
Thanks, I'm glad this all worked out OK.

I probably should mention I'm what some people would consider a "conspiracy theorist" so sometimes I post stuff that seems to freak a few people out.

That's great, it aligns with my thinking. "I want to believe" was so 90s ("I hope the smoking man's in this one" :) ).

"Most, but not all my brain function" -- yes. I liken it to "thinking from the bottom of a well". The third was six months ago, and basically a year and a half between the first and second, and second and third. This was the most serious, I lost ability to walk and talk -- I was dragging my feet and limping, and couldn't find the right word nor string them together in a sentence.

After the first I went back to work 7 months in which was way too early. Did manage to last almost a year before the second, which took me out permanently. This latest one was just the too-short-house we were moving out of saying "goodbye"... :( Still haven't settled up the emergency room bill, which I really should make a priority.

I have some ideas for improving the platform. Posted one to #steemgigs a few days ago. Unfortunately I'm not really able to program (the edit tool was basically a regex so was fairly simple, although PHP's regexes are different from Perl's very simple method of expressing it, so had to look that up). I still can describe what I want to do, it's just the doing of it that gets frustrating due to the forgetfulness.

Here are the posts about the idea, and the one announcing the edit tool in case you're interested.

Huh! Turns out I didn't make a post about the edit tool, just mentioned it in a comment I guess. I should do a post!

How did you get concussion?

I used to do downhill mountain bike racing many years ago and really munted myself on this one (Mt Fyffe)

Ouch, hope you didn't fall too far down it!

My first was a car accident, but really it was like getting hit by a train -- a construction vehicle broad-sided me, I had the right-of-way. Hit the "oh shit" bar, so, my left temple basically.

Second was a board at home, we had built a litter box on the screened-in porch with a cat door insert in the slider they could walk through; there were two "doors" at the top of the box, and I didn't secure them properly; started to bend down to service the electric litter box that was flailing, and the board came down and smashed my forehead.

Third I was moving out of the previous place six months ago, carrying a heavy box out of the basement and wanted to say something to the guy in front of me, lifted my head, and then took a step which thrust it into the "beam" above (the door frame, no give at all). Crumpled, was down for ten minutes, and had difficulty thinking, walking, and talking. So the third was to the top of my head.

An almost fourth yesterday coming home from dropping the woodchuck off, as I documented here.

Yikes that's a nasty bunch of hits.

A therapy I found helpful for head injury is Cranial Sacral Therapy.

It's important to find a therapist who has a real talent for it.

Done well it's like melting your head to sleep.

Yes! I can perform energy healing, I feel it as a tingling, like electricity. My cousin does reikki, and feels it as a temperature difference, hot/cold. I had a neck injury years ago and saw a cranial/sacral therapist for it; she felt it as magnetism, an attraction/resistance.

I think it's really neat that the "sixth sense" isn't something foreign; it's a sensation we're familiar with, and it's different for different people.

I first learned Jin Shin Jyustu, then read the book "Quantum Touch", then learned EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique).

I don't practice nearly as much as I should, just like meditation -- I bought a subscription to Headspace last year and it just renewed and I still haven't finished the first 20 days.

About to purchase a neuro-feedback machine, so I can practice that at home (I'm going once a week for an hour). I'll need to set it up somewhere quiet though. Which would also help with doing the meditation.

I like the proverb at the end of that page. Thanks!

i actually thought he had been hacked when i first saw that post :)

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