What feeling best describes you?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life7 years ago (edited)

We all have skills and talents they say.

I have found, as many of you have as well, that the gift of writing, creating, and drawing are selected for few. I myself am not gifted in the arts. I pretend to be a writer on here and you have kindly appreciated my efforts. I have learn to write from the heart and the rest will follow because it is not forced.

My true gift you see is Empathy & Joy.

I was born and have developed over the years the ability to listen not to be heard, but to gain understanding of the speaker. I feel the greatest joy in my heart. As a child I always smiled and giggled at everything. As a teen, I was quite and allowed the glow of joy to radiate in the moments in which it allowed it self.
Optimistic, that is what some call it. The go luck girl, glass half full, child like humor. You see some tried to call it being naive or inexperienced. Like wise, they poke fun at my challenges with dyslexia. You see I see all the letters, but not always in the right order. Most of my text responses are text to speech because I cannot remember how to sound out the letters in order.

Either way, look at me know. Writing and spreading joy every post I read.

Story Time....

There once was girl born of a family know for their beautiful blue/green eyes. She never understood how or why she had plain brown eyes. She had other qualities aligned with the family traits, however not her eyes. She grew up always questioning, always doubting, always wishing it was different. One day she went on a mission trip with her church. Deep into the forest she met a group of people. A group on individuals no one knew was there. They welcomed her with open arms, listened to her tell stories, and accepted her gifts. She returned excited to her camp to tell her group leader. With awe, he listens to every word and finally responding, " We have tried for years to speak to them and they wouldn't accept us". Later that night the forest people chef came and left a gift. It read, because her eyes were like ours and we knew she was like us. A safe haven.

Created for a purpose

Each individual regardless of their challenges were created for something. It can be a single moment, or a life time of contribution. I have come to accept that my joy is like no other. It fills a room and encourages many hearts. My ability to listen and not always relate, but feel with you and for you brings many comfort. My gifts cannot always be taught. My gifts cannot be faked and yield the same results.

I am empathy. I love hugs and encouraging words. I believe you were made for greatest even when you don't... What feeling best describes you?



I feel the empathy and the joy you permeate. I love the way your writing flows. I just want to bow before you as an expression of honor. I give thanks for your gifts and how you have chosen to share it here on Steemit. I also love the rare bareness of your truth and your voice that speaks to ones' heart. Please continue to do what you do. If I had to name two words that describes what I give in life those words would be peace and inspiration. Thank you @kubbyelizabeth.

Wow, Rensoul17 that is so kind and generous of you. Such kind words and I appreciate it all the more.

I am not sure if I can say exactly what feeling best describes me. I would lead myself to believe that it must be peace, harmony, tranquility and balance... and sometimes it is, but the reality of life is that sometime you can't always make things work the way you want them too. I will say I try though. I really enjoyed this post and thank you for stopping by and reading one of mine.

The Last Sage

Thanks for stopping by and thinking about it. :) if anything come to mind come back and let me know :)

Congratulations! This post has been upvoted from the communal account, @minnowsupport, by Kubby Elizabeth from the Minnow Support Project. It's a witness project run by aggroed, ausbitbank, teamsteem, theprophet0, and someguy123. The goal is to help Steemit grow by supporting Minnows and creating a social network. Please find us in the Peace, Abundance, and Liberty Network (PALnet) Discord Channel. It's a completely public and open space to all members of the Steemit community who voluntarily choose to be there.

If you like what we're doing please upvote this comment so we can continue to build the community account that's supporting all members.

Woohoo, thanks for the support :)

I think my gift is listening. I am a very good active listener and often find people, even complete strangers will tell me things I have no business knowing. But I never share those things. So, it's not a feeling but it is something.

ps - fix your tag. It says SOTRY, I think you want it to say "story". :) HUGS

A listening ear can heal the soul :) love it 😍 and it's fixed :)

Not an easy question @kubbyelizabeth... "peace and tranquility" might come as close as any... others say they feel it around me, and it's also what I strive to feel for myself. Of course, that's what I strive for... no guarantees it will actually happen.

Maybe you are calmness. Which could also mean peace and tranquility. Such a blessing to have these gifts. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

Your words bought a smile to my face - in reading them, I heard your joy and desire to connect. I felt that connection and relaxed into my heart felt space.

You felt my emotion and conquered my ❤️. Don't be a stranger my friend

I feel paradoxical in that sometimes I want to make people laugh and other times I want shine light on the worst criminals in our society.
I don't really know what that makes me.
I guess I feel conflicted.
Nice post Kubby

Thanks tremendospercy, not my favorite. I had been thinking about it for a few days and It just didn't come out the same way. However, thank you for taking the time to read and comment :)

Balanced, focused, directive....as in leadership. I wish to be more like my mate (patient, gracious, charismatic), but God made us both individually wrapped - thank goodness! He is my best compliment!

Aww, do I hear a love story in the works. Next post maybe? How you met, fell in love, the works :)

It happened fast. We met on active duty at the officer's club. He was hunkered down in the corner...I was a plucky new lieutenant. Recently divorced but I was going to be a four star general! Ha, on how we make plans and God laughs. This guy was my neighbor with the really annoying 🚙 loud car...and we dated a month, so what three weeks and lots of spaghetti. I had just started grad school at night. We got hitched in East St Louis (how romantic 😂!) on lunch. He left for training in Florida and I went back to station. We met up one weekend a month for over a year until he got orders to D.C. Then ended up pregnant. So he deployed and I moved our stuff. And we had a baby, left active duty a year and a half later (seemed so arduous!). We moved from the Atlantic Ocean to Idaho. We bought a home, got two jobs, had a happy kid, our dads both passed away (strange odds) and we quit one job and lost the other. Ha ha - early retirement. Got pregnant, got a job. Three promotions later, twohappy healthy kids, we keep busy. I work in ministry to other moms, we decided to homeschool. We like cryptocurrency and beating the system. And if I recall, we fell in love over some commonality in our disdain for the elite, the NWO, mainstream living.....I was astounded that there was a man who thought about the same things. And yet, we are polar opposites. Slowly rubbing off on each other. Very, very, very fairytale ❤️!

Wow, that was concise! Your story is beautiful and so grateful you shared it. There is so much details you left out. I'm sure you'll let us in a little more over time :) is your husband on steemit too?

He is on Steemit! But barely---he works, I am home with the kids. So our time is pretty limited and I often am up feeding baby, which is when I Steem :)

Aww, a new born. So many in my office are currently sleep deprived too. Keep steeming and I hope your baby sleep just another hour longer :)

My skills are drawing connections, imagining perspectives, and reconciling the disparate. I'm not quite sure what feeling that translates too, but I know I'm often focused on trying to create balance.

You are creative more then a feeling I guess. :D

Perhaps that's it! I am generally more focused on the world around me than my own feeling, but that's a close second.

Self-aware isn't bad, helps the world in more ways then they will admit!

Oh yeah, everyone needs at least a little self awareness.

Just a little more then none at all

Congratulations! You were nominated in the Whaleshares Minnow Support Contest by @cryptonet and you have won 25 whaleshares! Leave me your bitshares/openledger username to claim your prize!

Wow, I'll have to thank him! I opened a coinbase wallet, will that do?


That won't work but if you don't have a bitshares or openledger account you can either start one here or I can just use them on a post of your choice for you.


Thank you, if that doesn't work let me know.

Worked just fine.... Prize sent!

Thank you for your patience

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