Learning to be Happy with Less.

in #life7 years ago

Less of what? Less of whatever!

I got inspired to write this blog because I realized that for the past week I have been...happy. Now, this might not seem like an accomplishment but considering my current life situation, it is. I am in 24/7 debilitating pain that has caused me to be stuck at home for over a year hundreds of miles from any friend. I have been without socializing, physical contact, everything... But I guess I have started to adapt.

That's kind of what this entire post is about, adapting to whatever shit situation you find yourself in and learning to be happy. If I can do that with my past, my illnesses, and this debilitating disease then anyone can!

How though?

That part is a bit harder to answer. For me, it took a lot of stages. The general ones, denial, anger, etc etc. Finally, I just decided to accept that my life is definitely different and lacking but if kids that are battling cancer can figure out a way to smile so can I dammit! So, I acceptance that is the key. I accepted that yes I am always in this room, yes I lack any physical friendships, yes I can't have sex, yes I am financially struggling and unable to work a normal job, and yes I am in constant pain but I also have a really nice room and a cat and a sweet computer and the ability to express myself through writing and art, the ability to connect with other humans via the internet.

Focus on the positives.

So basically, focus on the good stuff. Even if you have to dig through a trash heap to find one tiny shred of good. Latch onto that. Accept the bad stuff that is out of your control and focus on the good stuff. Try to find more good stuff too. Explore hobbies. I think I will take up crocheting myself! Why not dedicate this time of isolation to finding more joys and skills that I can cherish forever? So, whatever your situation look for the positives and work on creating more positivity in whatever way you can. A home cooked meal, a new hobby, a warm bath, scented candles, sweet tea, a nostalgic movie marathon. There's so many ways to find a smile.

Well, that's it. That's my bit of optimistic advice for you.

Have a happy day!

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May i ask disease you have?
This is a great post and i love to hear that even in a shit situation you are seeing the little positives in the day. If you ever need a friend to lean on, im a really good listener @bethwendy

It is called interstitial cystitis. Well, that is not 100% confirmed until I get my tests in a month but I know and it seems the urologist agrees and just needs to verify. It can affect people differently. Mine is so bad I am home-ridden. It feels like a UTI on steroids 24/7 and I pee 30-60 times a day. Can't have sex. I also have other diseases such as IBS and PCOS and likely endo and fibro but I only just got medicaid so I need to get all these things diagnosed. The one that is making me unable to go out is IC though. It takes the cake. I won't even go into the mental illnesses. heh heh. sweats nervously :) Thanks a lot for extending the offer to be a listening ear that is very kind of you. <3

Sorry to hear that babe, thats a lot of your case!
I couldnt even begin to understand what that must be like.
Well keep staying positive, and i hope the results (somehow) come back better then expected xo

I learned that contentment while remaining hopeful is happiness :)

That's about the best I can muster right now myself. But since I was totally depressed and suicidal over my disease I find contentedness and hopefulness to be happiness. haha :)

I'm sorry that you were not feeling the best then but never lose hope, the best is yet to be :) Everyone is fighting their own battle but there are still many happy people around, they are probably the ones who are able to see the good in everything. Smile :)

I think I've been able to spend most of my life being happy with less than most people, but I have things I struggle with buying (mostly electronics and video games) as well. Thanks for sharing and like your badges.

I have a super PC and buy a ton of games. I try to get em from humble bundles and sales though. Being this disabled I need my games. :) We all have some vice and as far as vices go video games are a pretty alright one to have. ^_^

Yeah I used to have a pretty nice set-up, but getting married and becoming a dad I have not had as much time for gaming unfortunately ><

Accept the bad stuff that is out of your control and focus on the good stuff

Needed to be reminded of this today. It can be hard to stay positive when the universe seems to be against you. Not impossible though.

Yeah, trust me I understand. The universe seems SO against me right now but like you said hard, not impossible. Really, really hard. hehe :)

yes! focusing on the positives is TOO important for us and everyone we meet.. i too am being pushed well past my limits in every way imaginable. BUT i also remember that some of the worst things that happened to me have literally led to the greatest blessings that i've had in my life. We have to have faith that things are usually for the best in the long run.. i really believe this and know it to be true from my many life experiences..

things only seem against us in the very short term moment.. and then things start to unfold... and hey presto.. we realise it as a great blessing.

Sending love and support to you for all your challenges.. it will be ok sooner or later.. and meanwhile the fear is usually worse than the reality,

lovely post, following you ;-)

Nice post, your titel is great (Learning to be Happy with Less.)
I realy think more people will need to realize this soon... :)

I also need help so that i try to help everyone i know!


This is a nonsensical comment and you posted it literally 20 seconds after I posted my blog. Please don't be a spammer it won't get you ahead on steemit.

Thank you for your optimistic advice.

So true! I work on this all the time. Living in America you can forget how much we have. When i travel to poorer countries it snaps me back into reality. Most people don't get to have all the luxury we do.

Me and my 2 triplet brothers has been traveling non stop for around 15 years. Material things are not that important! The true purpose of life is to collect god memories! and to be ale making living out of it. read my blog :D

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