Having Weaknesses is Okay!

in #life7 years ago


What? It's okay to be weak? But why!? Shouldn't you always be tough!?

Yeah thats what I thought for most of my life now.
But I realize that it's okay to make mistakes, It's okay to have weaknesses.

Everyone Has Them

You can pretend you don't, You can put on a mask. You can act like your a perfect person without any flaws.
Will it work?
People may not like you as much though; This is a common theme throughout Utah. The LDS church encourages its members to be "Perfect" I was raised in it. People are incredibly phony and terrified of showing any flaws that they have. Sometimes when they leave the church, As I have. They can be themselves, And It's bizzare seeing what person they were meant to be. ONce they are free from that influence.
No one is perfect, And while you can do your best to hide your weaknesses they are there! Haven't you noticed the honesty these days? People love those who are raw, Open about their every flaw. People no longer like companies that act like they have a product that can 100% Do everything for you.

Stop Focusing On Whats Wrong With You

We all could spend all day focusing on our strange looking face, Our inability to get things done. Whatever it is. We all have flaws somewhere. Television and Magazines can influence us in such a bad way, Making us feel like we aren't good enough, We aren't pretty enough. But no one needs that type of negativity in their life.

We Can Work Around Weaknesses

I like knowing where my boundaries and weaknesses are Because then I can work around them and use that to quickly accomplish my goals. If I Know that I will slack off around the afternoon, ANd It's just automatic, I Know I can switch tasks around that time. I also know how Impulsive I am, So I attempt to remove as many temptations as possible. Because if something good comes up, I may not be able to resist.
You can work around your weaknesses, so you don't have to suffer because of them.

You Can Work On Weaknesses

Not only can you work around them, But if it's something that deeply bothers you about yourself, You can work on them, Eventually eliminating them from your life. This takes a lot of work, But if you pull it off, you won't have to worry about it bothering you anymore.


We don't have to spend our whole lives trying to hide what our weaknesses They are there, And that's okay! Work around them. And be open about them.

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This post has a weakness, no pic of you! :P

Everyone has their good and not-as-good qualities; that's what makes us unique! If there is something we want to change, we can. But if we have some quality we like, it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks as long as we're happy with it. Just random babbling inspired by your awesome post!

Have a great Sunday!

Aww You Are so kind!! I agree that it makes us unique to have both strengths and weaknesses.

@kaylinart -i agree with you that we need not be tough all the time. I believe that first we need to stop acting tough, recognise and admit our weaknesses to ourselves. Only then it is possible to work on them. Being aware of our weaknesses actually strengthens us since we are usually able to fashion actions that leverage our strengths without triggering our weaknesses. Even the bravest soldiers are afraid before a battle but that does not stop them from being brave

Thanks for voicing this thought though the usual belief system prevents us from talking about weaknesses in general. Upvoted.


With out being vunerable we can never reach our highest level of happiness!

100% upvote and resteemed!

So agree with this post! Accepting our weaknesses does not mean having to focus on it. It's rather freeing when you realize that you don't spend so much energy on creating a picture of perfection. Thanks for sharing and the reminder.

I like how you embrace weakness. I think by honoring yourself this way, the weakness flips to become a strength. I feel for those people you describe who have to hide themselves from their own religion. Is it the religion itself that creates that? Or just the culture around it?

everyone has weaknesses, it makes us human

become weak is not always bad, and be strong not always good. We just need to be thankful to make our lives steady.

thanks for sharing @kaylinart and hopefully you always in health.

best regard @Azissuloh

Very true. We all are human and we do have weaknesses but we can turn it into our one of the strongest point. Everything is up to us. Keep your under control and you can achieve anything.

To show weakness is to show that you are human. We are created to fail and make mistakes. We learn from our mistakes. It gives us room to grow. So what if you fail. Pick yourself up. Dust off the dirt and look forward. Never behind..

no one in this world is perfect... and no one should be. Our weaknesses make us unique and they make us human. It is always good to grow, try to be better and strive for perfection. But it is also a strength acknowledging our weaknesses and accepting them.

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