in #life6 years ago


This post is being inspired by a post shared by a friend @uyobong. He tells us how he had setbacks in life, and thought to himself that it was over but God turned things around for him and he went to tertiary institution on scholarship.

This post comes as a reminder to those who feel that life is over for them. It is for those who unfortunately had lost their hero in life. Your hero could be your parents, husband, wife or siblings; it could be anybody.



To those who do not know me quite well,my name is Ndianabasi Tom. I am the last child in the family of ten. As a result of this, I naturally did not have to struggle for anything. Everything I needed was always being catered for by my mother. I was more or less an "ajebutter" then (as Nigerians would call it). My mother (of blessed memories ) happens to be the hero I am talking about here.

At my early age in life, I went to one of the best Nursery and Primary school in the city of Uyo. The time for my secondary studies came. My mother took me to a very good citadel of learning with a high serenity of environment . I was a boarding student there.

My mother will always fill my bags with goodies any time I left for the hostel. She would never miss my visit days without a genuine reason (s). She made life worth living as well as making it easy for me.

Out of a flash, things took a different turn. This is the part where I say that my hero amounted to zero.

It was during my last year in secondary school. I was wrWest African secondary school certificate examination. While in school, I heard that my mummy was critically sick and that at one point, she slumped and her mouth titled away from the normal position. She was then taken to the hospital after she regained her consciousness. The doctor diagnosed her and gave the sickness various nomenclatures.

To add to her grief, the State Government ceased paying her salary for about three years. You could imagine how helpless she was. We, her children spent all we had on her deteriorating health till all we had got finished. My father on the other hand was not very supportive due to reasons best known to him. Cutting the long story short, my mother eventually gave up the ghost.


At this point in time, I felt as though life was over for me. I looked at my siblings and father and they did not have much to offer. I concluded in my mind that my education was over. Meanwhile, I had just gotten admission into the university then; it was my first year and I had not paid my fees, I thought of suspending my studies because there was no one to sponsor my education. My only sponsor had died.

This is the exact period of time God showed up for me. I want to tell you that God always shows up when our power and strength must have been gone.

One day I got a call from someone I never expected to contact me. I answered the phone call, and the person invited me to his office. I got there and I was highly welcomed, he asked me about my academic pursuit and I told him everything including the fact that I was at the verge of suspending my studies. After I had finished narrating my story, the man in question offered to sponsor me through out my university stay and that is what he has been doing ever since then.

To you who may be facing similar situation or something worst. I want to urge and implore you to not lose hope. Do not give up on yourself. The worst thing that could ever happen to any man is losing faith in himself ; you've got to believe in yourself no matter what may come your way. God has something in store for you, and very soon the world will see it. Keep praying and hoping in God and things will certainly turn out for your good.

This post comes to encourage and motivate you. It comes to give you a reason to continue living, it comes to give you hope and assure you that definitely there is always light at the end of the tunnel. Your story will definitely have a happy ending if and only if you trust in God.




@liltom. Am glad that your supposed discouragement has become a testimony to inspire others. I'll complete your title to make it a quote thus:


Ask @surpassinggoogle, he'll tell you it's true. How do i know? Check out his signature for every post:

Dedicating My Entire Steem/Steemit Journey To My Mum.

Like i'll always say, "Don't give up, there is light at the end of the tunnel".

You will succeed

Thank you sir. I will definitely succeed

Thank you so much. Your comment was spirit lifting, and for the title, the transformation was beyond human. You are an angel.

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