Play time, pass time, grind time, but do you even enjoy it?

in #life7 years ago

Do you enjoy the time you spend writing on here?

Surely, you spend too much as many of us do. This place becomes ever consuming trap. Reading, writing, editing repeat. Day in and day out thinking and writing. Many after a month or so don't make it, but with you?

Where do you get your ideas from?

I can imagine at time your ideas run out. So, I thought I would create a plan to help focus my thoughts an ideas. Right now, whatever comes to mind I make a note of Steemit ideas. It is filled with quotes, pictures, and words and I generally use all of them

Back to my original question:

Do you enjoy the time you spend writing on here?

I enjoy the challenge of creating a story. Ideas come and go throughout the day. Mostly through the pictures I take or see. I have all these random pictures that might make a a great illustration someday. It is starting to become a little out of control :)

The editing is also my favorite. As you can tell, I love to add pictures, change the fonts, and add all sorts of visuals to the post. <3


I personally enjoy the discord room. So much silly nonsense conversations. The people/ friends are very helpful and are slowly becoming besties.

In those conversations I find some of the best post and some really strange ones. Even better, I find people wanting to read and help upvote my post-Run there now and interact with them!!

Trust me you will meet lots of interesting characters in there. Thanks for reading, let me know in the comments below about your writing structure/plan/process looks like?

I like sequences and am thinking about incorporating it to help structure my post. Something to the extend of the following:

Story Monday
Picture Tuesday
Poem Wednesday
Random Thursday
Collection Friday
Sunday thoughts on a Saturday
Cooking/Kitchen Adventures Sunday, Maybe even Contest Sunday

This list is random, but I think something similar will end up making it. Do you have an idea of a topic I could borrow?



Very nice post! Well put together and supporting the steemit world! I will be following along and look forward to all the great things you will bring along with you.

The Last Sage

Thank you my new follower and friend :) see you in discord!

You are awesome! This is a great post and lots of good thought provoking concepts. For me, I keep a list of "Headlines". When I don't have something specific to say, I normally pull from that list and write a blog. I've been writing for a long time and can pump out content pretty quickly, but on Steemit, I get to do it for me. So that answers your second question, I really do love it. I enjoy writing. Most of my posts are about tips and ideas with some humor because I like helping people and making them smile. That is what makes me smile. lol I like the idea of having a specific thing each day, that can help you plan things out for sure. This is really a great post and think that you are doing all the right things to succeed on here. Keep up the great work and it has been awesome getting to know you. Thanks for following!!!!

If anyone ever needed an example of a thoughtful comment here it is people! You answered my question on top of it all :)

I try. Good content is easy to reply to.

I belong to EVERY social media platform, lol, but not once have I ever been PROUD to be a member.

That is...

Until I found Steemit three weeks ago :)

I love it here, very much enjoy my time here.

Wonderful meeting you!

Hello Friend, thanks for stopping by and leaving me a lovely comment :)

Hey... two of my favorite Steemonians in one place!!! Hope you ladies are having a wonderful day.

Lol hey!!! Fancy meeting you here @walkingkeys! Come here often?

You are welcome :)

...silly conversations in the PALnet discord server. No no no, that can't be true. :)

Its like the play ground for online friends. We play tag and "I know you are, but what am I". Nonetheless, we are super cool, most of the time :) See you there?

If it is like tag, i think we all are at the same time. With the exception of all the people playing the upvote game with themselves in the upvote channel. :)
I will be back soon. See you there!

I guess that means you are it, tag me in discord :)

I struggle enough trying to find topics for myself :D

I have found a love for writing since coming to Steemit, getting those creative juices flowing.

You have found a love for ME too, and that is the best part. The stories we share. The stories we create and the friends that share them with us.

But of course :-)

Writing structure? L O frig'n L...lookie there I started a sentence with a capitol letter. I'm get'n gudder at this...aren't I?

I used to read and write a lot when I was younger. Then the internet came along. I haven't read a book since I got outta prison in '87...naaa not a bad jean crime the bikers told me...then trusted me to finish my bit cleaning up their mess in the common room and keeping my cell open to them so they could have their li'l meets before heading to the gym, yard...some even went to the library...they all may be bad asses...but most are just good ole boys...'n girls...'n fill_in_the_blanks. Honest...would I lie to you?

Anyway my current style is to play in the feeds and comment on interesting posts and the comments generated by those posts. I find it a good way to knock the rust off. I was encouraged throughout my school years to become a journalist...well the Ivey league just seemed too stuffy for me so...yeah I took the harder path in life. No regrets.

Keep doing what you're doing if you find it's working for you @kubbyelizabeth and don't be afraid to tweek now and again...oh...and I guess the most important thing to do is...embrace the art of patience!
image from Weeal117 - DeviantAr

~smiles fer miles~

EDIT: tmi ?

Prison to Ivey league potential, to twerking...I mean tweeking. I think I got it, be patience and let the imagination flow freely like a bird. Thanks for crazy comment and super cool picture. Now go write something amazing!

~be~ do you mean be

nope...I mean be you...with wings ;-)

I'm told I can be kinda cryptic...hence the name choice


Ohhhh, I get it now :)

knew you would

~smiles fer miles~

I like your idea of structure, however my mind refuses to follow a set pattern. I get the funny stories just pop into my head from nowhere and I normally just stop what I'm doing to write them down. Other pieces are sometimes planned but rarely end up the way I conceived them.
Just my weird brain I guess. 😆
Thanks for your support recently, you're a good egg as we say.

I love eggs, so that's a beautiful ~~comment ~~complement. I've been trying to follow the structure lately and I think it's blocked my creativity. Not a huge fan of my most recent post I like the one before that better because I think my heart was more into it. Thanks for always stopping by leaving me such a love!

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