Do the smartphones have a damaging effect on our life?

in #life6 years ago

Hello my friends!

It is a wonder for me how our grandparents and parents lived without any smartphones. It is difficult to imagine our life without them. People stare at their phones all days long and take selfies everywhere and I should say that I am not an exception.) I did not lose a chance to make a selfie even in the elevator.

But I sometimes think about the harm which all these phones bring. I noticed a lot of times how people even did not listen to their interlocutors but looked at their phones instead. This also applies to the members of my own family sometimes and it annoys a lot. And what do you think my friends - can smartphones ruin relationships between people?


Привет, мои друзья!
Для меня удивительно, как наши дедушки и бабушки и родители жили без каких-либо смартфонов. Трудно представить нашу жизнь без них. Люди смотрят в свои телефоны все дни напролет и всюду снимают свои селфи, и я должна сказать, что я не исключение. Я не упустила шанса сделать селфи даже в лифте.

Но я иногда думаю о вреде, который приносят все эти телефоны. Я много раз замечала, как люди даже не слушали своих собеседников, а вместо этого смотрели в свои телефоны. Иногда это относится и к членам моей семьи, и это сильно раздражает. И как вы думаете, мои друзья - могут ли смартфоны разрушать отношения между людьми?


Smart stupid phones are government trackers that the sheep pay for.
(and ruin social interractions, yes)

This statement makes me really unpopular though... I'm not sure why..

The government is your neighbor and your family too. If something happens to you or if someone you care about were kidnapped would you want to be able to track the phone?

The government is your neighbor and your family too.

I can only read that line as though it's straight out of the 1984 big brother communist handbook..
Maybe I'm misinterpreting it...?(or you do see governments like that?)

Why would you/I see the world in those terms, with such fear?
Fear based control mechanism are never good.
It's illogical - and psychologically damaging..

I've traveled the world for 20 years without travel insurance. Or a smart stupid phone! lol
(Insurance is nothing more than a fear of the future, fundamentally.)
I just don't live in a state of fear...

The truth is the truth. The government are the people who judge you. The people who judge you the most are the people closest to you. If you have friends, a family, a social network, then you're governed by that alone.

No different than radio, tv, telephone, or anything else. It's all in how people decide to use the technology which determines if it's beneficial to their lives or not. It can be empowering but it also raises the level of responsibility. It can be fun but it also brings increased risk. It can produce safety but costs privacy.

Yes, you are totally right - they have pluses and minuses but what I see - many people even do not listen to what their interlocutors say, they just stare at their smartphones like hypnotized and as a result communication problems appear. I agree that it depends on people how to use the technology and it is sad that many people use it in a wrong way.

Just like with anything you need to learn to control yourself and regulate yourself what you do on it. You cant blame anyone else but yourself for things

Yes, you are totally right. It is only people`s responsibility how they use smartphones and other things. Thank you for the comment)

Ah yes. I recall being in social situations where I didn't have much to contribute to the conversation in the room, so I decided to spend time on my phone.

Boy, did I receive backlash for that.

Yes, phones help to kill time. I often use them at traffic stops or when I am on a bus and have nothing to do. But I still think that people should do their best to find common topics for conversation, they should try to do it at least. We have even an expression in my country: "Communication is the key to success."

And it is even worse when a person does not listen to what other people say. I think it is bad form. For example, I can tell something to my sister`s husband to know his opinion about the situation but instead of the answer to my question, I often hear something like: "What did you say? I did not catch you!" And it happens because he is always busy staring at his phone. Nowadays, there are a lot of people like him and as a result the quality of communication suffers a lot. But it is only peoples fault as technologies were created to make our life more comfortable and only we ourselves should be responsible for our deeds.

I think the smart phone has certainly hurt quality conversations with one another. You can imagine two people dying to meet each other, finally do - only to spend half the time together on their smartphones.

Before steemit I spent a lot of hours on my phone just killing time, at least now I have something worthwhile to make use of it

Hi @kristinaljfom hope you will be fine and feeling well,

can you help me please?

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Мне кажеться, что смартфоны, это неотьемлемый компонент сегодняшней жизни. А если смартфон разрушает отношения, то это говорит лишь о слабости отношений, которые были обречены, а смартфон был лишь поводом.

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