Don't Blame Others for Your Lack of Creative Ambition.

in #life7 years ago (edited)

I was on social media the other day and someone's status kind of jumped out at me.

It was a status where the person was blaming other people for their lack of creating art. I am sorry but hold up? If I stopped creating art based on how many shitty people I met I would have never started to begin with...I was at the hands of abusive, neglectful people from the time I was born, bullied in school, and then in and out of abusive relationships until I wisened up.

I've got news for you. If you think meeting bad people is why you don't create art you are not an artist.

We artists *use* that shit to create art. It is what we do. We take our bad experiences and we channel them into some creation. In fact, the worst times in my life were sometimes the periods in which I created the most art. If you find yourself lacking any ambition to create stop the blaming and really take a look at yourself to find out what is standing in your way because it sure as hell isn't other people and that attitude will never get you back to creating.

Create EVEN if you don't feel like it.

I have already said this many times in past blogs but it's worth reiterating. If you are completely stuck throw away the idea that you need inspiration to create art and just start creating. Seriously. I'd say 80% of the time I am creating art I didn't feel like doing it. I start to feel like it once I am absorbed but I often have to just go through the motions of getting out the supplies and starting a drawing or painting or whatever. People ask me how I constantly create art and there it is, that's the secret.

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As a fellow creative type, I couldn't agree more. The responsibility for making art comes down to each of us, and if we aren't making the art we want to make, that's no one's fault but our own.

Yes! Exactly. We will get nowhere if we don't own that simple fact. :)

Funnily, most things worth don't come easily, and it is much easier to sit in a static rut, blaming everyone and everything for your shit. FB is a receptacle for moans and groans!

haha It was on facebook. XD And yeah, if my disabled, struggling ass can create art with all the shit behind me anyone who WANTS to make art can as well. The thing is many people just like don't want to badly enough but want to be able to say they do. I dunno? Like if you want to make art, just do it. And if you suck at first don't give up immediately. A lot of people do that too. I should blog about that at some point. People have funny expectations with art. :)

My favourite excuse is I have no time. I am not an artist, but what yoy say rings true for any endeavor people wish or think they should do.

So true. Most of my bad experiences are documented in some form of writing somewhere.

If it was easy, everyone would be doing it. The best art, be it literature, cinema, TV, painting, or whatever has risen from pain and suffering. Hard roads tell better stories than easy sailing. Steem On!

Couldn't agree more :) resteemed and following

I have seen the lack of action destroy so many lives. Life will be better.. great post upvoted

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