Birds, like in Hitchcock! (October surprises again -- this was also October 1st!)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life7 years ago

I was walking out to water the garden a couple days ago, and went a little earlier than normal. Birds in the trees were screaming up a party! It's like they knew it was the Halloween month, and wanted to start it off right. :)

Recorded this minute and a half of them. Then watered the garden (half hour to 45 minutes, generally) and on the way back, the birds were silent. Very interesting! I wonder if they do this every morning?



thanks for sharing this video!

Wow that is really interesting. Birds are cool in the way that they make a higher pitched sound then any other animal really.

i find it preety cool thanks for sharing this video :D

The Birds
sun divider.png
Yes, a bit like Hitchcock!

Tom Petty was an awesome talent... reposting the video you recently posted...

Yeah, 66 seems too young. Then again, it's in line with all the sixes... October 2nd, 10+2 is 12 which is two sixes. I'm not a numerology expert, but I play one on the Internet. :)

I really enjoyed his music. When David Bowie left, there was speculation that he went to wherever the land they're hiding from us is (whether that's in one of the vast oceans, or perhaps across Antarctica). I don't follow those types any longer (Russian Vids, etc) so I have no idea how they're reacting to this one.

It's difficult, because they make theatrical events all over the place, like the latest in Vegas -- which is not to say nobody died, just, it didn't happen the way the official story goes, and that's incredibly damning. Either they're incompetent and can't research properly -- or, it's malice and they're in on it (or some subset of them, are, and the rest are compartmentalized).

Anyway, happy Tuesday! :)

Things are getting more bizarre everyday. I really like Steemit because it allows me less free time to get distracted by the manufactured news. At least your trees are green and the sun is shining!

Agreed! Just after I posted the above comment with all the sixes, I saw a ZH article about another death: Paul Otellini, a former CEO of Intel, has also died yesterday (10+2), and also, at the age of 66!

"May you live in interesting times", okay... :)

Strange timing for sure!

Yes they do. It's pretty annoying when its early in the morning and I am trying to sleep xD

I had photographed hundreds of blackbirds in our trees yesterday and along with my photoshoot I deleted my card this morning by, upvoted and following, thank you for your upvote this morning, I would not have found you otherwise!

Sure thing! I just followed you as well. :) Know though that I'm recovering from multiple concussions and sometimes don't have great recall. You have my permission to ask me in a comment, "Have you checked out my blog lately? I just made this post: xyz" and I'll do so. Cheers!

Wow thats just nature on his best!

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