Why You SHOULD Live A Frugal LifesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #life8 years ago

This ties into the other blog post I wrote about why you SHOULDN'T Live a frugal life. I feel that there are benefits to everything in life, Even the things that seem 100% bad. Today we look at the positive effects of living a frugal life.

Being frugal is truly an art, Learning to live on limited or lower amounts of resources. There are a lot of frugal people in this world. But are there enough? We constantly hear about people who way over spend. Living paycheck to paycheck their whole lives.

Being frugal often gives you a massive advantage as opposed those who constantly spend. They are more likely to get what they want out of their life. Whether you like it or not, Your financial habits affect every aspect of your life, Such as relationships, and who you are surrounded by.

Are we born with it?

Back when humans were first trying to figure out how to live, We weren't overly concerned about the future. We only thought about RIGHT NOW! We didn't have time for that. We had to hunt, and kill for our food, Prepare the meat. We had to harvest our food from the wild. Sometimes searching for days for something. But these days we spend our whole lives planning for the future. Because we have the time to do so.
But are we somewhat frugal? Even when we were first learning how to live, Any man-made items had to be carefully taken care of. We might have not had the resources to make another item. These items may have taken a long time to make, Such as baskets. We couldn't just make another in two seconds.
The way we live today, May discourage frugality. If we ruin our jacket, We can buy another one. We don't' even have to buy another one with our money. We can use a credit card.

Depending on your upbringing your parents may have emphasized frugality or discouraged it. But no matter what you can change yourself to become the way you want to. It's just interesting to think about.

How Being Frugal can Change your life


Keeping proper balance in life can be difficult, But that balance can allow you to prepare for the future, Yet still be happy and comfortable right now. Instead of massive up and downs you can have somewhat of a steadier life. Ups and downs can be extremely stressful.

You can even just cut back a little bit, Take the money and invest it so you can't touch it. It makes a big difference overtime. You can invest in stock for as little as 10.00 with no fees. I use Loyal3.com for this; It's fantastic.

You may notice when looking at your bank statements that you are more willing to splurge more in specific areas. And You save better in others. You can use this to your advantage. If you love your expensive running shoes, can you trim the fat elsewhere? Or can you get those expensive shoes second hand, Or maybe on a cheaper website.
Frugal habits add up the savings very quickly.

Improve your Self Discipline.

I always get compliments with how disciplined I am with myself. But it's something that takes a ton of practice. Becoming frugal will allow you that practice, And it will affect every aspect of your life.
Being self-disciplined can allow you to be better in relationships, at your job and overall allow you to accomplish your goals easier.

The excitement of having more.

Saving and investing allows you to have things you never imagined. Maybe you want to buy a house. Sure you could probably get a house without a down payment, But if you are careful and frugal, you could probably afford a large down payment. Or in some cases buy the house outright.


Great post! I think a lot of us learn our spending habits from our family. I have made a determination that my family will eventually be debt-free and we will live well below our means. That is a very uncommon practice, especially here in the US where excessive debt is normal, and working long hours to pay debts with little time left for family is the most common way of life.

Completely agree! Excessive debt shouldn't be considered normal, But sadly it is.

I think that is changing with the younger generation.

Oooo, I like this. Being frugal doesn't mean you have a lot of money or things, but that you are wise with what you have.

In most cases many people work hard for what they have and being frugal helps them keep it.

Very interesting read and thought inspiring.

Thank you very much for this,
~ @Timbo

Thank you I really like your input on that one ;)

Not a problem, happy to give the input and glad you liked it!
Have a wonderful day Kaylinart, it has been a pleasure being here.

@timbo nice comment, @barrydutton have to agree with the undervalued, but there is still time to get it to the 150$ :D
@kaylinart I completely agree haven't read the post in its entirety yet but I'm grateful to you for making it , I'm a city living mouse :D and went through what you've described with the being frugal , it's a lot of hard work and management , so far I'm behind on finance , but have gathered many many life experiences that help and hopefully will be of use in the future.

If you are interested I might share some stories :)

Gave your post a skim and will read it again tomorrow, following , and happy day to you :) !

Aww thank you! I feel like many of us are a bit behind, But there is time to fix it :) I would love to hear your stories!

I have to admit that frugality is a healthy vision and, when permitted, I love to indulge in all its potential. thanks for sharing this healthy post with us all. All for one and one for all! Namaste :)

Followed from here too! Nice...

I cannot say for sure, but if you search my name + frugal, you might really find me LOL.

Great post by you. Undervalued for sure.

Love me some frugal.

Thank you! It's nice to see other frugal people on Steemit.

We need a union lol. Have a nice nite. I just posted a Thanks to a member a moment ago on my feed in a post if you want to have a touch of the feels (:

Yes! Like a group or something lol.

Yes, we need help LOL

I know! I have quite the book of stories on my life being raised by farmers as the only kid in the city who was born here LOL.

Being frugal will absolutely change your life - love this post @kaylinart

you indeed exert discipline in your life. I respect you for being here and showing up every day on steemit for God knows for how long! :) keep it up Lin!

Thank you so much :) I've been slacking a bit lately but I'm picking it back up.

Congratulations on reaching 4000 posts! That is so amazing. Thanks for making such a positive contribution to the community. How did I know you reached 4000? @barrydutton is spreading joy and good news!

Thank you so much :) I'm very excited too!! For a second I was curious how you knew LOL.

I hated life when I was making "good" money. Running around like a mad man. When I finally cut back the hours my Quality of life went way up.

Welcome back , how's s teemit for you I saw your posts , really interesting I';m sharing he opiate one and will check your others some time not in the am's , right now I'm staying up late every other day making good fractions of steem :D , anyway, following you, I can see the tidal waves have really buried your profile in the steem 0 votepower , I'm having the same issue , although you have your life and I'm trying to swim in here and lower my YouTube cycles :D

Yea, I'm only doing this in the background when I'm bored and have time. Give it a few hours a month. Maybe someday ill be able to actually contribute.

It's a nice net, but you either have to go all in and make something or just not bother so much with all the vote rotations and steem poers and bs , it's a nice place because of the people that's that , thank you for sharing those stories I still haven't read the others. :) You've made a lot more, life isnt here :D

Great post! I heard frugal is the new sexy. Well if that is the case I must be sexy in a frugal way that is. I do remember a friend of mine with this expensive car at $500 a month. I told him to give the car back and buy a $2000 car from craigslist. Well he didn't listen to me. He had the car taken away from him cause he got behind in payments. Then he had no car for a long time. Of course that took away from his job too. Such are the stories. Saving does take discipline and emergencies happen all the time. I had a battery go out in my car. I was ok cause every month I would put $20 away just for car repairs. I just used the credit card to get the battery then when the bill came I just transferred money from my car repair account and paid off the credit card. I get the award points and no fees cause I paid it off. What would happen if I didn't put away for repairs? Well I would be in a bind. I would have to carry the debt on my credit card. I hate credit card debt. Maybe some people have to get very deep in debt to realize if they keep this up they will go bankrupt. I was almost there at one time in my life. The stress of debt. I'm more happy being frugal.

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