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RE: Ideas into Posts

in #life7 years ago

This totally makes sense, @mother2chicks! For me, it's a question of habit, like going to the gym. Maddeningly, I post and go to gym the same way - in spurts. I'm trying to break both habits at the same time. I love it when you post a variety of stories about homesteading, gardening, bibliophilia, life the universe and everything...and your concern for Houstonians (is that what they're called?) is palpable. I say 42. 😘😘


Oh Kiligirl only you could come up with that comparison! To the gym vs posting. Haha. We post here about what we enjoy. Variety makes the world go round. Thanks for your genuine words about what you enjoy reading. Gotta go have my joe before I hit the road today! Love Ellie Mae🐓🐓

Hey, I missed this comment! So this morning I get an extra fix of Ellie Mae - lucky me! Hope you've had good joe since then, and that you're having a great weekend now. 😊😊

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