Being Frugal Sucks!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life8 years ago

Being frugal is one most debated topic on the internet.
Some people emphasize that it helps you prepare for the future and rainy days, and allows you to accomplish your long time goals.
Yes, it’s true. Being frugal helps you at a lot of places, but excess is always poisonous. Many people argue that if you spend your life being frugal, you could die tomorrow and not enjoy the benefits of your wealth.

I'm A Frugal Person

But I decided to look at it from another point of view. It's important to understand the pros and the cons of everything you do in life.

Is the Money ACTUALLY for you?

Being frugal for long periods of time requires you to sacrifice and skim here and there. When you can go out and instead buy the car you want and have nice stuff. If you don't use all the excess, You'll die and it will go to someone else. Is the Money for you ? Or others?

Why trade happiness with frugality?

. According to a survey, it was found that 60% of frugal people are unsatisfied with their life conditions.

Does that mean us cheapskates are "skimping" too much?
We are the reason for our unhappiness. Because we are choosing to trade happiness for our future.

Is It worth it though?

What about your friends?
No one likes that person who wants to go to a shitty restaurant; because they don't' want to spend a few more bucks. Or that person who has absolutely nothing dressing in rags, But secretly has a massive bank account. By being frugal, you have to sometimes find frugal friends, And with many people being "spenders." It can be hard to do.

Surrender the quality of life

Sometimes frugal people end up sacrificing important quality of life aspects, Whether it's for pleasure or physical goods. When you are frugal, You will find the cheapest and sometimes lower quality items. You may not invest a lot of money into a shirt.. Even though you love the design, Instead you may go with something you don't like as much. You then deal with the disappointment of not getting what you want.

Live Paycheck to Paycheck!

I used to have a coworker at my shipping company job. He was an older man, I've always been a firm believer in saving and investing, While his opinion is opposite... He lives paycheck to paycheck, Willingly. He even bought me drinks multiple times, Just because he needed to "get rid" of his money. He made jokes how sometimes it bothers him when he gets to the next week, and he still has money in his bank account. This man was probably in his 50s. And I was shocked by this. He always teased me, because I refused to buy stuff. Because Id invests it instead.

This man's mindset seems to be more common as time goes by. If you read my post about wanting things NOW. You'll see that people can't handle waiting. They need that instant gratification.

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Yes, it’s true. Being frugal helps you at a lot of places, but excess is always poisonous.

then excess is SCROOGE or MISER not frugal .
It's not the same I think.
I'm frugal, too but I prefer to have balance in managing my money. Too much frugality is self oppression

Agree! I shouldn't of written it like that. There is DEFINITELY a difference between being frugal and a full blown cheapskate.

I think being frugal should be a choice made by you and not by money issue.
Because if you say you are frugal because of the money, then you have a money issue and you need to face the reality. :)
But hey, everyone lives their lives how they think it's better for them.

Agreed!!! I love that mindset hehe If people become frugal to just get themselves out of trouble, They may do that. But they'll never Stay that way when the spending kicks back in.

I just want to say, "You're doing it wrong."

But, that is not really a nice way to start a reply.
I would like to suggest to everyone this book:
Your Money or Your Life by Joe Dominguez and Vicki Robin

In this book, you learn, not how to budget money, because that really only works for a certain type of person. What you learn is to understand where your money is going. Then every month, you calculate how much you spent in each area of your life. Then you ask yourself, did this expenditure bring me joy. If yes, you may want to increase spending in that area until you are getting max joy. It also makes it easy to stop bad habits, as they easily show up as money being spent that is not bringing you joy.

Thanks for the book recommendation! I'm not actually a spender, I was just highlighting some of the negative things, And the sacrifices that come from being frugal.

And I responded in a way that makes mute, the contention between frugality and largess.
The idea of enough-ness. Finding what is just the right amount for you.

I'm frugal too, but my investments lately have not yielded returns and I'm at a loss. Now I regret not having bought the things I wanted :(

Agreed! What sorts of investments? Is there anyway you can hold onto them until next year?
I know how that feels it's rough.

Yeah I can hold on to them, and hope they gain in value :(

They probably will :) Who knows! thats usually what I do until they go up. Are they a regular source of income for you? Like dividends and stuff?
My stocks haven't done well either :(.

Oh I loved this!

Thank you :)

Being frugal helps me be grateful and happy with what I have!
I wrote a post about the top 10 things frugals, like me do:

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