What if you were paid to write?

in #life6 years ago

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What if you were paid to write?

I know you are all prolific Steemit whales in the making, so why make a post about posting?

What if you had the opportunity to post your work on another platform? You came on here to earn, why not earn outside of Steemit too? Most came on to this platform because they were told that they could earn cash by writing. Some spin this in the various direction going as far as comparing it to other social media sites. I don't agree with this method unless they are really writing original content.

What you post daily on the book of faces and insta snaps isn't always quality or original content.

I've seen writers sacrifice their quality for quantity in order to cash in on their auto votes. I wonder how they or you would write if you weren't dependent on autovotes. If your income was based solely on the audience. Not to say that some do this already.

Do you engage with your audience?

If not, why?

If yes, what if you could expand your audience and earn for basically marketing. Would you do it?

Writing for the people

Recently my other social media platforms have been promoting sites that pay for writers. I stumbled upon this site because I couldn't find the original ad. Instagram and Facebook have also been promoting various sites that pay writers for their work. Most require a niche, but it had me thinking of the possibility.

My best friend former boss asked me, are you considering expanding your platform to eventually have ads and expand your audience based? I thought that was a very interesting question.

The writer's block is a community built with the long-term to transform writers of all stages and improve to a professional level. If this is something you are seriously considering I would recommend you join their discord here.

Put your writing skills to the test.

Each site has a topic or niche that they seek various writers for. I've recently been playing with the idea to submit to one of them. I would like to think my writing has improved, but would it be approved by outside publishers? Has your time spent on Steemit improved your writing? Have you thought twice before posting? There are many ways to find out and I am considering submitting a piece if for nothing else, to see what feedback I receive. After I travel, to Europe, to Australia, and elsewhere. I'll write something up and see what they say. What say you, would you be brave enough to write for another site and potentially earn like Steemit, maybe more, maybe even less?


You are doing well writing and I'm so excited about your travels. I have written on other blog sites that have paid money and made a little bit of coin. The problem is as many of them Fade Into the dust. I think that Steven. Is lasting and I really hope that it takes off the way everyone thinks that it will. Good luck with everything!

Well I haven't really reached the stage of being considered a 'quality'content producer yet. I just write for fun, but expanding earning scope through writing is a great idea for the medium term

What do you think is needed for you to reach that level of quality content producer?

I rant a lot. My passion to write is from a desire to make my views known. I don't think I've given too much thought into putting those views in a qualitative manner

I always had delusions of writing seriously but never explored them until Rhonda came along and we created The Writers' Block. If I could find the time to write more, sure I would explore sharing to other sites for payment. Why keep your eggs in one basket?

I think that is more than understandable It just be nice to have passive long term income being generated from higher quality works. So it really is tempting to try and find a way to reuse something elsewhere on another site to try and bring in more income. If you just look at Youtubers you see most have learned the best way to go is having more than one income source. If one of their avenues under performs or is cut off they have other options. Which is something we still need to learn here.

I never thought about that with my writing. If I’m freelancing on Steemit, it is similar to keeping all my eggs in one basket. After this meetup, I’m sure you’ll have more to share on that too!!

I tried that for years and got nowhere at all so now I just write for steemit

Really, tell me more. What were your struggles?

Many; back when I began in the early 60s there was active scorn and after a few decades of just writing for myself I began to send stuff out and had a few successes in small mags etc but didn't get paid. Then in the 90s I did a few small books and had some published by small presses but didn't make any money. Entered lots of competitions and etc and then in 2012 wrote a bigger book and got it self published with create space and amazon. Since then I've done 40 books and they are now audio. I make around ten dollars a month on all of it when I'm lucky

Wow, you do write a lot! It’s a tough world out there. Have you heard of community the writers block?

No, not heard of them; who are they and where?

Steemit doesn't reward well for top quality writing. It rewards popularity and consistent posting and reasonable quality. This is great for bloggers but discouraging for serious artists.

This true, most members I show the platform too immediately click on new/trending and it’s tough to explain that isn’t where you find quality post unfortunately

The biggest issue most face is writing style of work should have passive lifetime income being generated from it. Here it’s just 6 days 12 hours. While it is true after x amount of time your income coming in for older article would not be very high. You will have people who find you, love what you, and binge consume everything you have done in the past. The solution here to reward old works is to simply leave a comment saying if the author comments back you will upvote them. Sounds like a clever way but that not passive income, and most people don’t have a vote that will pass the 2 cent threshold let alone make it worthwhile for a busy author to want to engage with older constant. I sometimes do I sometimes don’t

When I do my standard full game review there cost of acquiring the game up to $59.99. Than the 40-60 hours of game play and getting screenshots for me to feel like I understand something enough to write a review on it and engage with anyone who has questions wants to know more. Than there the up to 5-10 hours of putting it all together into a review and learning anything I feel like I’m lacking in from further playing or getting other screenshots which could exceed how much time I plan to write something.

Now making something off a passion you have is just crazy and wonderful. So what ever I do get here is always great. It does make me wonder where else I could put my higher end stuff to try and get more out of it for my time and cost invested.

What I consider my higher end content I could only produce it every couple of weeks at best and I just don't at this time as I have other content and engagement to do as well. Which is why it does not happen as often as I would like. Would I love to have longer life out of my top end content? Yep, I would. I might even try and produce more of it if it became profitable and finically more than covered the hours invested into it.

Which leads me to the issue of lower quality and having to put more out. Quite a few people do almost a game review a day. There are ways to do that even more so not spend a lot at all if anything. While I would love to speed up my own process and get more content out. I for most part want to have a certain level of quality on my higher end stuff. As a result I just have my daily content that I still put way to many hours into and then my not so regular stuff.

So, if you found a paid gaming gig would you take it?

There are ethical and moral considerations to take into account. I have in the past had many paid gaming opportunities that I’ve created for myself. Some I have lived partially off of playing many games in the past. Some of them I’ve written about but not make it so apparent in how I was earning an income from them. Others I’ll only discuss in the vaguest of terms if ever.

Something I’ve never really address I have so in another comment today. Steemit is more of a step for me along a path that has many forks and options in it. A number of my blogs I would consider to be a portfolio of sorts that I’m building and growing to highlight examples of certain types of my work. Mix in with those types of things are just me more personally as a person as I explore different things and showcase I have an array of scope. It is part of my longer term strategy so I don’t tend to talk about those kinds of things very publicly.

There are a few paid gaming gigs out there that are also soul draining and will kill joy all the fun out of gaming. Many of my old opportunity are long gone and I'm hoping to build something here that I can take with me else where if needed be.

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