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RE: Weekends are Days for Running Errands

in #life6 years ago

Look at all these other cookies delight! I refrained from grabbing one as I headed to the cake section.

Did you really? It's okay if you did lol! If it were me, I would take one of each and try them all haha!

Those ribs look delicious! Maybe you should have tried the other guy's ribs. No free taste? :D

It is interesting when we say that we have more time during the weekends since there is no work. What a joke that is. It is when we have the most things to do such as errands we have been putting in the back burner.

They are monsters when rudely awaken.

I think this depends on how you wake them up haha!


Hey there @leeart. Yes, sadly, I did not buy any of those cookies. I wish I had though.

Maybe you should have tried the other guy's ribs.

I thought about it, but then I saw the lady walk out of her van while waiting for her meat to cook. She had on jeans that exposed half her behind, and started yanking it up. I did start to think about the sanitary aspect of it all and decided not to purchase any.

Agree with the weekend. I think my days at work is less hectic than at home running errands on weekends.

I think this depends on how you wake them up haha!

omg, you must not be around too many toddlers! All the ones I know wake up crying after a nap in the carseat. It doesn't matter if they wake up on their own or we try to wake them up gently. They go ballin!

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