Bad Poetry, Oh Noetry! Read My Cringe-Worthy Poetry from when I was Twelve.

in #life7 years ago (edited)

It's fun to go back a decade or so and laugh at ourselves and our bad art and bad poetry.

To be fair I had reasons for my angst. I was dealing with really serious life-long abuse but Jesus Christ adolescent me can't you pick up a few books and learn to express yourself with some decent poetry?

I thought it would be fun to share the poems here for some laughs. I had to look in the "historical database" on which made me feel ancient but, that's okay. I wouldn't want to a be a tween again, that's for sure!


A giant rocks falling from the sky
crushing my body
And everything inside
This entire world seems to just quit
yes that's what I want
An avalanche

I seriously considered editing out the typo out of shame but, nope, that is how I entered it. "A giant rocks". cackles


The scars run deep
And the blood runs red
All I can see is your face in my head
And I want to go back
And I want you to care
But it's all done now
It was never really there.


How many faces must i go through to get to the end?
How many people to talk to before i find a friend?
I've been so many places,
Just passing by time
Met so many people
Been in so many lives.
But I've never met one,
Who stayed,or who cared
So i move on but before long
All these faces become a blur,
I'm sick of trying,
My soul is dying,
I cant do it anymore,
I'm not even capable of crying.
So i tune everything out.
Everyone out.
Nothing matters anymore.
So whats the point ?

OMG this one takes the cake. Why all the lower case i's though??? Man, this is bad.

I'm Sorry

I act so tough, So stong inside
I wont open up, Wont let you in
You think I'm so tough
So strong inside
But really I'm just a mess
I'll break in a second
I need someone
To protect me
Keep me safe, warm and dry
But all I get is pain
I get walked all over
Any time I let anyone in
You wonder why I act so tough
Why I pretend
Why I wont let you in
I just cant get hurt again...

Okay, I gotta be honest as bad as these poems are like seriously, my mom READ these and did nothing? Boy, some people should not have kids. Hello, we're going to Red Flags! That actually reminds me I barely got an education due to moving, homelessness, abuse, bullying and so forth so maybe I get a pass on this bad poetry? No, okay. I hope you guys found this as cringe-worthy as I did. I thought it would be funny but for me it is just really...cringey. Like, could past me just not?

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Come onnn. These are awesome. I wish I had kept my teenage poetry. It was truly shit. That reminds me, I do still have a story I wrote about a frog in a pond finding a lover. Pretty grim stuff, I think I was like 9.

Yeah these are only awful if I compare them to my adult standards but like I was a kid and I am glad I have em.

I had a 9 year old poem I lost that was awesome and I am sad I dont have it. It was about the drill sargeants and the boot camp I went to in San Luis Obispo. Mang, I would love to read that. ^_^

And your frog poem sounds cute. ^_^

I actually think these are well crafted and better than I can do now! Its a window into your mind at the time, and I'm guessing your purpose was just to get your feelings on paper, rather than win a poetry contest. Mission accomplished!

hehe Thanks and yes that was definitely more my intention. :) I should actually do that more often now to be honest. It was healthier to journal and get that stuff out. I mean I post here but I don't really use my private journals.

I wished I was that talented when I was 12 years old. It's a reflection of who you were at the point in time. I still enjoyed reading them. Do check out my poem

hehe thanks. :) And yes it is a reflection.

I checked it out, commented and upvoted. Thanks!

Thank you for your support

Reminds me of the literal hundreds that I wrote in my angst riddled years.

It kind of makes me want to upload mine (I'd have to find them first, if I still have them) We could have a terrible steemit poetry competition where the grand prize is exposing our shame from our past! Or rather, more positively, focus on our development into slightly more mature human beings.

I had several books full of 'poetic' ramblings. I think I'll make it my mission this weekend to find them.

omg please do!!! :D I really want to read them. I already inspired my friend to share hers and we laughed and laughed and then we told stories of our angsty immature past selves. :)

I'll see if I can dig up them up :) I'll be sure to tag you in the post if I do!
:o My 200th Post and I didn't even realise!

I found them! Reading through and obtaining the ones that I am not TOTALLY ashamed to share! Will upload soon!

Outside of some half-rhyme-scheme and some 3/4 wording (I gotta say I think Neglection is my favorite "artistic license" word) and some full-blown self-esteem issues these were not that bad. I mean, I wouldn't put them in a showcase but, especially for being younger, they're pretty well done.

I actually find it funny reading some of my old poems and thinking "I wrote this?" Only to be more impressed than I was going in.

But this is coming from someone that, for a High School Freshman essay wrote a comparison of "Women" and "Babes" (I was trying to incite a reaction in people, I don't really think that way).

Also funny to think my Freshman High School essays got A's in college as my Brother, unbeknownst to me, swiped them and submitted them to his English class in college.

Oh definite self esteem issues but the poem was honest in that I was abused horribly so there was clear reason for my complete and utter lack of self worth. Phwew glad to be out of that mental and physical place now! :D

Thanks though, I still think they are pretty awful but that's because I now am an avid reader and write much better than I did at the age of twelve.

More than bad they are just...cringey. :)

Wow! Kinda awesome to find out it aced in college tho, huh? :D Thanks for the story. ^_^

For your own sake I'm glad you got out of that situation. Too many kids are unable to get out of the situation or get sucked back into it.

@lauralemons, I thought they were quite good. And yes being only 12 or so your grammar is easily forgiven.

What is most amazing to me is how obvious it is that children at the young age of 12 have a strong grasp of so called adult themes. We need to give our children more credit, they're more sophisticated than we know.

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