A perfect sunrise moment

in #life7 years ago

Sharing a quick moment of unexpected beauty with you fellow Steemians - sometimes timing in life is almost as good as it is in films. This morning I had a sunrise experience like that.

The elements

  1. My gym is in a high-rise building with lifts on the outside. Half of the lifts give a panoramic view to the north and east of Johannesburg all the way to the gym, while the other half are in enclosed shafts.

  2. My drive to the gym (it's quite far from where we live now) can take anywhere from 20 to 30 minutes depending on traffic and traffic lights.

  3. It's creeping towards Spring in South Africa so the sun is starting to rise earlier each day. Nice to drive to the gym in the light of dawn rather than pitch darkness!

  4. I've been going to this gym for years and have enjoyed watching the sun rise over different parts of the east of Johannesburg from the running track, or have been treated to it hanging low in the sky having already heaved itself over the horizon.

The perfect sunrise

This morning, my drive in was fast. As I got in the lift (one with an outside view all the way to the gym), my gaze went straight to the horizon, and I was disappointed - no sunrise yet. Ah well, I was a bit early and I'd probably miss the moment because the east side of Joburg isn't visible from where I do my routine these days.

But wait!

As the lift climbed to the gym floor, the sun peeked over the horizon and rose as the lift rose, getting to about 20% "above ground" by the time the lift got to its destination. It felt like I was able to see the sun because the lift was rising, not because the sun itself was rising.

This image from Pixabay gives an impression of what it looked like by the time I had to get out of the lift (but without the river because Joburg is the world's biggest city built on no major waterway, and Joburg an an August morning is a lot greyer than that).


Image source

A good reason to feel happy to be alive

The ride must have lasted all of ten seconds, but they were ten perfect seconds. It never occurred to me to take a picture; I was in full "ahhhhhhh" mode. It was one of those delicate little life moments that film directors somehow capture (think of that plastic bag floating on the wind in the film "American Beauty" - check out #12 in this list if you haven't seen the film, and if you have, chances are you also remember that mesmerising scene), and that only seem to happen when nobody is around to share the magic, so I thought I'd share the wonder and gratitude with you fellow Steemians in words, if not an image.

Another reason to be grateful

And now a bonus - @cheeto.blue has just shared the awesome signatures below with me. Thank you, @teamsouthafrica! Wishing you all a fantastic day and sunrise moments of your own.

Team South Africa banner designed by @bearone
Team South Africa banner designed by @bearone


African sunrises/sunsets are the BEST!! 😆
Hehe - I'm glad you like the banners @kiligirl. Wave that flag!! 😁

I heard the song in my head when I read your comment, @cheeto.blue! 🌞🌞

I'm a sucker for sunset and sunrise. It is beautiful and tranquilizing .

Something about them appeals to the deep human in us, doesn't it?

The sunset for me is stunning everywhere. It always reminds me that there's always another chance in life.
Nice photo by the way!

I agree, sunrises and sunsets both remind us of new beginnings. Thank you for your kind words 🌞

The night can not last forever ... No matter how infinite it may seem, no matter how dark it may be, it is always followed by the dawn of a new day.

What an inspirational thought, @sokoloffa! Thank you for sharing 🌞🌞

Such a wonderful post. I use to walk along the walkway by my local beach here in Australia and have caught an amazing sunset at times too. It makes you feel so alive and the walk all that more enjoyable! :)

So true, @thegoliath, we are really blessed with beautiful sunrises and sunsets here in the southern hemisphere. Thanks so much for your kind words. 🌞🌞

Definitely are and you are welcome. Kind words go a long way and don't cost anything to say. :)


Attah go girl. Lovely picture, beautiful write up. @kiligirl you always post lovely art works too

Aw, thank you, @planetmarketers! While I can't lay claim to having taken the photo, I can certainly claim to have chosen it because it will remind me of this morning's sunrise. Really appreciate your kind words too...🌞🌞

An amazing sunrise. Incredible is the feeling that it gives by looking at it. Thank you for that

I guess that is one of the wonders of life. We are at the right place at the right time. It is rare but that is what makes it so beautiful.

It sounds like it was meant to be as you climbed the gym elevator and the sun peered up above the horizon.

I think this is the perfect start to the day when going to the gym. I hope you had a great workout @kiligirl! :)

Thanks, @arckrai, the sunrise and I have been saying hello to each other for many years from that gym, but never have I experienced such a delectable little package of a moment. Somebody could have been struggling to park and I would have had to wait for them before I could park. I could have missed (or got!) a traffic light on the way. The lift could have been faster or slower arriving at my pickup floor. Everything came together to create those few seconds of delight. Something to remember. And yes, it was an excellent workout :-)!

Thank you for sharing this magical moment with us! Life is a collection of those little big miracles that come our way when we chose to look at them and appreciate.

Ah, you put it so well, @melavie! Enjoy your little big miracles 🌞🌞

That is the best sunsrise Ever..There are many benefit for us when we wake up early on the morning: 1. You can feel so calm

  1. You will be healthier because of breathing fresh air
  2. You can see beautiful sunrise
  3. You can have more times to do exercise
  4. You can stay young and fresh
    Besides, most of successful people on the world wake up early on the morning, like Nelson Mandela.

Spot on, @rooneey! Thanks for stopping in 🌞🌞

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