So how should I get started with this?

in #life5 years ago

Finally, after some days (or a week) of non-stop rushing, I got all the assignments done and submitted for this semester. It's not really my plan to procrastinate and rush at the last minute, but things just went in this way naturally. And, just like any other student, we managed to slip things in just before the deadline...

Sometimes I indeed feel like this when doing that.

Source: GIPHY

Lots of interesting things happened when we were working faster than time (by trying out prototypes of a meme-ish imaginary drink called HyperPlus) and I guess I can write quite some posts on the interesting things I met throughout these days. Anyways, after all these rushing and brain cells killing, it is really hard to get myself to stop relaxing...I have been watching random YouTube videos, reading memes on Reddit, poking around my mobile games and lurking in Discord for half a day. Probably I'm too tired for serious things, I only had 5 hours sleep yesterday night, lol.

Anyways, here's another thing related to the assignments in the past few days.

In the course for Social Media and Digital Communities, we were also required to do a presentation on a social media platform of our choice (the meme drink commercial is already one of the assignments). Nothing too harsh, we just need to briefly introduce the platform, share about its history, reasons why people use it, some demographics and statistics, and how the platform impacts the gaming scene. The last point is kinda interesting to us and I was pretty tempted to just pick Discord for it (it's the "All-in-one voice and text chat for gamers", they called themselves so). The plan didn't go well because no one in my group knew about Discord and it isn't easy to drag people to a new platform just like that. After some intense discussion, we decided to stick to Twitter for the presentation...

Now recalling, I should have told them about Steemit.don't ask me why I didn't suggest Steemit, it's too hard to explain crypto stuff to them in a day or two and people will hate me for that. Better not run the risk. don't ask me why I didn't suggest Steemit, it's too hard to explain crypto stuff to them in a day or two and people will hate me for that. Better not run the risk.

Ah, Twitter...the platform I was used to be on.

Photo by Con Karampelas on Unsplash

I was pretty used to lurk around there before I got introduced to Steemit. It was my ranting ground or's like a secret garden that no one actually cares. I didn't protect my tweets, but without hashtags it's nearly impossible for a stranger to stumble upon my stuff. Plus, my profile is kinda anonymous (like my Steemit profile for the meantime), so no one will know who the hell is this guy that only posts rants on his account. That's kinda the only use case of the platform to me during my secondary school days. Well, I also had some conversations with other peeps around there (like the developers for osu!) but that's really rare. In short, secret ranting ground. Just 14-year-old stuff, lol.

Since I actually have to do some research and take some pics of some tweets and the site itself, I went and dived in that platform again. Things didn't change much, it's still like the good old Twitter I know, just with some minor tweaks here and there that doesn't make the thing unfamiliar. But, this time, I guess I'm actually matured enough to see how people are using the platform. Frankly speaking, it looks kinda fun.

How I miss seeing this vocalist posting food and cat posts...

From @momocashew's Twitter

...and read mind blowing stuff like these. Everything packed in a no-bullshit short paragraph because that's how Twitter works.

From @rShowerThoughts Twitter

Humans are weird, when they see fun things they will feel like joining. Hence,

It's a new account, I deactivated my old one after realizing that I have abandoned it for more than two years and someone had used it to find my Facebook account. To be honest, the only thing that changed in Twitter after so long is the sign up process. Instead of allowing you to choose a username, they will automatically generate one for you based on your name and stuff. It took me like three hours to think of a new username because for some reason all the names I were used to use are being taken. The original plan is to use my osu! username (Rirakusu) but then it is taken almost 9 years ago. In the end, you guessed what I did, I just slapped a 'l' somewhere there and call it a

It gave me a pretty lame username of @Lilacse1 in the very beginning, god knows how much time I spent staring at this screen, lol.

Until now, the whole account is actually pretty empty. I only used it to like stuff and not anything else, because my OCD requires me to start it with something that looks like a starting tweet 😛 I don't even remember what did I wrote for my last account, probably something not worth remembering anyways.

If you have any ideas on it, do tell me in the comments...really clueless on it, lol. Else, I'll get something up when I got the inspiration, if it ever comes. I'm also not really sure what I'm going to put on it yet, maybe treat it as a really big random thought box? If something good comes up and I decide to throw it there, we have #share2steem too, lol.

Drop me a follow if you want.

Also, tell me some accounts that are worth following! Right now I'm just following some local news account, game officials, artists and other interesting peeps that I want to follow (like game developers). Totally have no idea what you guys are going to recommend me to, hehe.

Probably that's all for now, see you next time!




So... why didn't you suggest.....

Haha... anyway, glad you got all the crazy assignments done... I had a week feeling like that gif as well... batting off a million and one things with incoming deadlines... some of it was self inflicted and some of it wasn't....

I still don't really find Twitter that useful as a tool... too short, and too much noise!

Good question...anyways, they got introduced to the platform too, thanks to @nickyhavey. His comment on our assignment video on YouTube mentioned something about Steemit and they immediately asked me about it, so I got the job done indirectly in some ways haha.

Hope you are okay after that week...must be exhausting, I can tell that from the amount of ...s you used in the comment...your brain must be having a hard time trying to find time to rest...I'm getting affected as well... zzz...

Twitter...that's what you get when you put a billion birds under a roof! Tweet, tweet, tweet, tweet,

I don't really use twitter, I just use it to get some updates from a crypto that I am monitoring. My daughter is really into it. She has this twitter page for a kpop group. She provides updates and has a lot of followers. I could not really wrap my brain into it but she seems to be enjoying it.

I'm also following the Dogecoin devs' Twitter account and they do provide some updates from time to time! Yeah, it's a little hard to figure out how and why people love it...maybe I'll find out over time, haha.

I am avid user of twitter although I dislike the current looks but I find cool communities there :)) plus there are couple of steemian promoting twitter there these days.

I guess you can use an alternate Twitter UI 🤔...unless things changed and their API doesn't allow it anymore. Communities are everything!


This post has been manually curated, resteemed
and gifted with some virtually delicious cake
from the @helpiecake curation team!

Much love to you from all of us at @helpie!
Keep up the great work!


Thank you <3 And that's indeed a very sweet cake!

I made an account for twitter just to get some airdrops before. Now I'm just sooo lazy to use it haha. Thanks for sharing this with us. I hope you enjoy using it!

Tweet for airdrops...sounds good! Probably I should look out for those opportunities as well :D

Unfortunately, I can not recommend anything. I do not write on Twitter myself, and do not read anyone ))))))

Eh, it's okay, thanks for stopping by!

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