Protect Your Skin!

in #life7 years ago


We often neglect our skin. We forget about it. But it's so important! It's the largest organ we have. Luckily it's not hard to have pretty skin. While many of us don't have that perfect complexion, We can work on it!

Drink Water

Yeah, @woundedknee Drink water!
Water helps with everything! It can help rinse your bodies of toxins that can cause acne and other skin issues! The water you consume in watermelon and other fruits and veggies also helps! So if you hate drinking the plainest drink in the world, Up your fruit intake!
Cold water in the shower can also prevent damage; We often shower in really hot water. Which is damaging to our skin!

Protect Yourself From The Sun!

We don't need THAT much Sun to get our Vitamin D each day!
So wear that protective clothing, And lots of sunblock! There are so many varieties if you don't like the lotion there is even aerosol can! Don't leave the house without it! Besides, You don't need a tan! Pale looks great!

Eat Lots of Nuts

Nuts are high in fiber, And other vitamins that can help our skin. Vitamin E Anyone? They can also prevent the swelling and inflammation which prevents acne! Because all nuts are different, Change it up and eat a variety! It will give you a variety of benefits.

Clean Make Up Brushes!

For those of you who don't wear makeup, You can skip this one!
Makeup brushes are disgusting. They are used over and over on your face And rarely cleaned. That dirt, Bacteria and other crap you may have on your skin are spread around all over. This goes for those sponges too! You can always throw your brushes away and get new ones, But that can be expensive. And bad for the environment, I noticed that when I wash them, They are like new again!

They are surprisingly easy to wash! Just put in a cup with a bit of water and shampoo. Then swish them around. Squeeze out the makeup left over and leave to dry.
Or if you want to give up brushes all together, I love these Silicone Applicators They blend foundation well, and they are super easy to wash with hand soap!
They also prevent waste from getting stuck in your sponge or brush.

Try Serums

Serums are nice because they are more concentrated than lotions or creams. Smaller containers will last you a longer amount of time, Which is quite nice! You can get Vitamin E Serums Or something specific to address a problem on your skin!

Take Your Makeup Off before bed!

Another one for makeup users.
Take it off before bed! Not only will you wake up with extra crusty eyes that may not even open because they are smeared with eyeshadow and liner, Which doesn't feel good. You can also prevent a lot of skin issues this way! That extra oil and bacteria can cause acne. Or early wrinkling. The makeup on your skin clogs your pores!
You can easily take makeup off with makeup pads, or coconut oil. You can even use baby wipes when you are in a bind.

Use Gloves When Cleaning

Many of us may feel comfortable cleaning the house with cleansers without gloves, But constantly coming in contact with those harsh chemicals can damage your skin! I had a serious problem with this when I worked as a janitor. I used a harsh bathroom cleaner called Terminator. While it worked like a dream, Sometimes I wouldn't wear gloves. (We cleaned the bathrooms by soaping them down with a gun, And spraying them with a hose.)
My hands started peeling, and they looked horrific.

Your skin absorbs whatever it touches, So if you aren't willing to drink bleach or other chemicals. Wear gloves. Otherwise, your skin may absorb it.

Use Gentle Cleansers

Some of those body washes are so rough on the skin! Don't be afraid to experiment with body washes and see what works for you. Try the more "natural" kinds if your skin seems sensative. I just use a simple castle soap with a few drops of lemon essential oil.


Your skin is important! It covers your whole body! Yet many people don't think about it often.
Take care of it!

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Great read!
Was not aware about how nuts are good for your skin :D
Some tips don´t apply for me (male) but enjoyed the read a lot.
We need to be extra careful with the sun, melanoma is real and super scary!
Better safe than sorry.

Cheers! :D

Thank you! Melanoma is scary :(
True! some of these mostly apply to women, Unless some of the men here wear make up. But I needed to mention them either way :)

Aloe Vera is my Go To pertaining to all my skin care needs. I try to stick to products that 100% without any useless fillers. Very Important Post! Thxs:)

YEs!! I love aloe vera!! heheh :) So many products contain so much water and such it's such a waste of money.

But I really enjoy sleeping with my Makeup on! Makes me feel much more sexy.

Other than that you're right. It's really important to not expose yourself to the sun for hours without any protection. You might want to get your tan fast to look "better" but in the end it won't be worth it if you're getting a melanoma later on. Just be patient... you'll still get a tan but it'll just take a little longer.

So true!! From my research Tanning creams don't seem terrible, So those are an option. I personally like my skin pale. So I don't tan at all haha. And yeah Sleeping in make up is very bad LOl.

Sunscreen is not necessarily healthy and good for your skin! Make up and lots of cosmetics neither.
I agree on gloves, the pH of detergent is much higher so it irritates skin and even short exposure is not good. I am glad to see posts that focus on health awareness.

I agree! Luckily there are some more natural based sunscreens. But I assume sunscreen is probably better than nothing at all when you are outside.

Its hard to beleive you have to take care of your skin as pretty as you look.
So many years I worked outside without any protection. You are lucky to know this now at your age, you will continue to have good skin the rest of your life.
Its Good to know, thanks for sharing.

I hope so! Thank you :) The photo above is not me :) Hehe
My skin is decent but not perfect hehe. Always striving to improve.

Since I’ve moved to Europe my skin became dry, so I’m using lotion everyday, and I’m applying moisturizer to my face when I get up in the morning and before I go to bed. Trying to avoid peanuts because they’re causing me pimples.

Wow peanuts make you break out? It's weird how different everyone can be! I'm glad you are moisturizing each day that should help

Yeah! different people have problem with different kinds of food.

as a boy I don't give so much importance of my skin, but I am drinking a lot of water - like 4 l/day

Wow! That is a huge amount of water! I don't blame you, Many men don't. Haha Sometimes it's hard being a woman with all these weird skin habits. LOL. that water is way good for you though.

yes, I appreciate women, mostly because wax :D I forgot to mention 4 l water + 1 l beer :))

Hahhaa WOw! Not bad at all! Yeah waxing is no fun hahahha

I tried it one time and I will never do it again!

Hahh same here! I'd much rather shave haha. It's too painful I don't know how some poeple handle it.

yes, wax is scary :)). I like you are so sociable. A lot of old members on Steemit are selfish and don't give 2 cents on their followers

Aww thank you! Heheh it is! Sometimes it gets too hot too!
Aww I try to reward my followers when I can! I'm trying to get my upvote power back up, So I"m voting less. But I can't wait to vote more again LOL.

The skin is delicate and should be cared for dearly.
Thanks for sharing @kaylinart

Thank you, informative!
You are definitely a professional blogger.
Can I get recommendations from you on blog

Thank you very much for the advierte @kaylinart, it is very important to drink water, it is basic that when it is warmer, we drink more and protect ourselves from the sun. A greeting! Very good post.

So true! Especially when it's warmer Water can help keep your body cool :)

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