....we just chalk it up to them being kids. As an adult, those traits will only set you back in life and I’d like her to thrive in this life.

Yeah, this past week has been a challenge for me. It’s a culmination of a bunch of things just coming to a head and me not knowing how to properly navigate through it. My head gets filled with uncertainty and clouded with darkness. It’s a scary place to be at sometimes...ones own head.


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