yellow ribbon =- ruban jaune DOG EN/FRsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #life7 years ago

Hello Steemers,

Bonjour les Steemers, 

Today, I would like to present you a little "trick" which is done by us (in Belgium).

Aujourd'hui, je souhaite vous présenter un petit "truc" qui se fait par chez nous (en Belgique). 

When you don't want your dog to be approached by others, you place a yellow ribbon on his leash. This tells other dog owners that you should not let their dog approach yours.

Lorsque vous ne souhaitez pas que votre chien soit approché par les autres, vous placez un ruban jaune sur sa laisse. Cela indique aux autres propriétaires de chien qu'il ne faut pas laisser leur chien approcher le vôtre. 


This is very practical, especially in the following situations:

C'est très pratique, surtout dans les situations suivantes : 

  • Your dog is recovering
    votre chien est en convalescence
  • Your dog is in heat
    votre chienne est en chaleur
  • Your dog and old / tired
    votre chien et vieux/fatigué
  • Your dog is afraid
    votre chien a peur 
  • Your dog is in training
    votre chien est en entraînement 
  • Your dog wants to be alone
    votre chien veut être seul


For this, I created several yellow ribbons for my little dog Milky. Indeed, she don't like when the dogs she don't know come to say "hello": she slams her teeth in the void every time, but I don't appreciate that (it accustomed to it, Aggression towards other dogs).

Pour cela, j'ai créé plusieurs rubans jaune pour ma petite Milky. En effet, elle n'aime pas quand les chiens qu'elle ne connaît pas viennent lui dire "bonjour" : elle claque ses dents dans le vide à chaque fois, mais je n'apprécie pas cela (ça l'habitue à l'agressivité vis-à-vis des autres chiens). 

I made a braid with 3 yellow ribbons.
J'ai réalisé une tresse avec 3 rubans jaunes.

Here she has the ribbon on her harness.
Ici elle a le ruban sur son harnais.

And you ? Do you have this kind of "trick" in your country? In Belgium, unfortunately it is little known but it happens

Et vous ? Avez-vous ce genre de "truc" dans votre pays ? En Belgique, c'est malheureusement assez peu connu mais ça arrive tout doucement :D 



@lajulius that's one good thinking BE did with dogs I must say!
I have no negative experience with dogs here or anywhere but surely cause of the Dog whisperer's show I learned much about dogs and yes you are right, no matter how cute some of them needs space indeed - just like us.

Owl never to have had negative experience with dogs @englishtchrivy : D
Yes, it is a very good idea to avoid accidents I think, and it is very easy to explain to children

I think it's a great idea and I wish we had it in Ireland. Parents here let their children approach any dog which can be a recipe for disaster.
Same with dog owners. So many have no sense of responsibility and just allow their dogs to roam free. For a nervous dog on a lead, a group of strange dogs approaching it can be very upsetting.

For sure @katdvine We do the same here in Belgium.
My dog ​​is very kind to humans but does not like when other dogs come to it quickly. When I tell the owners they sometimes reply "but my dog ​​is nice" ... yes but we never know what dog we have in front. This yellow ribbon may be able to avoid certain accidents

I really like it! Great!

Yes it is a very good idea that will avoid accidents I think :)

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