Check out my NEW series! From Fat 🍑 to Bad A$$; Day 1 - What Can Yoga Do For Me?

in #life7 years ago

The majority of my life, I have sucked at self care. Why? Well, that is the million dollar question. People that lack love for themselves are generally not great at self care. We take care of what we love. I recently realized through some insightful guidance from @quinneaker, that my self confidence is not equal to self love. This was really surprising to me since I never made a distinction between those two things. I thought I did love myself, I but defiantly do not.

Two years ago I was so much better at the physical aspect of my self care. I was doing yoga almost daily, bike riding many miles a day, and I even started kickboxing a little here and there. After struggling so many years with my health, I wanted to take steps to make it the best it could be.

Me feeling hot, tired, silly, and energized after a work out in 2015.

At the time I was trying to improve my physical, but was completely ignoring my mental health. Then an event occurred in my life, and I stopped cold turkey doing anything that benefited my physical health. Now that I am taking huge steps to heal my emotional scars with my recent postings:
Abused & Rising Above: When you are Ready…
The First Time
Bang! 🔫
When you think you found a prince, make sure it is not a Hans. Part 1
Co-parenting Casualties 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦
Die Bitch Die!
Don't Leave Me Bro! Abandonment at any age Hurts
Abused & Rising Above: Table for 1 in My Own Personal Hell please!
Abused & Rising Above: Where is the spontaneous bonding serum? I need to fix my Fractured Soul

I don’t want to lose that momentum of self evolution by ignoring my physical health. I have been looking over some of the more popular people that post about health, and specifically yoga, on Steemit. Of course being so close to @saramiller here at @gardenofeden has been an amazing inspiration in this area. Although, she is light years ahead of me in regard to physical capabilities, especially on the yoga front. So as I was checking out some of the other yoga enthusiasts I noticed there seemed to be a pattern, that left me wanting more.

By the time most of the Steemians start posting, they're already years in progress with their yoga/life journey, practically pros with amazing bodies, and frame of reference in regard to the yoga life. Don't get me wrong, these people are amazing! I think it is wonderful to see it has benefited so many, but at the same time can be very off putting for people that are just starting out or have never done it at all.

So how about we start at the beginning? I am going to start today, from a low point that most people would be far to insecure to share with the world. I am going to progress through words and photos each day with anyone who wants to watch, follow along with my progress, or hell even joining me in the transformation would be best!

Here I go!

Today's Pre Yoga:

Since this is day one, I'm thinking about my starting point. I am without a doubt a physical mess at the moment. I am very happy to report that since coming to @gardenofeden, with just the mental health improvements I have made so far, I have already lost 30lbs of unsightly weight and toxins! That is a huge deal for me, and something I recognize and celebrate each day, especially when I feel far from my goal of thriving health. That puts me at about 240 lbs currently, and about 6 months prego. Most people might think this is way to fat to start yoga, but that is just not true. Any amount of yoga you do at any point in health, or weight, is beneficial to your body, mind, and spirit!

I like to start out slow with things, especially when coming from a place of such physical weakness. Today I followed along with one of my favorite yogi's from Yoga with Adriene on YouTube.

Post Yoga:
I am really glad I decided to incorporate this into my Steemit life. Not only will it improve my health, improve my self love, hold me accountable to keep up with it, but I also hope it encourages and inspires beneficial change for others! It was great having the kids help me out as well. Special thanks to @qiqi-power for joining in! It just goes to show how interested children are to learn, and participate in healthy activities!


It is such an inspiration to see you DO something with your new awareness. Witnessing your transformation, one day at a time, is a true blessing. You have already done so much to upgrade your life since arriving at the @gardenofeden, and I'm especially grateful to see you're tuning in and integrating some of the mass amount of wisdom shared through @quinneaker.

I love that you're doing this on the blockchain. Accountability is really a powerful motivator, and having the kids to show us the way is priceless.

Hugs to you @kimberleighfl! <3

Your thinking is right about fighting obesity
Make sure your body is the type that quickly acquires fat and does not lose it easily

Thank you @shawki! I know there are many contributing factors when it comes to carrying extra fat on the body. As @quinneaker will tell you, living consciously has the largest impact on overall health and wellness. I totally agree with that, however for those of us not at that level of conscious living I think there is much we can do to affect the physical as well. I have a lot of toxicity in my body from mercury posioning. When I had my amalgam fillings removed because they were killing me, I gained almost 60 lbs right away afterwards. I am not so much now but I was a stress eater for many of the years I was in an abusive relationship, not to mention the odd relationship I have always had with food from the time I was very young. Overall I eat about 90% very healthy and I really don't even eat that much. I do know from genetic testing that I have issues with methylation, so my body has a hard time clearing toxins as it is and I think my lymphatic system is sluggish. All of these things I'm aware of and trying to incorporate a fix for. Also my mental state has improved greatly over the last 6 months. For the last two years my husband has been telling me he wishes the mercury in my body would cause me to stroke out so he could watch me die a slow and painful death as a vegetable. It is hard to image the damage that does to someone, but I promise you it has a great effect.
So I am working on all these things! I hope you keep following to see the progress I'm making :-)

I wish you good health and good lady @kimberleighfl
From your answer I urged that you are educated in the field of health and this alone earns and makes you follow the beneficial behaviors

WOW, you're amazing
I do not know the story of your life
But, I know that what matters in life is the heart, not what you see.
Let's go another 20-30 years, we will not look the same
And certainly not more beautiful outside.

What we will have to live with is only with our interior - character.
You're amazing inside and out - you can be more relaxed in life

Thank you

If you would like to recieve upvotes from me on all your posts, simply FOLLOW @NirGF

Thank you @nirgf! I'm less concerned with how I look on the outside as I really want health :-)

Good things happen slowly,
It takes time to accustom the body to new changes.
Good luck anyway

So great to see you being conscious, responsible and progressing!

We all have baggage, difficulty, fear, trauma etc. Though we all have the potential to consciously evolve!

So grateful to be able to provide full spectrum opportunity for your conscious healing and evolution.

Keep on~*~

Thank you @quinneaker! I thought having any kind of progress in my evolution while you are away is nothing short of a miracle lol. Then the most amazing thing happened to me the night before last. I can barely describe it as an epiphany, realization, vision but of feeling... I honestly don't know. All of a sudden I just had a standing wave of total happiness and peace. It was as if all the toxic things I had been feeling for years washed out of my body somehow. It was like a massive shift in energy for me, then I realized that if I put all my energy into the positive side of things, regardless of what anyone else is doing, that is what will come back to me and the kids. It was similar to the feeling I had after my last mercury filling was taken out and it felt like the big black cloud over my head finally disappeared. Many amazing things are underway for me, and it wouldn't have been possible without you. Thank you!

Congratulations for starting your yoga practise and posting about it.
Should be very interesting to follow your transformation and hopefully you can encourage other people to follow your example.

Thank you @likedeeler! I am excited, not only for my own benefits from this change, but if it encourages even one person to make one better health choice then it was all worth it! I appreciate you following the progress too :-)

Go Kim Go!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you@saramiller! You are a wonderful inspiration in this aspect of my life, and if you and I hadn't talked that day about yoga I probably wouldn't have the courage to do this! Much love!

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