Am I allowed to have sad & emotional days? ~ NERD GIRL'S Blog! ~ kawaiipower!

in #life7 years ago (edited)

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Are you having a good day? I hope so.
I have been writing my blog every single day trying to post fun, cute and cool things from Japan since last September.
Sharing my collections, introducing amazing things from Japan can attract more people to come to Japan and I felt like that's part of my job since I am Japanese.

I try to be positive and be happy but today I feel so down.

kawaiipower has been posting positive fun things everyday, so I have to post something fun for today's blog, but I really can't.
I know I shouldn't break this character....yet I asked myself why don't I show real myself?

I'm sorry If I disappoint you
I'm sorry If I am not meeting your expectations.

Yet I want you to know that I am real and this blog is real.

Tomorrow is another day!
Ok, guys I am going to drink some hot chocolate with vanilla ice cream, listen my favorite movie while I bath and watch motivating law of attraction videos to get ready for tomorrow!
Happy kawaiipower will be back tomorrow.

Thank you for reading my blog.






Be healthy & Live Happy <3

Thank you so much for reading my blog!
Don't forget o follow me and give me upvote ✨
I truly appreciate your support 😊
Have a wonderful day


It is okay to be sad or even cry if your down, you will feel better after giving your self time to be alone and do the things you like. Besides, we are just human who are emotionaly affected to things that makes us unhappy. Whatever makes you sad, I hope you will feel much better soon 😊 cheer up your still kawaii even if your sad 😊 huggsss from me! -mommy Anna

you are such a sweetheart. your comment really touched me, I'm crying . Thank you so much for your kind words. I truly appreciate it. I really am.

No worries 😊 if you need someone to talk to, I am just a Line away or email 😊
I am glad I can comfort you through steemit.

oh you use Line! awww thank you so much, you are such a sweetheart... I truly appreciate it :)
Your comment really made me happy, I am feeling good today. Thank you so much for being so wonderful :)

You're welcome 😊 I am glad you feel better now 😊 take care! ❤

Thank you @baizid, I have been a lot of things. I understand how sad a person can be.

I think it's honest to show your thoughts. It's okay to have an "off" day. No one is super-human. ☺

I think being 'real' is important. Enjoy your time of rest.

your recent blog inspired me, you were being honest about taking a break from steemit and expressed how you feel.
Tell you the truth, this has been stressing me out lots because of some people from here so I tried to check steemit only when I post my blog....
Thank you so much for stopping by, it mean lots to me.

I know what you mean. I might have really good payouts one day, and low the next. In the summer, I made about $100 on a post - but it took over 30 hours to make a video. That's not a great wage! However, I guess I see it as a long term investment. Even now, the value of my payout from that post is a lot more than when I earned it.

It's hard to not be able to deliver your very best, because it's a way to stand out and challenge yourself. For me, I'm trying to work quicker and make things simpler. Like the cube creature from yesterday, it look less time. My "work" needs to be to "engineer" my posts to be easier to produce so I can make about the same, but with half the work.

With the extra time, I can either work on my business, make MORE steemit posts or - very rare - actually enjoy my life a little bit.

Please don't give up altogether, though! :)

you are one of successful steemian and advice I get from you is always meaningful and I am extremely grateful that you actually talk to me.
Yes I remember you mentioned about investing so much time on steemit to create the post before. I was amazed and made me happy that I am not the only one who put hours to make each post.
As you said, I need to try to keep the balance :)

いろいろな @kawaiipowerさんがあっていいと思いよー! これからも投稿楽しみにしてます♫

@moromaro さんありがとうございます、なんかコメント貰えると思ってなかったので泣けてきました。嬉しいです

if you are human it is fine to behave like a human being that does include a variety of feelings including sadness and other negative feelings. I believe it is actually better to explore them to get to know yourself better, because life is not a tv show

Than you so very much :) It's so true! life is not a tv show!
Your comment made me smile! Thank you again!

if i made you smile it means my karma is very strong, hope i will have some time to read your stuff because most of the stuff i found till now.. are same old stuff you find on facebook and youtube and so on

投稿が止まると心配になっちゃうので、こういうのアリでしょう( ・∀・)

心配ですか? @mdn さんは優しい人ですね

you don't have to worry what others gonna think! you are not a robot you have emotions and you need to express them, if you keep those feelings,issues,problems inside you over and over again someday this thing gonna burst.

Try to talk to someone about it friend or family or even if you want i am all ears just let me know! ( i have a good reputation as listener :P ) and at the end of the day you may realize things aren't that bad!

that's so true! I do not want to burst.... I was trying to calm myself lots and actually reading your kind and sweet comment made me feel so happy, just knowing somebody is willing to talk to me when I have bad day, makes me feel very happy and grateful :) Thank you!

i hope you be better by now! Honestly now if you ever need to talk to someone even if i am a complete stranger :p don't be shy and just do so, either by steemitchat or discord!

oh you use discord too! mine is kawaiipower #5001

great i added you!

毎日一生懸命な分、その反動も大きいのかも。偽らない、演じない本当の自分を知ってもらうことが必要な時期なのかもしれませんね。そうすることで本当に大切なことを伝えることができるのかもしれません。本気の @kawaiipowerさんに進化だぁ~!


こういう時、包み隠さず素直な気持ちを表してる@kawaiipower さんが素敵だと思います。

ありがとうございます!これからは日本の楽しいだけを配信せず自分の気持ちも時々配信していきたいと思います:) やっぱり@aitommylr さんは優しいですね♬

It's really brave of you to speak out :) Remember there's nothing wrong about feeling down sometimes!

Best of luck and hopefully you're feeling better soon!

awww thank you so much! yes I needed to be brave to post this.... I may not famous but I thought people still expect to see the good fun post, so it became too much pressure....!
Thank you so much for such a sweet comment :)
It mean lots to me!

We all have those days, you aren't alone! Like you said, tomorrow is a new day...but today isn't over. Things can still turn around today, don't wait for tomorrow!

It's 40min left until tomorrow in Japan, so I gotta hurry to meditate myself and get ready :)
Thank you so much for your kind words :)

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