Does Talent Hurt Us? (Part One)

in #life7 years ago


Does your success depend on the family you were born in? The money you have? The disabilities or medical problems you were born with?
Can we change our fate, Simply by changing our brains?

Do Natural Talents Exist?

People always use the word "talent." People tell me that I'm talented at drawing, Talented at writing. Talented at this, Talented at that... Blah blah blah.
While it's a compliment because they are saying they like my work and think it's good. Part of me is confused and even somewhat offended.
As a child, I spent all day reading and writing, As I became a teen, I became addicted to drawing. I put years of hard work into learning my "Talents".
There are a lot of arguments on whether or not you can be truly born talented. While I agree that some people can be born with a certain DNA that makes them better at specific things. Many people can get good at things if they just TRY!

Society lies to us!

One day I was talking to my boyfriend about him about one-day becoming self-employed. And maybe he could start his own business. And he said something that hurt. He claimed that he couldn't. Because he feels that he doesn't have any talents and he has nothing to offer to the world.
Luckily he hasn't said it again. I hope he was having an off day. But still. Not cool!
He acted like it was something he wasn't born with. Something that he was owed.

I noticed that when he has free time, He chooses to play games, Or watch a tv show. While there is nothing wrong with these choices, What has happened? Well, he's dang good at videogames that's for sure!
So I could argue he has a talent for gaming.
If he were to spend that time doing something else instead, I'm sure he'd be really good at whatever it is that he chooses.

Why is it, that we teach kids from when they are young, that they need to find their "talent." That they even have a talent?
Because instead of growing and developing what they love, They spend all this time trying new things, Until they find something they are automatically good at with minimal effort.

This kind of mindset, Makes people less likely to try hard to "DEVELOP " a talent for something they are interested in.


When We Don't Succeed

Instead of seeing ourselves as failures when this happens, We need to look at it as a learning opportunity so that we can learn and grow from it! When we believe that our potential lies in what we are talented in, We screw ourselves over. And it makes us less likely to be open to learning. Sometimes people believe that they only can succeed based on how gifted, or not gifted they are at the activity.
When you have a growth mindset, Your potential is unknown; It's limited. You an keep going and going. You feel like you can practice for hours. And keep getting better indefinitely. And this creates the motivation to TRY!

Part of being successful is finding and asking for those extra opportunities that make things easier for you to get what you want!


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I always enjoy your posts and what you have to say! I must say, though, that the tulips in this photo are amazingly beautiful! @kaylinart

Aww thank you so much :) I love flowers!

You're most welcome, @kaylinart :)

Actually i do believe in natural talent.
I saw this when i played basketball with friends (played soccer for 15-20 years now with them).
When we started playing basketball, they couldn't throw or dribble as smooth as others.
Sure you can become better/good with training and develop, but there for sure is a natural talent (maybe not for everyone?).
That's the reason i can see parents' "forcing" their children to try different things, to find that hidden talent.

Like you said, this is the thing they're good in with the lowest amount of effort :D
great article !

I can agree with you on that! People just "bank" too much on random talents. And it's harmful.
But for the people who have those natural talents more power to them.

I really love this posts. You spend some time to create a nice story and this is what I like to see more often on Steemit.

Thank you <3 I try to add a bit of both. Tips and apart of my life that relates to what I am talking about.

This topic has quite touched me where it hurts (not entirely a bad thing).

One thing that life teaches some of us quite early on is that nothing worth doing is ever easy. No, not everybody gets this lesson taught for one reason or another... some do simply have an easier life.

Even so, having an ability and recognizing and appreciating that ability are entirely different propositions. I would suggest also that if one's abilities are out of synch with what Society tells us is appreciated then we ourselves are likely to have a hard time appreciating it.

For instance. I am a "talented" sleeper. I can fall asleep no matter whats going on - in almost any circumstance - with or without coffee. I was going to make a joke about not being able to get into any sleeper cells but you get the idea. ;c) On the other hand I know how it feels to fail for 30 years to do something that I really want to do... so this is where I shrug.

In conclusion - anybody can have 'off days'. Some 'off days' last longer - and like any harvest, it requires working at.

Wow! Lucky talented at sleeping LOL. I agree completely! It takes time and hardwork to develop your skills at something.

Unless one is driving it can be really useful. :c)

Another ingredient I'd add to the mix is 'focus'. Its a lot easier to learn when you're not trying to do a dozen other things at the same time. Its one reason why I've been failing for 30 years and I've recently come to a compromise with myself... where I agree to focus on 'just' 5 areas for the foreseeable future. ;c)

In fact my presence on Steemit is in service of the 5th area.

Very nice selection of words and thoughts, a great post

Thank you :)

Yes we are not supposed to be discouraged when we failed. But rather we should move on. Good job. Keep it flowing. Upvoted as usual.

Natural talents exist and it is what diffrenciates human beings ..for example, you are a very good writer and good communicator.

Really beautiful post @kaylinart .... Anyways, according to me when we feed some knowledge to our inner voice and take action with the intuition of heart, the result becomes a "talent" for the universe.

Talent is nothing which can't be learned. Born talented person is a kind of myth. Yeah, there are some people who are better than other at the same thing but it doesn't mean that he/she is born talented. Anyone can be good at anything if he put his mind and soul into it.
Because that's what I did. I was not so bright student in my school, kinda shy, hesitated but I triumphed that all because I worked hard for it and put my mind to it. So, here I am teeling everyone that Have confidence in yourself and put your mind into something you want to achieve, then after sometime you'll be the most talented person with the brightest luck on the planet.
Thanks for the article @kaylinart

Eagerly looking forward to Part 2, I can't wait to find my talent and have a little success ;)

Thank you :) I Just posted that one hehe

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