Wet, wet, wet...

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Dear Steemians complaining about scorching temperatures and the hottest summer in decades could we trade places at least for a couple of days?


We are currently on a short trip to the city of Brasov and in the space of less than 36 hours we' ve managed to get soaked three times. And I mean soaked, like totally wet.


This afternoon, for instance, we were caught in a downpour and by the time we decided to call a cab our clothes were dripping.... so we made our way back by bus, at least the bus driver didn't frown at us...


The pictures in this post were all taken this evening as we huddled together at the entrance of a shop, fortunately closed at that hour. It's not that we minded another rain, but we were down to the last warm clothes and shoes. Who packs more than two pairs of jeans for a short trip? We managed to avoid the worst of the rain, but then we discovered the streets were flooded so our trainers are now also wet....


At this point, our only hope is we manage to get at least part of our clothes dry - luckily we' re staying in an apartment complete with kitchen, so all the wet stuff is hanging by the stove. I did google microwaving clothes, but apparently it's not such a good idea.... As for buying some new hoodies, oh, well, the area we're staying is crowded with fancy shops with overpriced junk for tourists. For that kind of money we' re better off taking a train back home.


So, if you're too hot while reading this, please spare a thought for your less fortunate fellow Steemians!

Thanks for reading!


Yes you may absolutely have my heat. My my, look at all those cobblestones. I don't see a single blade of grass that needs to be mowed. Yes I will absolutely trade locations.
See at the end of the day my clothing is dripping wet but it's from sweat.
Delicious, I know.
If those clothes ever touched the microwave, I'd have to throw it out and get a new one.

Oh for some cooling rain. We have drought conditions and water restrictions in Dublin.

Since I cannot send any clouds your way, the next best thing would be sending you some wet clothes drenched in authentic 100 % Romanian rain from a nice place in the mountains with clean air....

Eh, thanks but I think I'll pass. Although I've heard that Romanian rain is of the very best quality, I have enough clothes here soaked with sweat!

nice photography

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