
Hi, Karen! Thank you, as always, for coming by and reading my posts. You are appreciated!

So, I'm sorry to hear that you lost your bible - especially as it was a gift from your granddad, and (because I am one and have a granddaughter whom I cherish!) hearing about that loss saddens me both for you and for him.

I also always wonder when I hear about people praying for help and not getting help. This troubles me even more when it is friends and family members. Personalizing that a bit, my experience has been (and this is very subjective, just want to share) that it seems to me that my prayers for others have been answered more than prayers for myself. This has tended to encourage me to pray for others more! ;) And so, I'll pray for you, my friend...

I'm also curious as to whether you read much of that bible before it got pinched? In any case, I really do think that reading the Gospel of John could be a truly good thing for pretty much anyone.

Thanks again for reading my writings! ;)

I got the bible when I was around 8, I was going through a really hard time so clung to it, I never told my granddad I was ashamed and still miss my bible. Think with it getting pinched made me feel as if I wasn't worth helping. Thank you for your prayers but he has selective hearing when it comes to me.

You may have heard the saying, "God works in mysterious ways?"

One of the things that slipped my mind before is this; Why would we even think that the creator of the universe would respond to our notions, or be at our beck and call? And yet, my experience as someone He loves has convinced me of this: that He does love me, but certainly doesn't do whatever I ask simply because I ask.

I think C.S. Lewis put it really well in his "Chronicles of Narnia." In those wonderful stories, Lewis visualizes Jesus as a huge lion, Aslan. In one book, this was said:

"“Aslan is a lion- the Lion, the great Lion." "Ooh" said Susan. "I'd thought he was a man. Is he-quite safe? I shall feel rather nervous about meeting a lion"..."Safe?" said Mr Beaver ..."Who said anything about safe? 'Course he isn't safe. But he's good. He's the King, I tell you.”"

I believe that God is the very origin of "Good," and that if He seemed not to respond to you at some point in your life, He has good reasons. As you are my friend, Dear Karen, I hope that you might eventually get past those bad feelings and find out who Jesus really is. Hence my suggestion about the book of John. ;)

I don't for one minute think there is a man/woman sitting up there listening to every ones prayers, My honest thoughts is that this is hell and there is no god looking after us.

Hi, Karen, I appreciate you, including that you are forthright about what you think.

Thanks for being a friend here on Steemit! Hang in there! :)

Always hun. If we were all the same and believed in the same things this world would be so boring :)

Yes, it would... :) And just know that I care about your feelings about things, and am happy that we can interact as friends here. :)

Me too hun, I am glad we are friends and I do respect your beliefs :)

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