I Feel Like Giving Up... Again. (Driving)

in #life7 years ago

I had a terrifying moment with my car today.
I purposely have become a night owl lately, Staying up late. And getting myself adjusted to it. So I'm wide awake.
I did this because Late at night is the best time for me to practice driving.
There are hardly any cars on the road, And I can make mistakes without causing an accident. (That sounds pretty bad I know).
It also helps me learn the actual roads, How to get into certain lanes and this will allow me to do better on those roads and feel more comfortable when I'm surrounded by other people during the day.
And hey, I'll learn how to drive pretty well at night. Which is a plus for road trips.

Note: These are actual pictures of the streets I was driving on. But AT NIGHT, For the first time. So It was more intimidating!

Thank you Google, For the photos

Going To Mcdonalds!

No, Not because I want a hamburger. But because it's an easy drive. All right turns, I figured it would help me practice making sharper turns, Because right now. I'm crappy at that.

I Turned too Early!

I ended up turning too early to the Mcdonalds. Instead of then doing a more difficult Left turn through the intersection, (Also Good practice) I decided to just go straight. I went through a couple of intersections going straight. And it was quite amusing to me. I started to wonder how far I could go straight.

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But Then Things Started Getting Ugly

I saw a sign that said "Flex lanes".
Thats when I immediately started to panic, What Is a flex lane?
I quickly thought, "I'll avoid turning, That way I can avoid the scary sounding "flex lanes." I'll go straight. Then I'll just go into a neighborhood, Turn around. And Go straight again.
I did that. But Then when I approached the intersection, I jumped into the middle lane. Assuming it would let me go straight.
That's when I saw that there was a turning arrow on it. And it would force me to turn, And by that time It was too late.
I was at the light.
I immediately looked around, At all the million lanes. WHICH ONE DO I EVEN GET INTO. OH MY GOSH!
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The light turned green, And I did my best to get into the lane that would be closest towards the middle of the road.
I drove in that lane for a minute, And it seemed correct. But I was panicking. What if oncoming traffic shows up? I immediately switched lanes to the right. And I switched again.

There, I'm in the furthest right lane. So hopefully I can do an easy right turn. And start going straight home again.
Then I saw the Highway. And I was in that lane. OH CRAP! I quickly moved one lane over. So I could go straight again. I was shaking so bad; I remember being stopped at the light, Looking at my dashboard to see "0 MPH" And not believing it. Because I still felt like I was moving.
Finally, I kept going straight, and I saw a dark turn, That looked like it went into a neighborhood, So I turned into it.
I was so scared; I didn't' know where I was. I didn't know where I was going. I didn't know if I'd make it home okay. I was trying to not have a panic attack.
ALL THIS... Because I took the wrong turn! Because I couldn't freakin make it to Mcdonalds!
I sat in the middle of the road for a minute, Having a freaking cow! LOL
That's when I looked up and saw something familiar. The old run down Library that I had to go to once To take an important test. So I could graduate high school. I actually burst out laughing, Because the building looks so ridiculous and ugly. Hahahaha.
That's when I felt much better about the whole situation.
But then I came to a turn, That would get me on a road home... And Island great. WHY IS THERE AN ISLAND IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD. I decided to just "wing it" and hope I did it right.
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When I got home, I was still so freaked out. It makes me wonder if buying a car was a good decision. That's when my friend that helped me get the car. Reminded me that once I learn how to drive, It will be easy, And I won't have to learn again.

So I must deal with this discomfort

It's easy to feel like giving up when things seem overwhelming like this. But it's part of the learning and growing process!
When I look at how far I've come to achieve my goal of being able to hike whenever I want, I'm pretty dang close. I've got the car! I just need to learn how to drive; Then I'm good to go.
Of course, The cold winter will slow me down when It decides to start snowing, But for now, Those trails are waiting, and I gotta hurry.
It seems silly for me to give up now! And that's how you should see many of your goals! We often turn away when we are so close to that last stretch of learning and fighting. Then Many of our efforts are wasted.

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Only if you had some friend to teach you driving and also stays up that late? ?!?

Right? I Think I may need your help!

Good for you for pushing through your fear & panic! You did it! You're not only developing a new skill & gaining freedom, but you're literally growing new neural pathways!

For some people the mental fear blocks of trying new things are something they can't ever get over & you're out there trying & doing it!


Really Neural pathways too!? WOO Hoo hehe :)

Heheh Of course! Basically I'm forcing myself to do it, And not giving myself the "option".
But I did have to take a break the rest of the night, Because that was scary hahaha.

best is to try to drive in small towns without a traffic and then move to big :) also all come with experience so just need to keep trying

I need to find those! I don't live in a huge city luckily. I just have to be careful to not venture too far out from my home, Because then it becomes a big city LOL.

Proof that McDonald's can ruin your day! :D

Right? And give you a stomach ache in more ways than one!

yes! They do salad and water now, and chopped carrots!

WOW! They do? I had no idea hahah

Choppers carrots in a bag are the healthy option for happy meal dessert 😊

Wow good one :) Hahaha!!! Right? as long as they don't have too many preservatives!

probably less than the rest of the menu!

That was quite the story ^^ Don't u usually learn how to drive while getting your driving license though :P? I tried getting mine a while back now, failed twice and decided it whasn't my thing. I sometimes have a lack of focus so I am actually kinda glad it went this way. Anyways, whether you keep driving or not, don't let urself get pushed into it if u don't feel comfortable with it ;)

Aww! I know how you feel I struggle with that lack of focus as well. But driving is something I need to learn to accomplish many of my goals.
Yes! I took drivers ed when I was 16 and got my license. But I knew I wouldn't have the opportunity to get my license again, So I kept "renewing" it even though I wasn't driving.
8 years later at 24 I'm barley getting my first car so Now I have to re learn because I forgot most of the stuff I learned in high school

Can't blame you for forgetting things during high school, with all the crap you have to learn at that age :P If driving is something you really want to do I am sure you'll be able to pick it up. Good luck with it ;)

I enjoyed reading about your driving struggles. It's a good thing you choose to go out at night when it's less busier.I used to do the same years back when I was learning. I mainly concentrated on making good/proper u-turns and maneuvering at round abouts.Keep practicing and you will be perfect, you will look back on the present days and laugh hard :)

Thank you hehe :)
Thats awesome that you did the same thing as me! It makes it much easier when you aren't worried about getting hit by other cars. I hope I can look back and laugh at this.

If it makes you feel any better, when my friend first started driving, she thought the sidewalk was a lane, and was driving on it.... we were taking a left turn when we pulled up next to a taxi.. the boys in the back were laughing so hard, because well we made our own lane.

Don't worry, practice will make you better. :) I'm still working on my drivings skills and yes the are still mediocre. LOL

OH MY !!
hahahhaha I'm laughing so hard! That is so funny!

I hate driving at night because I wear glasses and its harder for me to see the lanes and signs.

What a drag. Have you looked into taking any sort of defensive driving class or drivers ed. This might help you get more comfortable behind the wheel. Just a thought. Regardless, don't give up! Just focus on small improvments and just keep swimming swimming swimming.

I was going to suggest a driving class as well. A good teacher could start with the basics and work up from there.

how about investing in GPS? :D

Yeah that can be tuff! If you wanna practise, drive the routine you know every day on the bussiest day! Also remember to take your time and relax! Put some music. If you make a mistake that's ok, don't do sudden moves!
remember to breathe deep. If you stuck just put all 4 blinkers and take your time. And also understand your value on the street. The more confident you are the more other drivers will respect you.

P.s. night drives are the best ;)

also loud singing in the car is recomended :D

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