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RE: What career/Job should I do?

in #life7 years ago

You dont have to listen to me, i am just thinking WITH you, not FOR you.
My choice would be Technology and health. Technology will be a major part of our future and will give you more options if you want to follow more courses later. Cryptocurrency and game design can be easally followed on the side if you want. I assume you already have some basic skills.

Football in my point of view would be nice to do buth not a secure choice if you consider the possability of having an injury in an early stage of your carreer and loose everything you studied fore.

Writing, music and spanish are skills you can develop at any age so unless you are already speaking 4 other languages, playing more than 2 instruments for many years or have ambitions to write whole books to make you anough royalties to feed your family later, i would keep those as a hobby for a few more years.


Yes i'm not really considering some of them as proper career choices, but just ideas that might be linked to some other interest and idea. Technology is an interest and games design would be a good idea to go into because 3d modeling and 2d modeling which is what we are learning to do is the way forward. And I could go into health but it would be difficult with not having a biology A level.

Thanks for your reply I value every response I get and keep them coming!

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