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RE: Does Anyone Know How to Remove Black Mold Like This?

in #life5 years ago

I havent tried anything yet. I have read blogs and what not but sometimes they recommend things that only make the problem worse or dont solve the problem. Im gonna check that moisture absorber you showed. Since this place is so humid, im sure theyve got something like this. I contacted my landlord but she hasnt responded yet. Ill probably try bleach as well and see what happens.


Posted using Partiko Android


Yeah, there was a small mold problem in my bathroom and I got one of these things just to try it out a month and a half or so ago. It cleared up after a spray of bleach and hasn't come back, and it's crazy how much water it collects! It also helps the mirror not to fog up as much when taking a shower. My bathroom is pretty small though, so that might be why it is so helpful. I think the main thing that helps keep the mold away is to kill it and then keep the humidity down as much as possible.

Great, hopefully this ends this problem once and for all.

Posted using Partiko Android

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