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in #life7 years ago (edited)

How Pi was nearly changed to 3.2 - Numberphile

"There is no authority but the self, within the parameters of the natural world."

We are already living in a world where our knowledge of the facts of reality are being
undermined by those who have declared themselves the arbiters of truth. We are putting
ourselves in danger when we allow corporate and government interests to define what is real.
This 'corporate might is always right' BS is going to have very real consequences, very soon,
and is and has already. It reminds me of the time, when the Indiana house of representatives
voted to redefine PI to be equal to 3.2. Can you imagine the ramifications for engineering
firms? Boeing? How about UA? How about smart bombs or the space program?
Is 0.05+ a margin that can be just legislated away?

We already have Snopes telling us that you can use kerosene, under natural atmospheric
conditions, that is, outside of a blast furnace, to melt steel. Imagine if a steel producer tried
to use this information, or a structural or mechanical engineering firm. Imagine if they also
combined PI, defined as 3.2 for their calculations, because the government is at least as
credible as Snopes, right?

If this is at all credible, why were all building codes NOT rewritten after 9/11?
How many times do governments and/or corporate interests need to be caught lying to us
before they are no longer allowed to define reality for us?

Official definition of 'Fake news' being made mandatory is a violation of the individual's
natural rights. There is no authority but the self, within the parameters of the natural world.
Science is not a religious cult, or a tool of government tyranny,
it is a method for seeking knowledge, deceptive manipulations aside.

Allowing corporate interests to define the facts of actual reality is going to be catastrophic,
and probably very soon.

False Flag 17.3f :2001 9/11 WTC-Ryan (UL)

Why the NIST report on WTC7 is unscientific and false

Architects and Engineers On 9/11! Excellent Must See!




Normally, you can tell when a politician is lying... his lips are moving.

Unfortunately, governments and their corporations have no lips.



I guess what I'm asking is, what percentage of the people will stand still for having reality redefined as what someone else wants them to believe it is. Do you think it is the same result as the outcome of the Milgram experiment? That is consistently over 60%. What are the rest of us to do, from a philosophically moral standpoint? Is it moral for me to tell someone, who I know to not be capable of morality, to do what I have reasoned to be moral, when it does not directly affect me? Is my justification in doing so directly related to how much it affects me? How? Is it proportional? This, I find, is a common obstacle to the success of the moral. The immoral have no qualms, in action, about making whatever they can, happen.

It could be said that 'the less fortunate' applies even more to the outwardly successful, yet morally bankrupt. For some, maybe educating others is preemptive self defense from the known, and so, predictable, products of ignorance.

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