How "Fear" Can Destroy Your Life!

in #life7 years ago

STOP! Being overthinking EVERYTHING!
We are all afraid of big things, Small things.
But what sets unsuccessful people apart from those who are successful is fear!

Fear Is Necessary For Our Survival

We couldn't survive as a species if it weren't for our fear. Imagine as our little mammal ancestors roamed the land with the dinosaurs If they didn't experience fear!?
We wouldn't be around today! They would have all been eaten.
Fear is essential for all animals.

But we have silly reasons to be afraid now.
We aren't about to be eaten by lions.
Our fears are now based off of what society has constructed us to be afraid of.

  • Loss of income
  • Feelings of "failure."
    Obviously, there are real consequences to these fears we have. But many of them don't threaten our lives.
    We may lose our income, Our families, Our enjoyments in life. But rarely do we have a gun pointed at us.

Do Fears slow you down?

When I find a fear is starting to slow me down from what I want in life, That's when I push my self to get over it.
People act like I wasn't scared when I quit my last job. Or when I dropped out of school.
But I knew at this age; I had been given an incredible opportunity, and with my responsibilities reasonably low. I may not have a chance like this again. I had no husband to answer to, No kids to feed. Just me and two cute little rabbits. So I took the chance.
When fears prevent you from living the life you want, You really should be afraid of fear it's self. Because at that point, Whatever it is your afraid of, Is no longer the problem.

Can Fear Fuel You?

Your shaking, You can't function. You just got a burst of adrenaline.
Will you fall on the ground crying, Or will you get up strong as fuck? And take down your obstacle?
Use your fear To take action!

When I see my income go down. I get scared. I Have no employer to "Back Me Up." It's all me!
I'm 100% responsible for paying the bills. I use that fear to come up with new ideas so I can bring in that extra money!
Use your fear as a tool! Not a disabler.

Do The complicated Stuff first.

When I'm afraid of something here's what I do...

  • Stop thinking about it.
  • Immediately start doing it.

Don't think about it! Forget your fear. Go for it. Make the hard decision then go.

I know that's easier said than done. But with practice, it gets easier.

Figure out why your afraid

Often fear is ridiculous. Our imagination comes up with the most bizarre and unrealistic things.

I was afraid to take the bus. Why?
Because I was afraid of talking to people.
I was afraid to get on the wrong bus and get stranded far from home, having no way to get back.


  • People are mostly harmless. And the only way I'd get over being shy, Is interaction with people!
  • Even if I did get "stranded" there are bus drivers who can lead me in the right direction, Or I could use Lyft or Uber to get me home.

As you can see my fears were silly!

You get one life

None of us knows for sure what happens when you die. What if this is the only one? Are you going to let your fears dictate your whole life? You need to do what you can to get passed them so that you can live a happy life!
Thank you @elyaque for the awesome Badges!


This is very well written @kaylinart. I can relate as I took the risk and resigned at my previous job to explore and look for better opportunities. Do things beyond my comfort zone. Fear is essential - to this I can really agree. Without fear we will never push ourselves to our limit and we will never know how much we can really become. :)

Thank you :)
I agree it can be really a hard thing to do! But it's absolutely necessary.

Exactly! What really pushed me is realizing that all the fears I am feeling will never change unless I decide to take some actions. Thank you for sharing your thoughs. Looking forward to your next blogs :)

So true heheh:)

So true heheh:)

Fear of failing, like a lot of fear we manifest in our lives it seems we can push fear away and forget it cannot I feel push back, we bring it back upon ourselves where it builds and overwhelms us but there is no (as in kaylinarts great post) immediate threat to our life.

It's not the fears, but how we handle fears that define how our life will turn out. Use fears to push and reach unprecedented heights

I see that and also see the other ways people experience fear may be for example as force or solid which I agree that it can be used to propel us once we gain some sort of control of it

Exactly!! Unless of course your in one of those rare circumstances when your hanging off a cliff haha.

that fear would push you to hang on, good thing pointing that out to me/us :)

Very good text...I like this :) when I photographed, then I say to myself, also, the fear is that it will take pictures of me, and I have to think of other. so I do not make out what others think as I do street photography. :)

Thank you :)

you are welcome :)

Did I just read no husban ? nice hahaha i guess, that shows you are not dependant of no man, that all you are and will be is due to your hard work. Fear, fear sucks cause as you said it slow us down from what we want in life in my case I'm afraid of getting deported hahaha and cause f that i'm not working neither looking for one :(. i guess i need to overcome my fear of deportation and get a job :( ... if I get deported I'll say its your fault @kaylinart .. hahha ok no

Yes! Hehe I'm not married and I have no kids. I worked very hard to get where I am at.
Aww I'm sorry! Is there anyway you can slowly gain citizenship? I don't blame you for being scared of that. Thats a very scary thing!

I being trying since i got here to the USA four years ago, but not luck. Wait you do have kids !! You mentioned it on your post .. your lil bunnies are your babies :).

Yes! true hehehe :) My rabbit kids.
Aww. Is it that hard to get citizenship? They need to make the system easier!

Nah, i think their requirements are exelents, but they do need to be more efficient. The requirements and research that they do to every person is vital so they don't allow terrorist and criminals or make it harder for them to come :) . @kaylinart

LOL!! NOOO don't get me in trouble hahaha

How am i going to get you in trouble ? :( :sad: @kaylinart

It was a joke ehehehe

Hahaha i thought you had a boyfriend thats why you were going to get in trouble. Ok ima stop it started to feel awkward. . (Dont reply :v )

I think we have been programmed by the media for years to be afraid of everything. Remember the HomeLand Security Alert Level's -- daily "code orange" or whatever. They want people to be afraid and in fear -- they are easier to control. They want control.

So true!!! This is a brilliant example :)

Fear is like a poison because can block the way to thrive in this life. When you overcome fear you find the real freedom.

So true :) I've noticed that throughout my life!

Exactly! Heheh

There is nothing to fear.

Thank you :)

Good advice! Especially, "Do The complicated Stuff first."


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