Hidden Agenda.

in #life7 years ago

Core Values

My friend in college loved getting to the core of concerns, to the core of resolutions, and to the core of life principles. He was almost incapable of having shallow conversations. One day, he asked me about core values. Non-negotiable core values in life, in ministry, and in a future husband.

Hidden Messages

I was watching one of my favorite shows that really needed to end. It was one of those series that captured you, broke your heart, and refused to end. Anyways, I've noticed for a while that they have hidden messages in their shows. They present a problem and the hero always seems to be promoting another agenda.

Who is the hero?

The heros in these stories are always fighting for their rights. The right to be whomever they choose to be. Either they are falling in love with a married individual, gay couples accepting their desire for same sex relationships, or the newest one today: A girl transitioned into a male.


Change is the only constant

Who or what did you want to be growing up? I wanted to be a lawyer, I wanted to be a business executive, and I wanted to be financially free from debt. Over time, I noticed school wasn't all it was cracked up to be. Debt was a real part of life if you made it. Getting out of debt and staying out of debt is also a choice and not the easy one.

Watching the show infecting the mindless minds watching.

These shows have a way of pushing their own agendas to the many minds watching. If you catch them and understand their beliefs are different than your own, should you keep watching them? If you don't catch them are they still influencing you?

Although this show challenges what I hold to be a core value, what do you hold to be a core value?

Do your core values change over time?

How does it affect your life?



Hye @kubbyelizabeth ... My core value is to appreciate and spread the kindness of others... Thanks for all many great things you did and here is my gift to you... cheers!



Wow, thank you so much! 💜

@kubbyelizabeth you've just made my day with this sensitive question. My core value has been being a voice to the voiceless since my school days, i have challenged most time the authority of the oppressors at the expense of my life, in one way or the other it pleases me to see freedom and the weak once smile again, its always my joy...some call it a golden gift but i call it a way of life

You have to put that photo side by side with the new avatar you got... or replicate that pose with the hair from the other picture.
Would be sweeet :D

I also need a haircut. All on my to do list!

There are some area i've been influence since i got married but i found it joyful when i do things that will give me peace of mind and making me to be my own self. I love helping people and I love looking good

That is personal to you. Core values are individual and it is good to have them and have ones that are important to you.

values can and do change, though certain core values may be unaltered over a long period of time.

I agree, what core values do you have?

thanks for this great post on core value, i hold supporting and encouraging the productivity of women in the society as my core value. and i equally believe that i can be and do whatever i choose for myself. my core values has impacted positively into my life, it has given me a platform to averse my views and handle criticisms without blinking an eye.. thanks for sharing.

Glad to hear a core value of yours is supporting women!

We like it or not we accept it or not we are influenced by the society around us.. as a human we all have capability of think and to what is good and bad for so so why we need others opinion on it .

True statement. We are constantly influenced, we are constantly influencing, but does it change or effect your core values?

Ofcourse it effect my core value .. see everyone get effected by others influence only thing is it value differ people to people, some may effected less others overall ...

pursuit of truth, compassion, honesty

Hey Kubby - nice post :-) I saw your comment on Ben Lee’s Brazil blog. I’m headed to Orlando soon and looking for someone to host an essential oils class... you look like the type of person who may be interested. By chance do you happen to be in Orlando? Hope this isn’t too forward, I’m still working Steemit out. Thanks, Peter

Hi Peter,
I don't live in Orlando and we are going to be there in March for a mini meet up. I have another friend that sells essential oils. She was just down here visiting. Unfortunately, I had to work late and missed the party. I am a beachbody coach and don't care to host an essential oil class, but thanks for reaching out nonetheless. Good luck on your steemit journey!

Thanks Kubby - I know it was a long shot, but sometimes the Universe makes things happen innwondrous ways :-)

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