So, how's that job search going?

in #life6 years ago

Photo May 14, 10 52 53 AM.jpg

World Record

I wonder what the world record is for the most job interviewed a person has attended. Turns out, that isn’t a record worth keeping track of. However, if you do enter that question on a search engine the results may amuse you. I didn’t read these, but the titles were amusing. The Longest, Craziest, Job Interviews We Ever Heard Of - Business and How to Explain an Arrest Record in a Job Interview. In case your search engine didn't reveal the same results, click HERE.

The new norm of unemployment

The outfits are relative.
I didn't expect the stay at home fashion to be so fabulous. I view workout and sleepwear so differently now. I wonder how often people that work from home actually wear clothes. I live in Florida, so the weather is warm. Therefore, less is more unless we have one of those cold fronts. Then we require all the winter gear you see pictured here.

Time is in abundance.
Busy is a preference. I spend most of my time stalking searching for companies that are hiring. After a few hours of applying, cover letters, and follow up emails I eat lunch. This is usually around 3:00 PM. Not because I slept in until 10:00 am, which is a personal new record. I struggle to sleep in any later regardless of what time I go to sleep. For those that work from home, do you struggle with sleep?

Anyways, I don't eat lunch late because I am busy on the phone or computer. I eat late because time is in abundance.


Name that movie!

There is an abundance in time to work on the Beachbody, on the tan, on that British book series, on every TV show ever created, and although time is in abundance it is often fleeing. Some days, I feel the day will never end. Other days, time is always running, people are always rushing, and without too many commitments the sense of urgency really becomes none existent. For this reason, I set all appointments in the morning. Gives me a reason to wake up and to hurry up.

Everything and nothing becomes about Money.
The stress of income is the first and last thought with each opportunity that presents itself and with each day. It's hard not to panic, to not become anxieties, and not to worry. Thankfully, friends become oddly generous during this time. They randomly visit to distract you, they randomly invite you out to eat, they randomly and purposely ensure you know that something great is soon coming.

Something great is soon coming.

At the time of writing this post. My best friend had earned herself a temporary job until the real one comes in with the same company. My discord buddy found himself an awesome full-time job, he was getting really discouraged, and I am beyond grateful he found work. I am sure my turn will be next. When that time arrives, I'll write you a lovely post. Until then, let me go back to contemplating the meaning of life and look for work, and start preparing for my next blog post, and curate some post, and I should probably shower at some point.

PS: I found out today, I will start my new job tomorrow. Stay tune for that post coming to you soon!


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aaaah so true, all the perks (and the downsides too)... but congrats on the new job tomorrow !! GOOD LUCK~~~

first day is always the hardest but im sure they will love kubby !!

A very useful article...

To whom? Is that sarcasm ?

That is great news! I hope new opportunity and fun are ahead of you!

I’ve never been a fan of interview process. Pointless hoops and repetition most of the time. Sometimes you just got stop and have a good laugh. I had a few places in the past that rejected me at the front desk before even getting into the interview. Always something silly “sorry we contacted you by mistake” or “that person is not in today.”

What?! That’s terrible of them, throughout this process of interviewing and moresoI’m shocked at the lack of professionalism from companies

Companies seem to forget they are not only ones doing the interviewing in the room. Future employees as well want to make sure the place is a good fit for them that will enable their own growth and prospers future. Otherwise, it’s just another “job” and that future employee is already disengaged and looking for a better place before their second fit walks in the door.

I hope you did not have to deal with much unprofessionalism.

What type of work are you looking for?

I barely know you but already sense you'd be great at community engagement work. Have you reached out to Social Media Management companies?
Or even considered finding your own clients?
Linked-in has advertising on their platform so maybe you could pitch yourself to some of those businesses via a few well-written ads.

Or even cold message every one of them that hint at not understanding the world of social media.

PS: I didn't read the PS. Congrats!

When you don’t read the last night, but then you do! :)

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