The FringesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #life7 years ago

On the US flag.

This signifies admiralty law and has been used in courtrooms and the government for decades.

President, Dwight David Eisenhower, by Executive Order No.10834, signed on August 21, 1959 and printed in the Federal Register at 24 F.R. 6865, pursuant to law, stated that: “A military flag is a flag that resembles the regular flag of the United States, except that it has a Yellow Fringe border on three sides.”

This is not a constitutional flag... and people need to really research what that really means!

When it is displayed, it indicates that Constitutional Law has been subjugated. In these courts the Constitutional Law (Article Three Courts) have been replaced by Admiralty law.

The corporate structure is

There are a variety of ideas put out regarding the meaning of the fringe on the flag. The most important one from a constitutional perspective is the claim that that flag with fringe is a flag that indicates admiralty law is in effect wherever that flag is displayed, such as in a court room. If true that would mean that courts which have a fringed flag (which is almost all courts in the land) are not Constitutional courts (Article Three Courts) but Admiralty Courts where Constitutional provisions do not apply but rather Admiralty law prevails.

This means the Constitution as ratified by our founders, is not being upheld or in place to save the citizen from government and or corporate interests.

It also leans more to international law that US sovereign law... they have been giving the country away brick by brick. It is also why you see the treasonous actions of the judicial branch goes unchecked.

The B.A.R.

The British Attorney Register

Yes the laws of this nation are created (subjugated) and sustained by those that pledge allegiance to the British Crown. (And you thought we were independent).

So if we are under martial rule and admiralty law, what do we do to rectify it and get back to constitutional law and US sovereignty?

The USA, a corporation of the English Crown, is bankrupt, and has been since at least 1788. The Articles of Confederation states in Article 12: “All bills of credit emitted, monies borrowed, and debts contracted by, or under the authority of Congress, before the assembling of the United States, in pursuance of the present confederation, shall be deemed as considered a charge against the United States, for payment and satisfaction whereof the said United States, and the public faith are hereby solemnly pledged.” The “Founding Fathers,” as constitutors, acknowledged and reorganized the debt in the US Constitution 1787, Article VI, hence “constitution.” Bankruptcy occurred on January 1, 1788 based on 21 loans that the United States of America received from the King of England dating from February 28, 1778 through July 5, 1782, the repayment of which had been ratified by Congress on January 22, 1783. The United States Bank, created in 1791, was a private bank, with 18,000 of 25,000 shares owned by England.

The Constitutional Flag

Educate the People

It is our duty as citizens to educate an ever widening circle of fellow Americans on the true meaning of our Constitution and the Republic.

The crimes committed against it and us... one person at a time in a decentralized manner so as not to generate an easy backlash by those in control.

One Begets two, begets four, begets eight....

It has begun

The crimes are now public, the perpetrators uncovered, the subjugators control is lost.

Learn and continue to share as we move forward toward freedom.

The "Civilian Flag"

The first U.S. Flag, which denoted civilian versus military purposes, was designed in 1799 by Oliver Wolcott Jr. the Secretary of the Treasury under John Adams. Wolcott's proposal featured: An ensign, consisting of sixteen alternating red and white stripes representing the number of states that had joined the Union by 1799; and the Union, represented by the small rectangle in the upper left corner, with its Arms (an Eagle) of the United States in dark blue on a white field.

It is significant that Wolcott’s new civilian flag had vertical stripes, not horizontal. This was done so that non-military ships would be easily recognized and not fired upon as they tried to hail and board foreign vessels. This new flag was actively flown on Revenue Cutters, what we now call Coast Guard Cutters. The original purpose of the Revenue Cutter was to collect tariffs and other taxes that were imposed on foreign goods. The Revenue Cutter ensign had vertical stripes to denote civilian authority under the Treasury Department rather than military authority under the War Department.


Good Health – Evan Pantazi #Kyusho

Image Credits: elplawyers, alphacoders
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Plugged here

Thank you for the great post!

thank you for the information !

Well that is what we are here for @crok thank you.

In the first picture, the flag seems to be photoshopped into that court room (check the area of contact between the chair and the flag). Just an observation. Still, interesting to learn about these different types of the US flag, didn´t know about it.

wouldn't say it is , just zoom in, there is even a reflection on the desk that is difficult to photoshop it would take time and require a professional, I doubt it is looks ok to me at least, shadows and light seem natural ad the flag doesn't look to be pasted in, normally there is a border around it where it was cut from another image because the light is different and the border is either feathered or pixely

Thanks for this.

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