Steem Users... What is Your Profession?

in #life7 years ago

( The classic scene from the movie "300" featured above - What is your profession? )

People from all walks of life have come to the STEEM network and utilize it's power to blog, seek info and be part of a greater community. The sheer amount of variation of people on this platform is mind blowing and taking an inventory of the skills here is a must.

Steem Users, What is Your Profession?

It's not what you know, but who you know. I've always been a firm believer in that.

Use the comment section below and share with the STEEM community what you do!

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A Proud STEEMbassador of Canada

Thank you for your votes, the opportunity and support!


Lay-z-boy recliner. Probably one of the most iconic lounging chair companies I know of.

Unfortunately, I have no profession. But I had the chance to acquire a ridiculously large amount of skills from various areas, from writing (10 books self-published on Amazon), blogging, coding (PHP, Objective C, AngularJS and a few other exotic languages like lua), up to reading astrological charts (I generally avoid telling people that I know that, but I extensively use it for myself and my close friends).

Occasionally, the planets are aligning in such a way that I can also make money by mixing one or more of these skills.

A man doesn't need simply one profession if he has the skills to survive applying what he knows to live. :)

Am a pet-sitter. Started my own business when the mortgage bubble burst in '08 and my profession basically went POOF! Hubby was a new-construction painter back then, so his job went POOF! at the same time. Woohoo, double whammy!

I much prefer dealing with four-leggeds than two-leggeds most days. The Steemians I've met so far fall into the 'good egg' category.

Hubby followed his interests and works in a - get this - coin shop. He's been a collector since he was 6.

We have the old guard and the new under one roof. Ha!

That's what I keep telling myself as I scoop out the litterboxes...

Just kidding! I knew that was part of the gig upfront. The kisses, cuddles, and daily laughs mostly make me immune to the yucky aspects.

Now if I could just have a George Jetson car...

I've often stated that dogs are better than people to have around!

It's amazing how ones way of life can be changed by external factors not even under our control.

If the husband is doing what he loves and you enjoy what you do all the power to you!

Agreed! The side benefit is we rarely come home complaining about work. That's always a plus.

That's awesome! I used to love writing but haven't really kept on top of it.. My grammar and spelling have deteriorated significantly since being out of school.

Yes, it does take a lot of practice to keep on top of things.

I've noticed since joining Steemit, my writing is flowing better, I'm writing more and the stories are just coming to me.

I've published a book of short stories since joining Steemit - I admit they were mostly already written before I joined, but the next book is almost ready now - 2 books in less than a year is quite good going I think :)

I'm an intern at this startup blockchain company. Mostly just QA work :)

^ Startup blockchain company eh..?! :D

Huzzah! Huzzah! Huzzah!

Good one - the sparta clip! They don't need to say their profession - their energy shouts it.

I LARP for a living. That means I do storytelling, I play with kids, make-believe, swashbuckling, experiential education, and the behind-the-scenes admin drudge work to keep the chariot rolling. :)

That is awesome man.

Live Action Roleplay is something I've always wanted to do but simply put no one does it here in Central Canada.

Perhaps once I get myself some armour built I'll start something up here. We DID have a stick fighting league when I was younger but due to the combatants constantly injuring eachother we stopped it. :P

I've fantasized about heading to Canada for Bicolline - the largest and most immersive LARP environment in North America:
The Duche de Bicolline is the world’s largest medieval, fantasy immersive site in the world. Set in the foothills of Northern Quebec, it is situated on nearly 350 acres of pristine woodland, and is occupied by hundreds of permanent buildings including a fully functioning inn, churches and countless cabins. It is by far the most immersive medieval setting in the world.

other Canada larps:
In Toronto: Website:

NERO in Hagersville Ontario

Both are east of me.. Quebec is like it's own country to be honest. Never felt like such an alien in my own country till I went through there on a trip to the east coast.

Appreciate the share of info sir!

As many here know, I am an attorney. Im a plurality stake holder in my firm, which mainly deals with helping off shore corporations do business in the USA, and helping them get their profits in such a way as to avoid having them stolen by their (or our) governments.

Hmmm, well I build furniture from reclaimed pallet wood.
I've also been teaching myself graphic design (Photoshop and Illustrator) over the past 2 years or so...hoping that goes somewhere eventually. Haha

Nothing wrong with being crafty!

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