NZ Justice system is a JOKE - here have a bag of candy floss

in #life7 years ago

The candy arse justice system in New Zealand simply encourages criminals to keep being criminals, while feeding them sweet treats along the way.
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Add in some judges born with silver spoons in their mouths who have had zero life experience who more often or not hand out bags of candy floss to criminals as punishments
Image result for candy floss
This Judge below is so far removed from reality i wonder how the moron finds his way to work each day, oh yeah that's right he follow's the candy floss truck to court
Image result for judge chris sygrove

ok my rant is over, i feel a little better :) - steem on

This is me @kiwiscanfly

Check out my Youtube chanel

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I love it that us KIwis are mosly not a bunch of libtards so we can call people retarded and laugh about their arses.

Except that judge - what did he do? - have you got a link?

I think from what I've seen on Steemit that most Americans are scared to say boo to a libtard

He gave my sister no jail and 12 months home d when she should have got jail - he ordered he to pay Dad back @ $200 per week then when she wouldnt pay that, he said to her just pay $100 per week now that has stopped

i think she ate all the money

why would anyone work ?- just find some old blind person to take all their money and pay it back @ $100 per week

Holy shit that's you in the story!

I had no idea you were linked to all that - what a scam...

yep thats me trying to get some justice for Dad - i can only try :)

@kiwicanfly steem "rant"! SUPPORTED!


Go play with your wheel burrow. 🤣

good call i might just do that :)

i didn't knew much about this before.

There is this kind of justice in my country, too

Definitely, we got used to it, too

Know how it is brotha!!!

Jail won't fix the problem. It will just cost the taxpayer more money and your dad won't get a cent.

What the court should be able to order is that she has to repay the debt and if she can't afford it with her current job, then she will have to work for the justice system and her 'wages' from that wold go to your dad.

Essentially sentencing her to hard labour, so she has to work her way out of debt. And the long hours should keep her out of trouble.

Any property should be forefit to your dad.

There is no good solution in all this really. But I do agree that she got off way too lightly.

Justice is getting more close of becoming a joke people have to restore faith in the system.

haha that is funny!

Nice! Didn't knew about this before.

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