Troll Attacks Sarah Silverman On Twitter, And Her Unexpected Response Turns Man’s Life Upside Down

in #life7 years ago

Reposted from the libertyBlog

I'm no fan of Sarah Silverman (politically) and tend to think her humor as a standup comedian relies too heavily on being blunt and crass. But when people do great things, you encourage it and spread that message.

Someone on Twitter responded to her in a way that was crude and, unfortunately, too expected these days on social media.

Instead of blocking the guy or retorting with some online snark along the lines of "Nice Twitter Account you have there, must be nice to have 14 followers" or "Typical White cis-male response, yo!", Silverman looked into the guys timeline and responded with empathy. The back and forth looks like this:

Side note: I'm from San Antonio and San Antonio is AWESOME.

I know it's hard on social media. If you've ever read the book Trust Me, I'm Lying: Confessions of a Media Manipulator then you understand how dangerous it is to default to a snarky, dismissive comment.

This is how we should treat each other, just like this.

Almost makes me forget the time Sarah Silverman called for a military coup to overthrow Trump. She apologized though.

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I'm highly skeptical of Silverman too and her politics suck but taken at face value this makes her sound like a decent human helping out another. Kudos to her. Her politics still suck!

......mmmm...she also backed hilary.....

I'm sure Hilary did a good deed or two....maybe.....possibly.

Or at least it looked that way...

I'm cynical, is all I'm saying...

Understood. Like I prefaced, I disagree with her politically. Her actions in this case made a big difference to someone personally. It's a great lesson in empathy.

One day I might treat a political opponent with the same respect and empathy. I hope it's shared accordingly.

Doesn't matter. When somebody does good, you encourage that. Reducing one to one dimension is not helping. Isn't this whole uprising precisely because sane people have lost their nuance in the face of others? She might be wrong on some stuff, but did a good thing here. And that is to be appreciated.

ok, but playing devils advocate here a little, and moving away from the post, but philosophically speaking...

Isn't that the same as saying Hitler did some wrong stuff, but he built fantastic autobahns, and is to be appreciated?

....if Hilary suddenly decides tomorrow, to really give some money to Haiti say, does that mitigate all the evil and wrong doings previously?

I'm using the extremes to highlight the point. The principal.

Hitler should be commended for the autobhans in a way. Not totally as the policies he used to achieved this are unreasonable to me. However, do not mistake that for excusing his other deeds. You weigh out the positives and negatives, and you make an overall decision. If Hillary actually helped the haitians, then that should be commended, but I'd be skeptical of her motives.

What I'm saying is, weed out the bad stuff, criticize it, and encourage the good. I'm not arguing for you to like Silverman, I certainly don't, but dogpilling her for something nice that she did is also unreasonable. This is the same principle as criticizing those you like and are beneficial overall when they do bad shit. Don't reduce people, whether you support or oppose them, to one dimension. Evaluate their ideas and policies and decide on that. Don't form a cult of personality or a scapegoat... basically.

In my experience people do not change their essential characters.

The world is made up of nice people and wankers, basically.

Wankers change there actions, to mask the intent, or character . The project an image.

One good deed does not change anything...
It doesn't change who they are.

Politicians do it all the time - and people fall for it all the time - by looking at individual actions and not the whole picture.

Willful blindness, just sets you up to be misled. (or led by the nose).

And some people are just misled and ignorant, not malicious. You are proposing the same solution as the extremists: All who do not adhere to my view should not me listened to and be given the time of day. Yes, people change, and even if they don't, if their actions do not infringe on your rights, I don't care.

Also, I did mention that you shouldn't take one good deed that will override everything else. But what they did do good should be encouraged, and they did bad should be shamed. Nobody is pure evil or good. Not even SJWs or the nazis. Both seek a better future and have some legitimate grievences, but both their methods are bad which inevitably bring more tyranny.

Nobody is pure evil or good. Not even SJWs or the nazis....😂😂

3-4% of the population (across all cultures), are sociopaths.

I would argue these people have no good, and only manipulation, in them.

( I grew up in a family of 'them' -they have no good in them, but will pretend good - for the gullible to be taken advantage of. I have seen it a million times...- unfortunately)

These people are the problem....and cannot be 'fixed'.
They are wired differently.

These are also the people that are natural leaders, and rise to the top, to lead others......

Many by their 'good' deeds...

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