I have your password, now what?

in #life7 years ago (edited)

I'm sure you have done it before and wish you hadn't...

It has come to my attention that some people are very trusting. Arguably naive, or somehow convinced that sharing passwords is a good idea.

Story Time

Girl talk yesterday got a little out of hand as I realized what some people considered normal in the dating world. Sending certain pictures I've come to learn thanks to Snapchat cosmopolitan stories are done very often. Why people feel the need to send those pictures has still not been explained to me. Giving my conservative background I would like to keep it that. Sending compromising pictures or information via anything seeems like someone asking for blackmail.

However, people exchange pictures she shared. I knew the individual so screaming TMI didnt stop her from sharing. When she said,"I had his password and he forgot to change it for a few months". As they say in Brazil, PARE TUDO, halt, wait a minute here, let's circle back around that idea. Why do you have his password?!

He asked for it, I've done it before, she says. I'm taken back, shocked, and utterly surprised 😳... Never have I been asked or asked for someone's password for anything.

Rules of engagement

A. I have nothing to hide, take my phone look at everything

B. My Facebook profile is public, take a look at everything- it's the web, you share it nothing is private any more

C. Ask me for my password to anything, we've problems

Is this the norm?

Seriously, while dating is it normal to exchange passwords to social media sites? Please don't tell me horror stories about sharing your bank account information with previous relationships, there is only so much shock I can take at once. Do tell me your thoughts on sharing your phone and social media password before marriage?

Side Bar

Steemit doesn't count as social media, we obviously 🙄 would never share that. I mean those social media sites.



I totally agree! That should absolutely NOT be the norm. This world gets more and more screwed up every day. lol Great post. I like your writing style. Upvoted and followed. Look forward to reading more from you.

You like me, you really really like me :) Thanks so much!

What is your steemit wif?

Huh, there are words being read but understanding them not occurring at the same time.
Wif-password got it! That was good!

hackers are always cryptic :p

Bahahha, btw it's password123 :)

I think I need to add your name to the stalking list.

Yes add it, love on it, upvote all the post under the name :)

If my smart bot loves it he will reward your posts. :p

Of course he's going to love it, who doesn't love a kubby?!

Ahhh! This is messed up. Is there no trust anymore?? If I want to read @morkrocks messages/emails whatever I must just ask.... but it's kinda boring lol!

Hahahah, your too funny :) 😂

With teenagers, it's the new norm. "If you really love me, you will give me your passwords so I know you aren't cheating on me." Should it be the norm?? NO!!!! That is a huge red-flag of co-dependent and emotionally abusive relationships. Whatever happened to trust? If you can't trust someone enough to have their own accounts, then I guess you shouldn't be in a relationship with them. Sorry, this is a big thing I preach to my teenagers, because I see SOOOO many unhealthy relationship choices, and I just don't understand it!

Hey hey now not every teenager does this. Me and my girlfriend would never do anything like this, it's obviously a huge red flag if you have to have someone's passwords in order to trust them.

True, and thanks for calling me out on it! Yes, not every teenager, but a growing number for sure. I'm glad to hear about the ones who don't...maybe in my role I just hear from the ones that do!

kids these days...why I never had'm...sure hope your are listening @thesimplelife <3

Personally I think there's a certain level of trust required when in a relationship and if the other person needs your password that trust may not be there. Not that this is the case in every situation, just my 2 cents Or 1 cent if we're talking about my upvote

Bahahah, your two cents of opinion and one cent of upvotes are much appreciated. I think trust is the biggest underlining factor. Thanks for stopping by!

Of course nobody get's my passwords. Sometimes I don't even get to use them. I've lost all my contact and access to hotmail...because after not being there for like almost a year...I couldn't remember my password...didn't use an outside email addy for recovery and couldn't answer their questions to verify I was in fact me. ;-/

Needless to say they're getting along swimmingly without me. My friends there...I have no idea....and so much stuff of mine. I hada habit of storing pics and documents in emails. Don't ask me why...that's just how I was.

And what's this stuff about premarriage sharing of passwords? What does marriage have to do with my passwords? Has the laws changed? Can someone lose their passwords to a spouse in a divorce settlement.

Kubby...say it ain't so! :-0

I feel I cannot legally answer some of your questions, some of them I can only high recommend that you set up a recovery account and remember your answers to verification questions. :) all those pictures and friends feeling lost with out you there.

Don't lose us here, EVER!! Do you hear me, save that password somewhere sage!

I find it hard to believe that anyone could be so naive... :O



Unfortunately, it has occurred oh to often among individuals. I too wish it wasn't so.

We'll just award them the LAX degree, and I don't mean the airport... ;)

Bahahahah, if only I had thought of that at the moment. Where were you when then?!

Ask me for my password to anything, we've problems

I am with you on this 100%.

My wife has all my passwords. If my parents asked I would be taken aback and ask why, because it would be super wierd. But if their reason was legit, I would give it to them.

But dating?

RIGHT, I knew I couldn't be the only one!

Hard to believe people do this

Kids these days will do just about anything for shock value

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