Saying I'm sorry isn't that hard.

in #life7 years ago (edited)

I wrote a post a few days ago about having manners and saying Please and Thank You.

I should have included saying "sorry" to as that is one of the hardest words for some people to say. Thank you to @liliana.duarte for reminding me.

If you have done something wrong the simple thing to say is IM SORRY but seems this tiny word can be hard to say.

I am the complete opposite especially when I'm out I apologise when its not my fault, someone knocks into me I apologise, soneone cuts me off when im walking I apologise, really I could slap myself as it just comes out. If I upset someone close to me or hurt them in anyway I apologise but is usually followed with a flood of tears. My hubby though does not apologise he will say OH WELL then make a joke unless it's something really serious then he will eventually say sorry after he has mulled it over and realise he was wrong.

Saying sorry doesnt make you weak or belittle you it shows you are big enough to say when your wrong. NO one is always right, we all make mistakes. Owing up to something you have donr then apologising for your mistake is so much better than blaming other people and let them take the blame as the truth usually always comes out then you end up apologising anyway.



Thank you son-of-satire

Hi I am Karen, I am here to write about my life and read about yours.. If you like what you read please upvote and leave me a message so I can come visit youfollow me on Twitter

Excellent post lady @ karenb54, I really like what you write and as you say, you really are extraordinary expressed your feelings, I saw your previous post and I really liked what you raised, on more than one occasion I was a witness of the failure to consider the people.
Thank you very much for this wonderful post

Thank you @nano2nd for your lovely reply I really appreciate it :)

Thank you for sharing it .

My husband and I are pretty good about saying sorry to one another. Early on we realized the importance of fixing problems quick and talking openly about how we feel. Because of this we rarely argue. It's been years since I thought of Fonzi and his stuttering to say he was wrrr...wrr...wrong lol.

Me and hubby have been together over 30 years now, we dont argue anymore I just laugh at him. I used to Enjoy watching happy days :)

Never apologise for something you have no control over.
It becomes a meaningless gesture. And will dilute any real apology, when it is your fault. It is one of the quaint but bad English habits that really should dumped in the modern age.

I totally agree with you :)

About bldy time too :p

I know, I am a slow burner!

I had noticed tut tut

Excellent post! I like your work

Thank you :)

Excellent post dear friend @ karenb54 for these things are the one that admire you well said, apologize never this others. Congratulations for addressing this topic, thanks for sharing

This word can be very hard to say for some people, but very present in others. How fun, today I had an insignificant situation when passing by another person. We hit each other and both of us said "sorry", and it was no one's fault!! But saying "I'm sorry" for all and for nothing can be very exaggerated too. It needs to be balanced​!

Very true, sometimes its just a natural reaction but still better than saying nothing

Sure!! But there are still some people that abuse the word and say "I'm sorry" for no reason at all. For example, my grandma​, she hasn't​ done anything​ wrong but even so say sorry just in case! I can't understand that behave and I confess it can be very annoying​ (only in those situations)!

I agree I say it when is not my fault just a reaction, could slap myself after.

But if you are reacting is because something happened ;) I do it too and don't blame myself. Probably you've never experienced those kind of situations I was trying to explain...when absolutely​ nothing wrong has happened. Maybe it's a Portuguese thing only;)

I did it alot at school when I was being bullied said Sorry for everything and nothing

Oh, sorry, I didn't want to bring those bad memories up!
Hope now you know how to balance better your apologies. It will make them more valuable when said!!

No you didn't :) I have learned to be stronger and not to apologise for things that are out of my reach

Great post ! sorry im not on much this week ive been working where theres no internet ! So im missing alot of posts but im off now for a few days !
Listen @karenb54 check out this link to @papa-pepper contest !! And let me know if you want to be my partner ! I dont fully understand it but theres a pize pool so far of 205 steem !! We can call ourselves "Twinnies" or perhaps "Steem Twins " or something !? Anyways let me know if you want to do it ! 👍💙😊first heres the intro post link !

And heres the link to the first challenge if you figure it out let me know thanks !! Lol !

Hiya I know your working I that's a good thing. I have had a read of the posr but haven't a clue what its about, :)

I think we have to figure stuff out along the way in order to survive to the end and win 😊 so i dont know , i am a little busy t oo!

Ill she another read but don't hold your breath my brain doesn't work as well as it used to lol

Haha ! Neigthe does mine lol !!! The graveyard shift has me tired all the time , im not sleeping well .😊

I know how that feels, its not good especially when you have work. I think this thing with papa-pepper is going to be a lot of work, It looks time consuming. Maybe next time:)

Ok i will wait to hear back from him to let him know . 👍😊

Cheers :) Try and get some sleep when ton can :)

awesome, I find niceness in what you do. lol I should try and get here more often lol...

thank you

Yes you should, things are getting better in here get back and start posting :)


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