Saying Please and Thank you costs you nothing.

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Growing up I always dreamed of working with gymnasts, its what I loved but then after my accident I had to look for another career, I then chose hairdressing, I have always loved messing around with hair so thought make a profession out of it but after 3 months at college with the person who had bullied me for 11 years I couldn't take anymore so left and never saw her again. I then had to decide what I was going to do. (This is going back 36 years)

I was given a YTS youth training scheme for my local supermarket. It was a 15 minute walk from where I lived or a 5 minute bus ride. It was perfect place to start.


I lived in a village, a very posh village, my street was the only street that had council houses, everywhere else there were massive houses, 6 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, the houses are gorgeous and the people who live in them are stuck up. Working in the local supermarket opened my eyes. I may not have been posh or had much money but I definitely had better manners than most of them.

My favourite job was checking the dates then reducing the products to put into the reduction basket later if they hadn't sold. I was told to start reducing prices around 4 on a normal day or 5 if we had a late night. Dead on time you would see the well off charging in to get the reduced food first, they would fill there baskets with reduced food. I used to be naughty, I would reduce early sometimes to give others a chance or reduce late sending them into a panic, they used to line up at the plastic doors waiting for the basket to come out.

We had a little old lady that used to come in every Friday, she never spoke to anyone unless she needed help, she would get to the checkout then when we had put her things through the checkout she would never pay you until she had emptied all her packets, leaving cereal boxes, cake boxes, any packaging that wasn't needed she would leave for us to destroy.

I was shocked at how bad mannered they were, they never said please or thank you, they looked down there nose at us because we were shop assistants. I was standing at the fruit and veg scales weighing customers products when one lady who was with her daughter dropped her bag so I automatically bent down to pick it up, her daughter said thank you but when they walked away her mother said loud enough for me to hear, you don't have to thank she's only a shop assistant. I was so angry.


Another customer lost a massive roll of money, another assistant found it and handed it in, when they came back to check they bought her a bag of crisps and didn't make any effort to say thank you. The ones who were nasty had there cards marked, some of us would pop things into there trolleys when they weren't looking, we never got caught, it was so funny. They used to walk around the shop as if they owned it, little did they know we were laughing at them knowing they had just bought a load of reduced products to eat.

They all moaned when the shop had to close down as Asda had opened a massive supermarket nearby, The day we closed I was only to pleased to tell them its your fault were closing, you decided to shop elsewhere I walked out at the end of the day disappointed as I loved working there but happy I had wiped a few smirks of there privileged faces.

Saying please and thank you can make a massive impression, they don't cost you anything. Having manners and respect for others makes you a better person doesn't matter how much you have

Thank you son-of-satire

Hi I am Karen, I am here to write about my life and read about yours.. If you like what you read please upvote and leave me a message so I can come visit youfollow me on Twitter

Thank you karen, Please can we have some more?. Soon there wont be any smaller shops around and your grand kids want to know what you got up to.

Grandkids.... I would be so lucky :(

One day, when you least expect it, expect it.

Hahaha I honestly think I will have to adopt a couple

Learn to say please to your daughters, loose their pills, and then you can say, no you can't say that here.
I believe the stork is doing good business out of China, everything else comes from there, so why not.

My girls are determined no kids, I said I wll drug them and use a turkey baster haha they said they were going to stop coming to see me haha

Visit them, pinch their pills and leave aspros, they are for the headaches that are about to start.
B. Find a stud, invite him and a daughter to tea, fill them with wine, and let mother nature do her thing. Do idea 1 firstof course.

I think I best get used to having grand furbabies lol

Well said! (^_^)

Thank you :) To some people it just comes naturally to others its like getting blood from a stone

Beautiful story dear friend @ karenb54, the supermarket environment is very good, you relate to many people and you make great friends, of course if you like to interact with people.
Thank you very much for sharing these experiences.

Thank you for reading and voting @jlufer :)

I totally agree with you!! This story reminds me a conversation I had with my mother yesterday about a colleague she has in her workplace because he also doesn't know those basic words:" Please" and "thank you". He's not rich just a moron!

Some people find it hard to say where others it just comes naturally :)

Like the word 'sorry'. Those three words are always coming out of my mouth!

I totally agree, I am always apologising when I am out shopping even if its not my fault

" don't have to thank she's only a shop assistant."

Unbelievable! :O How utterly inhuman! :(

Thanks, Karen, for another great story illustrating this very important life-lesson! :D



Some people are so rude.

Thank you @creatr, always a great pleasure to see you :)

Good post... Neither does "Sir" and Ma'am" One of the things I love about living in the South is that the people here have manners.

Makes a big difference when people have manners, nicer people :)

Absolutely! I wouldn't even consider living in the North again!

They are words that are easy to say and you come across a nicer person, shame some people think they are too good to say them

It seems mostly like people up north... They're raised with all that self-esteem crap. They think respect is an entitlement not something you earn. They don't understand that to get respect, you have to give it.

I live in the North East, I am always saying Please and Thank you plus brought my girls to do the same, my youngest is always being told how polite she is :)

Me too... I'm from Boston. I don't even go back there anymore! You raised your children right...not many people do that anymore.

I can't understand people who don't have manners, no I have noticed parents not telling there little ones to say thank you or please, its just ignorance

Excellent post! I like your work My friend

Thank you :)

You are right. It doesnt cost anything, plus you can make someone's day by being polite. The world needs nicer people. Thanks for sharing!

Exactly Thank you :) , saying Thank you or Please or even just a smile can cheer up someone's day

I always try to have a conversation with the cashiers. It can make the experience more pleasant, and I feel like they are more likely to help you when you are kind. Have a great day @karenb54! :)

I to always talk to them, it makes the shopping experience better. I know how they feel sitting there dealing with awkward customers, someone being nice makes there day better :)

Really nice post !

Thank you :)

I so love this attitude, full of respect and praises ;-)

you're most welcome ;-)) I love your contents , full of inspiration <3 following you ^_^

Thank you that means a lot :)

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